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  • Werewolves are a terrifying threat to humans. Their tough hide is nearly impossible to pierce with anything save a well placed point blank shot to the eye with a longbow. However their speed makes that ridiculously difficult. You can't trap them because their strength would break any trap you could build. Any save one, you see werewolves are an all male species, how do they reproduce? Well they are technically parasitic i.e. they need other species to bear their seed, and that species happens to be humans. When werewolves climax they knot their prey holding the seed in the woman's womb to insure an impregnation. Testing has shown that they will not risk forcibly removing the knot from their mate even if it means holding still in the face of an arrow to the eye. So hunters have learned to purchase slaves particularly those with petite farms, and fertile wombs, then the bait is tied up naked in the woods with the hunters hidden nearby. Once the warewolf knots they simply stride forward, and dispatch it. But what happens if an alpha warewolf removed the hunter before it finds the bait?

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    Just wanted to say, big fan of this idea, big big fan! Really hope you get a partner who does this justice!!

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