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  • I'd like to try doing some cooperative worldbuilding. So let's make a kingdom and explore it through stories. 

    The general structure is that we establish a place, doesn't have to be an entire kingdom. Could be a town or a settlement. We give it some history and lore, and then we RP short stories, about specific places, people or events.

    I do want to make it erotic in some way, perhaps our stories are focused around lewd encounters. Maybe something inherent about the world is sexual, like magic or maybe just the way it is governed.

    Feel free to reach out if you're interested.

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    Sounds intriguing 


    What if the kingdom starts small and with basic houses and places made of wood, but with more people join it grows and becomes stronger with alot of potential like example


    5 members-Inn and Church place

    10-Walls are bigger and better equipments for armies

    15-Magic Races like Orcs and Elf's are finally allow


    What you think?


    It's totally possible to start the kingdom as a small settlement. First a marketplace for a couple of farms to trade wares. Then they create a small militia to ward of bandits. And it grows from there. We can draw our focus to events that shape the kingdom.

    My initial idea is that we build this kingdom by telling stories around specific places and as we do more RPs details of the world gets clearified.

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