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  • GM for F: Fantasy adventure in a newly discovered continent

    A new continent was recently discovered and already the taverns are filled with rumors of riches, lost legends, and ultimate adventure. For whatever reason, you have decided to become one of these explorers. Maybe you are a princess of a kingdom, tasked with making contact with another nation in this new land and establishing diplomacy. Maybe you are a stow away, a criminal who thought this bought was heading north but instead is making its way to new land. Or maybe you are simply someone looking for an adventure. Whatever the case, your ship is hit by a storm and sinks, leaving you stranded and alone in this new world.

    I love to colab and create stories and different scenarios so if this one doesn't quite fit your taste, please let me know and we can come up with something different. I love to do some world building and brainstorming so please be prepared for that. I'm only a dm/gm in the sense that I control the world around us, I don't expect us to use any rules from DnD or other ttbg unless you want to.


    Anyways, thank you for reading and can't wait to rp with you!

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