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  • [M4A] Fantasy in my Setting

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Welcome to My Coven of Creativity

    🍷About me:

    First thing first. Thanks for clicking on my Bulletin post! I'm still pretty new around here to my suprise i have a very good mentor who showed me the ropes, and how is this site is working.
    Anyways. At this point i have a few years of roleplay experience, but I'm new to the forum format. So far I only implemented 2 of my original characters, but i will add more if i feel the Interest.

    🍷The Characters:


    🍷Story/Smut Ratio:

    Perfectly balanced is the reader's dream and the writer's nightmare, good thing we are both writers, I beilive that this ratio is completly depends on the partner, its usually what we will feel right. I might go full smut with your character after a few post, or we might create something of a story! Regardles the expected results I'm waiting for your Ecchi texts or your comments!


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