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  • Human Male on Fur, Feral, or Monster [M4F]

    Put simply, this thread is aimed at seeking out anyone eager to play a non-human female(s) opposite a human male.

    To elaborate, there will be two parts. The first, detailing an interest in traditional anthro/furry characters, followed by the second, detailing an interest in feral counterparts, as well as anything strange or monstrous.

    I don't know what makes one a furry. I've always felt it was a desire to create a fursona, to have an anthropomorphic avatar and identify as them. By this definition, the term does not apply to myself. However, if it is an attraction to those types of characters, then sign me the hell up. I adore their almost exotic allure, everything they have that a human doesn't I want to soak up and absorb in a scene.

    Be it with original characters in modern day like some kind of Adam Wan picture or any other setting, I'd really love to play opposite some furry characters. Very flexible on this, long-term is always adored, especially for the more story-inclined, but full smut is also a possibility, too. In any case, I'd love to play up the angle of a human and an anthro having a relationship.

    There are of course many canon/fandom characters that would be of particular interest, so I'll list them here before moving on. This is most assuredly not a comprehensive list and will be added onto.

    Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Maid Marian, Gadget Hackwrench, Any from Sonic, Any from Animal Crossing, Lola Bunny, Krystal the Fox, Coco Bandicoot

    Now here is where the real perverts get to shine. When I say animals, I'm not just talking dogs and horses. When I say monsters, I'm not thinking some big cuddly yeti. Any beast is game and I'd be happy to talk with like-minded individuals about what specifically I'd have in mind, but this part of the thread actually has some more concrete ideas for set ups.

    For scene with female ferals, it can play out in a variety of ways. There's the ambitious yet hokey transportation to a world where there are no human, hell, there might not even be any bipeds. Then there's the, suddenly, Dr. Dolittle, where a man becomes endowed with the power to speak to animals. And finally, for those more interested in the actual feral of female ferals, a scenario where a man is being hunted by wolves, or perhaps, falls into a zoo exhibit during a beast's heat. Very open to discussing and tweaking any of these. There are also of course several canon characters that would be ideal for play, too.

    The following about female monsters has more exotic content than the rest of the post, so just a warning.

    As for the monstrous creatures, the aliens, the inter-dimensional beings, the nightmare fuel; these aren't cutesy monster girls and this is the one scene where I'm really looking for a dominant player. Sure, if we're so inclined when discussing to make it a different power dynamic that's fine, but I'm really looking for someone interested in playing a hulking quadraped that doesn't much care if the relatively small, in comparison to her, human can take the thumping of her heavy hips, or for what is essentially a floating eye with three tentacles to reveal a squid like beak and latch itself onto the human until it's milked everything it wants out of him. The art is harder to find for this, the genders are usually swapped in this role, but it exists, and if you'd like to see some examples, or know of some yourself, just send me a message.

    An ideal scene would be either getting sent to a hellscape and absolutely used like a toy, open to things like unbirthing for this, too, or being traded from space port to space port, like an exotic male prostitute for aliens.

    A new concept I'm adding would be similar to the SCP Foundation or Ghostbusters; my main character being a field agent for an elite, covert, government organization (or a totally privatized group) that goes out to research, possible contain or quell mysterious/paranormal events, more often than not in an inadvertently sexual way. I can see switching from dominant to submissive in this one; along with any creatures of our own creation, things like the SCP or even someone like Sadako from The Ring series would be desired.

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