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  • Looking for Plot/Very Kinky Smut Balance in Star Wars RP (M4F/Fu)

    Welcome, one and all, to a familiar galaxy far, far away...

    I am looking to do a Star Wars RP following a group of my original characters during the time after the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War. This will be a story-based RP with lots of kinky, kinky smut involved--it doesn't need to be the primary focus, but it would be a big part of this RP no matter what. So, to be 100% clear: I RP for the banging--but I love crafting a good story along the way. While I will be playing a GM role with lots of characters for you to interact with, there are only three who are on the table to bang.

    The first, a male, is the primary character who will be your love interest, or at least your sex friend. There are two secondary female (Or futa, if you want) characters that you can also involve in the smut scenes (or make a polycule with for the romance) if you so desire. I warn that including one of them will invite incest-like plot elements into the mix. I promise to explain why in due time if you message me so I can give you more details! The story actually begins with only one of the female characters in play. In fact, she's the only major character around, but the main guy, second girl, and the others will show up in due time. Again, I will be sure to explain more!

    For this RP I am looking for literate partners who are willing to put in the work. I don't need novel-length replies every time, but I would like partners who are willing to go that far when they feel it is necessary. In other words, someone who loves to get into the details, whether plot, setting, or smut. If you never write more than one paragraph, please seek a different partner.
    (I would prefer 1 paragraph minimum replies, with a median of around 2-3 per reply)

    Please bear with me, as I have plenty of established lore here, so I plan to do my best to describe the characters and setting you'll be looking at. But don't be afraid, I don't plan on railroading us down an established storyline any more than you are okay with. Characters and the world will develop around our relationship(s), your character(s) and their stories, and whatever story beats you'd like. I do have a story for us to follow, which I will explain shortly, but your choices IC and opinions OOC will always be heard and taken into consideration to craft a story for both of us and one we both will enjoy! It might be a little confusing, so if you want more details when we chat before or during the RP, I am happy to clarify, modify, and brainstorm!

    How much will I be diving into Star Wars lore, and will this be Canon or Legends-based, you might ask?
    #1 -- If you don't care much for SW, I would recommend not doing this RP. I love Star Wars and will be going in-depth and including relatively obscure references, so nerds who lovelovelove it like me: Welcome!
    #1.5 -- This RP will include the dirty underbelly of Star Wars and the gritty tone we've experienced in Andor, but it also includes (And has a lot of focus on) elements around and about the Force and its users. It will be dark, but if you're looking for just blasters and no lightsabers, I suggest you look elsewhere.
    #2 -- I'll be using Canon as a base and adding stuff from Legends that fits with the Canon timeline/world, but this also incorporates many elements of my own fan-crafted "lore," so if that bothers you, take heed. Don't worry, I haven't god-moded a character or anything, it mostly revolves around (another, lmao) Force-powerful, yet extinct, ancient race and the ways that has affected my characters, living their own story while the Skywalkers topple the Empire, plus a big ol' shadow organization. Again, I will explain in due time. Now...

    The Story:

    The Alliance to Restore the Republic has done just that: Restored the Republic. Three years ago, the Empire officially dissolved after their defeat at the Battle of Jakku. In its place, the Republic has taken over, but they are struggling. With Imperial remnants and warlords floating around the galaxy and the ultra-intelligent Grand Admiral Thrawn re-entering the stage—a humongous thorn in the side of the Republic—criminal syndicates have crawled out of every slimy hole you can imagine to seize their piece of the Outer Rim.

    One such group is one that has been around since the time of the Clone Wars: The Asymsillic Syndicate. A rival to the Black Sun in the southeastern part of the galaxy, this group has grown by absorbing smaller crime rings and cartels, such as the slaver Yakimoza Gang and the gambling ring Valence. After the dissolution of the Galactic Empire, they expanded their influence northward, towards Hutt Space, setting up new headquarters in the ruins of Kamino to take advantage of the difficult-to-navigate Rishi Maze.

    I don't know who you are. A smuggler? Ex-Imperial? A mercenary? A simple woman just trying to make her way in the universe? It really doesn't matter, you can be whoever you'd like. But I do know that you've currently found yourself on the Hutt world of Nar Kaaga, sipping at your booze in a dirty, rundown cantina, for a meeting. Perhaps you were called here specifically by an anonymous transmission, or maybe you saw the advertisement on the holonet. For whatever reason, you know you're here for a job. And across from you sits a young Mirialan woman in her early twenties. Clad in typical smuggler's garb but carrying both a blaster and a strange, small metal tube on her belt, something you may never have seen before, she appears somewhat inexperienced to your eye. Confident in herself, perhaps, but not her surroundings. She introduces herself as Alina Charybdis, and she needs your help. She needs to find a man who was last seen traveling to Kamino...one year ago. He vanished on the water world after visiting the slaving hub of the Asymsillic Syndicate and the home base of their top dog: Baroness Medea Kangsle.

    While Alina won't tell you why she wants to find the man or who he is, she does give you a holoprojector with a displayed image of him. Of course, it's a face you don't recognize, but the long-haired human wears strange robes like a monk's of some kind, and also carries two of those small metal tubes on his belt. It's hard to guess his age, but he doesn't appear much older than Alina, he’s at most thirty. A boyfriend, perhaps? She won't say, not yet at least, since she promises you more information about both herself and your target should you agree to accompany her. She then shows you the reward: 100,000 credits, half to be paid up front and the other on the job's completion.

    So what do you say? Will you accept her offer and dive into the heart of a slaving ring? Yes, of course, who would say no to that much money? But you have no idea the journey this single decision will take you on. One of love and terror; sex and discovery; mystery and intrigue; war and death. The Syndicate is not all it seems, and there are far worse things lurking in the deep, dark corners of Wild Space.


    If you would like a sneak peak of the three primary characters of this story, feel free to check them out below! I will give more detailed physical descriptions before or in RP as they appear, as well as character details such as age and some backstory, for all three of them and the other included primary characters. But remember, these are the ones you can get kinky with.


    I do apologize, I am not the best artist in the world but I absolutely had to nail the deets for character numero uno here.

    Cyren Stróm


    Alina Charybdis


    Xyla Dice



    If any of this sounds at all interesting to you, feel free to shoot me a message or leave a comment, if it makes you more comfortable! I would be happy to explain more of the setting, story, characters, backstory, or any other things you want clarified/expanded on before we begin. I hope to see you in my DMs soon, but regardless, may the Force be with you!

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