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  • Hyaenidae's Horror Movie Collection

    Check out my Preference Information for details on kinks and fetishes, I'm pretty open though.

    Any of the stories can be supplemented with furries if desired!

    Most prompts can be femboy as well, I also like femboys a lot!

    A list of horror related roleplay ideas I had. I'm pretty lenient on details but of course would like to stick to the general idea of the role play. If interested just shoot me a message about which one/s you'd like to try and we can discuss details. I prefer playing females and femboys and several of them could be either. I'm pretty strict on playing the sub in my role plays and am looking for a dominant partner. Most role plays would be several dom characters with maybe a few main characters, that or they could be dungeon master style where there would be a large amount of less in depth characters, that can go the same for the sub characters as well. As for doms I'm fine with male or futanari with some possible female characters, although I prefer my doms to have dicks. I may update this post later to include more prompts. I'm open to descriptions of gore in appropriate role plays as long as its for story and not sexual reasons, I love horror but I don't want to be fucked to death.

    Feel free to lean into the horror aspect. The rp can be story focused slow burns or just sex fests. Feel free to get spooky with it, strange occurrences, cosmic beings, insanity, staring down the barely processable physical representation of what it means to be human, to be real... I really love horror! Specifically psychological or cosmic horror but a good slasher or creature feature is great too!    

    As a quick note, a specific character I want to play without a specific rp is Mina Ashido. In any rp I'd like to play as her if possible

    The Included fetishes in each prompt are basic outlines of fetishes, some can be dropped or added depending on preferences.

    {The Bitterwood Incident}


    A group of college students decide to take a winter wonderland getaway deep into the forested Bitterwood mountains, as they tend to do. Little do they know that a terrible secret lies in wait on the snow blasted slopes. Something, or somethings, hide in the darkness and behind trees. They stalk their prey and wait to strike. Their goal? To fuck, to fuck and breed as much as possible...// The idea of the rp is a classic monster movie deal in the style of Until Dawn. The monsters in question could be of many origins or design, weather wendigo, alien, or some other third thing. Its pitch black on the mountain and the gang is all alone. I have the idea that the monsters take their victims back to a warm cave and keep them their to breed and such. I've always liked the idea of horror in the snow, not only do they have to deal with monsters but the bitter cold itself. I'm ready for lots of torn clothes and rough sex in the snow. As always details can be discussed and changed for preferences. |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Horror, Gangbang, Possible Breeding, Possible Beastiality)


    {Messages From The Stars} *Less Interested*


    At a lonesome research base far off in Antarctica lives a team. Life is simple, doing science experiments and playing pool. But something far off in the vast unknown watches them closely, and it decides the upcoming blizzard is the perfect time to enact its plan. One of the researchers hears a voice in their head, an unknown language whispering secrets from beyond the stars... and its growing louder. During the day the rest of the team cant find them anywhere, the only trace of them left being their room with strange symbols painted on the walls. Hundreds of symbols that seem to emanate forbidden knowledge...// In this nightmare we have aliens of vast intelligence contacting secluded researchers for unknown reasons. Either driving them mad trying to decipher the meaning or even madder when they peak into the knowledge given to them, and the commands that follow with allowing the aliens inside your mind. The idea that "deciphering" the language is actually you letting the aliens enter your mind and command you or otherwise influence you. The commands of course being sexual in nature. Why the aliens want that I don't know, maybe their ultimate goal is to use the humans as breeders or their sexual power as batteries of some sort. I have a specific picture of pregnant woman bound to the walls of an alien spaceship, constantly stimulated to power the ship, or just to breed. That part doesn't matter that much as the rp mainly focuses on the on earth part but can be expanded further on if so wished. Of course this rp is more story focused than I tend too as well. |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Horror, Gangbang, Corruption, Mind Control, Possible Breeding, Possible Abduction)


    {The Slugs From Planet X!}


    Late one night they were watching the stars, as they always did every night. An amateur astronomer that never saw anything of interest, until this night that is. After seeing a small asteroid come crashing down from space they jumped up and down with glee! Not only did they finally see something but it landed so close too! Racing out to the nearby landing site they came across it. Still smoking somewhat it was a wonderful sight, an actual asteroid ri- wait what's that? They get a closer look at it before teal slugs of some sort jump out at them, one crawling around and firmly planting itself at the base of their brain. Suddenly everything became unimportant, everything accept one. To breed, to breed and spread the slugs as far as possible. Dropping their things on the spot they made their way into the night to do just that... // This rp is open to details, the basic premise being that alien slugs from outer space come down and take over the minds of people, causing the to become hosts for the slugs. Mostly woman but men too. The slugs using the women's wombs as hives to breed more slugs. Weather the rp is small scale group of friends or a globe spanning end of the world scenario is up to preference. The prompt is also just to get the idea across, the true origin of the slugs can be changed as well. |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Mind Control, Breeding, Possible Gangbang)


    {Six Legged Freaks} *Particularly Interested*


    It started with a faint buzzing, maybe a scratching around corners or in dark halls. It only got louder and louder until they made themselves known. Wasps, oversized and mutated they fly around looking for a place to start a new hive since outgrowing their old one. With the need for a hive comes the need for workers, and thusly the need for more young. Whether alien or altered in some way they bare new fleshy ovipositors ready to stuff the bellies and or wombs of their new human prey full of eggs. Either on the spot or better yet brought back to the hive these humans will make perfect broodmares...

    Wasps! Rp could be either modern or sci fi though I slightly prefer modern. Locations could possibly be a small town or space colony or ship. The size of the wasps can vary depending on preference but standard is around house cat sized (use picture for reference). Of course the idea is that the wasps wish to use humans both male and or female to put their eggs in. Can be either womb or ass/mouth or all 3 at once. Wasps would eventually try to start a hive as they do were they could bring their new incubators and either simply keep them there or attach them to the walls to be bred many, many, many times over. Other than the basic premise of the wasps it's a pretty open rp, especially in terms of plot

    |My Character: One or a group of people | Non Consensual, Horror, Gangbang, Breeding, Oviposition)


    {Spread The Word} *Less Interested*


    Tired, so tired. Its been a long day of staring at a computer screen and I'm just about ready to call it a day, when a notification pops up, I have an email. Strange I wasn't expecting an email and its really late, wonder what it is. I open my emails and see the title of it. "Spread The Word", looks like a spam email and nothing more, just when I thought today might have something to do. But as I look at the email I cant shake the feeling I should click on it, it cant be anything dangerous can it? Clicking on it reveals the email to contain a single horrible picture of a very demonic looking dog with a much too human looking smile. The only text on the email just repeating the title, "Spread the word". Clicking off I decided that's enough internet for the night. Getting in bed and drifting off to sleep, the nightmares start. Visons of being on my knees before that dog as its wicked smile stretches painfully wide. There comes a price with not spreading its message, to be its bitch. How long can I resist sending the email to others while the demon dog uses my body more and more, do I even want to it to stop?// Also pretty open to details. The idea being the demon dog punishing those who don't spread the email by fucking them roughly and causing them to lose sanity. Perhaps it slowly corrupts them too. Weather or not my character ever does spread the word is up to discussion but they will likely end up as the demons fucktoy. The dog actuality being a demon who takes the form of a dog. This rp of course heavily includes beastiality which I completely understand is not everyone's thing. |My Character: The one victim| (Non Consensual, Beastiality, Mental Corruption)


    {I Was A College-Aged Lycanthrope} *Less Interested*


    When the local frat party turned to the talk of horror movies they all came up with a fun thing to do to pass the time, explore the local abandoned mansion of course! Little did they know something else was brewing, a long forgotten curse that foretold that on the night of a full moon one who would dare disturb the house would befall the same curse that tore the family of the mansion apart so many long years ago. As the group explored and ogled the forgotten history of the home they now stood in one of them would break away from the group. Something called them to be alone. As strange thoughts filled their head and their arms grew hairier and they changed. Bones cracking and reshaping they became that of the dreaded werewolf. Now possessed in part by the curse their old self blended with the new. They became... horny, and sporting a new tool much larger than one they may have had before it was obvious what they had to do next. After all why should just they gain the power of the wolf? Why should their fellow friends miss out? That and what good collage student didn't like a good orgy? All they had to do was hunt them down and fuck them and the curse would spread...// A classic werewolf creature feature. Weather stuck in the mansion or restricted to the forest just beyond the band of hero's will be hunted down by a very horny werewolf with quite a large tool, knot and all. And if they are captured and fucked the curse may even overtake them, leading to a snowballing effect as more and more people become werewolves. Can they stop the curse? Can they resist the urge to let it overtake them? Who knows, lets find out! |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Gangbang, Mental/Physical Corruption, Possible Breeding, Technically Beastiality)

    {The Abyss Gazes Back} 


    Ouija boards are supposed to be fun right? That's what the group of friends thought when they pulled one out at a party in the cabin in the woods. Unlike the plastic factory made ones of Hasbro this one was genuine wood, with deep scars and scorch marks to boot. Found in the basement of the cabin the group thought it would make for a fun time. You all played the game, the planchette gliding from letter to letter spelling out answers to questions no one should have known. You all played the game and looked into the abyss. For a moment your conciseness's seemed to fade away and be surrounded by all consuming flames and the deafening sound of tormented screaming. As you stared into the endless abyss something strange happened, something almost unthinkable, the abyss gazed back. Pulling away from it all and back to the now quiet cabin it seemed to be over. As you all sat silently wondering if the others saw the same thing a sound came from somewhere deep inside the dense forest that surrounded the cabin. The same crackling of and impossibly large inferno you heard before, but followed by something else as well. The much more cardinal sound of pleasure. The abyss saw them and now it wants to punish them. Or perhaps reward their gumption, after all it takes a lot of strength to stare directly into hell and remain sane...// This rp focuses on demons! Weather the beast-like of the Doom universe or more human like it matters not to me. As long as they have horns, fire, and black eyes with red pupils. For human like demons I actually prefer grey skin to red skin but that's a small preference. Otherwise its a similar setup with a group of people in a building running away and hiding from monsters. I like the idea that the demons fuck the victims as much as they want or however they want, ultimately dragging them back through the hell portal in the forest and into a life of being endlessly fucked by demons. During the rp they victims can also be corrupted by the demonic forces. |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Horror, Gangbang, Mental/Physical Corruption, Possible Mind Control, Possible Breeding)


    {Pax Ex Machina 2: Hostile take Over} *Particularly Interested*


    Deep in the middle of nowhere-ville, as the sun begins to crest the horizon a small town retires themselves to bed. Something comes crashing down from the sky, something big. Many people were inside at the time and it had gotten to dark to make out details. The few who saw it have theories but no one knows. Little do they know mechanical horrors from beyond our sky has made a crash landing. With its original alien crew dead or otherwise missing it lies motionless in the forest. But something else on board awakes, from the crash or an untold story of struggle before landing on earth whose to say? The machines in the craft whirl to life and subroutines start to run, an ai has come to life. It was programed with one goal, find a power source. Collection drones power on and scan the forest for suitable sources of power, it just so happens to be that the aliens ships run on sexual energy, and humans have plenty of energy to extract...// This rp is a lot more specific than others. The idea of course is that a alien ship uses sexual energy as a power source and a damaged ships ai comes to the conclusion that humans can make suitable batteries. So the drones go off into the small town to find humans to kidnap. They restrain them on the robots themselves, carrying them around and extracting their energy. As a visual example think like fallout 4 power armor but more exposed rather than fully enclosed, how it wraps around the person. Then it plugs them with thick dildos that vibrate and stimulate them sexually. The drones can then take them back to the ship where they are bound in the wall and stimulated the same way. That or they can stay with the collection drones to power them instead. The ai may even take some humans as brainwashed slaves to do things the robots can't, in which some humans would be taken back to the ship and placed in chairs that brainwash them, then there are bound in skin tight latex suits and have devices (headsets or visors) placed on them that continuously brainwash them as the act out the ai's will. There are a lot of ideas that have no concreate design so if you like coming up with monster designs this would be good for you. As always the details of how they function can be discussed further. That goes for the rp as a whole too. The protagonist/s have to find a way to stop the ai from successfully powering the ship up and taking everyone on board off into space to be sexual batteries or enslaved working drones. Weather or not they succeed or end up all as slaves for their new masters is up to us! |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Bondage, Assimilation,, Possible Mind Control, Possible Mental Corruption)      

    Also if you need more of a visual on how the robots would work i have some pictures I used as inspiration I can show you.


    {Breeder Bugs From Outer Space!} *Particularly Interested*


    Deep in the middle of nowhere-ville, as the sun begins to crest the horizon a small town retires themselves to bed. Something comes crashing down from the sky, something big. Many people were inside at the time and it had gotten to dark to make out details. The few who saw it have theories but no one knows. Little do they know parasitic aliens lay dormant aboard the long ago abandoned craft. A group of local police disturb and awake the hive mind, they become it's first victims. The bugs have a simple goal in mind, spread as much as possible. To do that they need to grow their numbers and it just so happens the bodies of these humans are perfectly compatible from fostering their swarm...// Very similar to the previous rp but with bugs! The bugs will attempt to force their eggs into any human they can get their claws on. Then their are taken to a nearest hive to be bond to the walls and turned into full time breeders. The hives slowly grow and begin to overtake the town in slimy organic material. Some bugs may have special abilities like mind controlling people or binding a human to its own body to act as a mobile breeder. Creativities the limit here. Perhaps mind controlled people become one with the hive mind? The designs of the bugs and what they are capable of is very up to discussion. The protagonist/s have to find a way to stop the spread of the hive. Weather or not they succeed or end up all as breeders for their the hive is up to us! |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Mental Corruption, Mind Control, Bondage, Breeding, Oviposition)


    {Code Name: Trixie} *Less Interested*


    A small secluded nothing town. In the night trucks roll in full of soldiers, equipped with hazmat suits and rifles. In the early hours of an unsuspecting day armed soldiers barge into homes and round people up, brining them all to the local high school. None of them explain why there doing it. Many people are sick, an unusual amount. As the military is struggling to keep things organized it happens, people start to mutate. It starts small, greyed skin and milky eyes, an insatiable need to fuck that overtakes all other needs. Woman may even mutate and grow cocks. The entire situation descends into chaos as soldiers open fire and civilians scatter. Unknown to the populace of the town a military plane carrying a highly experimental bio weapon went down in a nearby lake, the lake being the towns water supply. The whole town becomes chaos as the military struggle desperately to contain both the panicked populace and the rapidly mutating infected. As time goes on more and more unique mutations appear, all specialized in different ways to spread the bio weapon...// The bio weapon in question here of course mutates people into horny zombie like creatures, but also more creative monsters, molding flesh and reforming people to fit its needs. While the water supply is poisoned it takes a few days to fully develop, while the semen of the infected is a much more concentrated version so it only takes a few hours after exposure. Other more specialized infected will force feed victims an extremely concentrated version, infecting them in mere minutes. Honestly what the special mutations look like and how they function I don't have any concrete concepts for, only ideas. Use your imagination to come up with what ever you like, just keep in mind the general point of them is to spread the bio weapon. Maybe they force feed the fluid like I said or maybe they use an airborne version? Or maybe it's just the basic zombie types if you don't want to do that, we can discuss it more. As for my character, they could be either a civilian survivor, a soldier, or a scientist brought it. Could be a group or a lone person. Lots of freedom with this one. The start of the rp doesn't even have to be the high school, it could be anywhere in town. The bio weapon can effect animals or not, it can cause oversized bugs that impregnate people with eggs or grow fleshy material on walls and create hives or nests. The rp can end with my character getting infected or we could continue on as they become one of the monsters. Lots of potential. |My Character: One or a group of people| (Non Consensual, Gangbang, Mental/Physical Corruption, Assimilation, Possible Mind Control, Possible Breeding, Possible Bondage, Possible Oviposition, Possible Beastiality)







    Feel free to tell me about any other role plays that may be similar to any of these that you might want to try as well. Never be afraid to ask me about a fetish. I do not judge and if i don't want to rp it I will simply politely decline!

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