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  • Halo au plot

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I'm looking to do the plot listed below. I'm open to ideas and changes.

    The year is 2552. The covenant has invaded reach, the fighting rages across the surface. Humanity has lost, and is retreating from their bastion.

    Volunteering to stay behind a wing of hornets is sacrificing themselves to delay the covenant advances on the evacuation zones.

    After valiant flying, they fall one by one. Until one remains, banking and evading so hard parts of the fuselage rip from the frame. Until a fateful burst from a banshee sends it hurdling to the ground in flames. 

    It's a fight the moment she crashed, breaking open the cockpit and fighting for her life, and hoping to find safety where there is none. Before long, she's a problem, and sangheili come from everywhere, wanting the honor of slaying the ferocious human. A Zealot however, has other plans.|

    The idea of this plot, is a human woman is taken trophy by an elite Zealot. But instead of death or a cell, she finds a fate far worse. Being the forced bride of the sangheili warrior. 

    There's a lot to go over. If you're interested please ecchitext me. If it wasn't gather, I will be playing the human woman in this plot


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