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  • So, I know Mortal Kombat is very bloody and gorey, I mean damn, we all enjoy those Fatalities scenes lol. Though, what if it was something else? Something more, lewd?

    Pretty much this is another OC x Canon type of rp where I play as a OC male with you being any of the female cast from the game. The story he is just like the games where it’s a tournament but when they get defeated, they get to choose either to kill them through a Fatality, or breed them to have it call a Impregnated! (Workshopping the name lol). We can continue the story of doing other things afterwards but that’s what the main basis will be. 

    PLEASE NOTE! Despite the game, I don’t want major gore. The person can be cute and bruised, but I don’t want it to be like fucking in their wounds, or the person completely bleeding all over the other individual things like that. I LOVE the gore of the game, but don’t love the concept of fucking while the other person is completely bleeding out hehe. 

    We can worship things of no breeding and just pure fucking as it can also be a one shot, but that’s the basis if anyone is interested?

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