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  • Hi all! This is a Halloween inspired post, ought to get into the season, right? Anyway, I'll write my prompt down below!


    In ancient Egypt, a long-standing cult call The Eye of Ra begins a procession. The cult foretold the return of their great Pharaoh, Sara. She would come in a new form many years later, and the return would be prophesied by a magical scarab. The beetle remained hidden under the desert sand for thousands of years, waiting for the right host to be born into the world. And finally, it did.


    October 1964, 19 year old Amy Walker is in her bedroom. It was an unusually hot October in Oregon, so Amy had the window open. She was reading a magazine while listening to the radio when she heard an incessant buzzing in her room. Assuming it was a fly, she tried to shoo it away but instead felt a sharp pain in her neck. "Ouch!" She cried, swatting the spot on her neck, but by then the bug had disappeared. It had found its host, and the bite it had given her was like a beacon for The Eye of Ra. Over the next few days, Amy developed a black mark on her neck, one resembling an eye. Little did she know, it was only a matter of time before the cult found her and began her initiation...


    So yeah, it's a classic horror movie inspired mummification prompt! I have a good amount of ideas for this, but I am *really* excited to hear yours! I'm very open about changes to the prompt too, this is only a rough draft!

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