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  • M4A - The amazing idea composed of a monstruous teacher, and a student.

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Free information: strictly dom.

    That's all...

    What you want more information?

    For what? To not waste your time by reading a post that you may be interested in but will be invalidated because we don't mash well together?

    Damn, you're annoying, go read my preference sheet if you're so interested in knowing more.


    Urgh, alright fine, there may be some gruesome things happening down there, not a lot, but you got your warning.


    I am a human.

    A normal human.

    A human with a job.

    A normal job.

    The alarm resonates in the minimalist room, at 5 am sharp, and the eyes of the human are already wide open, the human tried in vain to sleep multiple times, as it could before, unfortunately, some annoying jellyfish decided to share its torpor state with this totally normal human.

    An annoying thing considering the fact that sleep was one of the only things that helped it to keep it together.

    Even more unfortunate is the fact that it's been 8 hours-it knew that 8 hours is good for humans, and as a human, it slept 8 hours, not one minute less, not one minute more- since it had something to distract itself with, it tried to look at the ceiling for 8 hours to ignore *them* however, it didn't work well.

    The human gently grabs the alarm clock and shuts it down.

    The human does its morning yawn, it tries at least, it didn't sleep nor was tired, it couldn't simply bring itself to yawn, no matter how fast, hard, or slow it opened its mouth, it knew that humans like it could induce themselves to yawn, but, today, it didn't work.

    What a bad day for a human.

    What a bad day for me.

    I stare at the ceiling, the alarm clock gently resting in my human hand, I shall not break it, as I know how to control myself.

    Do I really? Control come from mastery.

    Did I master my body? I mean, if I did I would have been able to sle-!

    The alarm clock implodes, it simply implodes, no sounds of creaking were indicating the fact that it may break itself under the pressure, under the pressure of what you ask? Well under the pressure of the human-sized coconut crab pincer that was holding it upright against gravity a second ago of course, what else?

    My eyes stare at the remaining broken pieces of machinery in my pincers as if they were my mortal enemies, multiples broken pieces of the device flew away in the hope of escaping my deadly grip, they fled everywhere and anywhere, some decided to hug-aka destroy themselves on-the walls and create new scars on said walls, other sought revenge and attacked me, most of them targeted my face, a face that is now covered by a nightmarish tone of green-dark scales that strangely look like, and feel like armor, their revenge was stopped, they couldn't penetrate my skin.

    This thought was dangerous.

    I will simply ignore the fact that I shall not sleep anymore from now on.

    It's safer that way.

    The deformed and disgusting-looking crab pincers covered with human blood, bones, and ligaments, my blood, my bones, my ligaments, morph themselves back into normal human hands in a nauseating manner, flesh grows, shell breaks, and blood flows.

    The same thing happened to my face and I got up from bed to clean up that mess.

    I am a teacher.

    A normal teacher

    A teacher with students

    A teacher with normal students.

    Ignoring the mantra running in my head I grab my sink, the blood on my hands and face dirtying the white and creating a morbid contrast, I open the faucet, not caring about the freezing cold water, and start rubbing my face, my chin and cheeks get extra attention as the blood is well stuck in my beard, my abnormal void-dark like eyes roam on that beard... well more like stubble, and search for every single trace of red in it, each dot is carefully rubbed off.

    When I'm satisfied, I carefully do the same process with my chin-length hair, fortunately, it is of the same color as my eyes, which makes finding the blood supremely easy, well not that it would be a problem to simply...change my hair color for ease of cleaning.

    Passing to my hand and forearm I stare at the result of my efforts while the cold water meets my bloodied skin.

    I have a face.

    A normal face.

    A normal face that belongs to me.

    A normal face I didn't stole

    My smirk grew in inhumane proportion with the last sentence of my mantra, that shouldn't have happened, mentally I noted that I was currently in a dangerous mental state, and I may need to call my psychologist.

    Like a normal human that has a human problem

    The grin on my sculpted face, maintained by eating hard things, would be nothing but creepy in the eyes of another human, in my eyes however, it is relaxing, it reminds me of my childhood.

    No matter how enjoyable this feels, I forcibly adopt back my stoic expression, finish to wipe myself dry, and ready myself to go to work.

    I have a car

    A good car

    A fast car

    A car that is slowe-! Faster faster faster than me.

    I park my SLOW car in front of my teaching establishment and open the door, slowly, extremely slowly, extremely slowly, extremely slowly, it took a second.

    I ignore the want to feed on the flesh of my coworkers as I greet them, I ignore the visions of my fingers digging themselves into the depth of the throats of students as they greet me in the hallways, I ignore the surge of pleasure I feel when a shy student act in a particularly submissive manner toward me while asking me a question, and I ignore the urge of getting out of this weak and feeble human skin as I enter my classroom.

    This will be a hard day.

    If someone annoys me today, I may haunt their nightmares forever, and the thought makes me happy.


    HEY YOU!

    YES YOU! I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU! YOU'RE INTERESTED IN PLAYING THIS SHIT ABOUT ME RIGHT!? Well, in that case, I'll tell you more about this idea of mine.

    This idea and starter directly come from my younger self, it was a starter for someone that... disappeared in the wind, funny huh, anyway since I'm bored I'll make it live again, but this can go in a lot of different manners, here take my hand and follow me, I'll show you how it can go.

    Firstly you must know a bit more about the idea in itself!

    So the Idea in itself that I wish to play something like an amalgam, a monster with the power of metamorphosing itself into everything it ate, the transformation can be mixed and matched...like the leg of an ogre with the arms of goblins, or others in function of which world and setting we're playing in.

    Now I want to play this little amalgam, in a normal setting, a modern-day setting, there are a lot of things we could go from there.

    The monster I would play would realize that even with this power well, a nuke on the head hurt...it hurt quite a lot, so that's why, it discretely infiltrated itself in society.

    It became a normal citizen, with a job and everything, it's a teacher now, a biology teacher in a pretty renowned university.

    Badass right? The guy is considered one of the best biologists around, as if the guy had an advantage in this domain but that's probably nothing, right? Right?

    In any case, this monster, no matter how civilized it is, is still a monster, one that would have no hesitation to rip out anything and anyone that fucking gets in its way if no consequences would happen, and even with consequences...it would be wise for anyone to not annoy it too much, just to be sure, it may have some, rough, animalistic tendencies.

    But it's not like anyone is aware of the fact that this guy is a monster hiding in plain sight.

    For now.

    That's the basic idea, BUT! If your brain cells still work, you may realize that earlier, I talked about this being a starter that dates from a pretty long time, here's a cookie for you if you remembered 🍪 you deserve it kiddo.

    Anyway, that means that this starter was adapted for a specific person, but it can be modified.

    If you don't wish to modify it no worry about that.

    If you wish to add your ideas, hit me up and my great self will make it work.

    But in any of those cases, I'll give you some options that you can use to manipulate this starter and nudge it in the right direction.


    1: me being a piece of shit:

    This is less than an idea and more of a rule, In this roleplay I'm a fucking monster, I will be evil, whether you like it or not, if you're not interested in that, you can go away.

    2: story settings:

    Or more easily said, when do we start, who are you, what I am, and shit like that.

    Of course, you're a student and I'm a teacher, that's literally the original idea, But I'm more talking about subtle changes, you'll see soon.

    2.1: I hate you, you hate me:

    We don't have the best of relationship together, and you know, it would be such a shame if you just annoyed your teacher who is a fucking monster, not that you're aware of it, while he has a bad day.

    Something bad may happen to you.

    (Good for brats, noncon, abuse, rough shit will happen)

    2.2: wannabe detective:

    You don't know why, but you know it, there's something odd with me.

    Really fucking odd.

    Everyone acts like there is nothing wrong but you know it... I'm not normal.

    ...it would be a shame if that curiosity and knowledge put you in trouble right!?

    (Can go anywhere but possible noncon, or con in function of how you play your character, rough or soft in function of how you play your character)

    3: consequences, plot, and yadda yadda:

    Plot, and what could happen in the future, as simple as that.

    This is for long RP sessions.

    3.1: oh shit you're powerful actually?:

    Well, wasn't expecting that, who could have guessed that you have enough power to put me in trouble after I acted?

    Well shit, that's a problem.

    It could be that you have a powerful family, or something else anything, but, this won't be easy to take care of whatever problem you brought to my doorstep.

    (Everything goes)

    3.2: cold war:

    I acted and you escaped from my grasp.

    Or perhaps I didn't but I know that you know that there is something odd with me.

    Well, I guess you won't stay still with this knowledge...and I won't let you tell anything to anyone...how to take care of you I wonder.

    (Kidnapping likely, manipulation likely, fighting with words like in fucking death note extremely likely)

    3.3: I won:

    You're in my grasp.

    Time to break you.

    (Mindbreak, psychological/physical torture, abuse, smut heavy)

    As you may see, the starter on top uses multiple of those ideas/archetypes.

    To be precise it uses 1/2.1/3.3

    But like I said...I don't know how many times already but a lot of times, this is changeable, if you haven't done it yet, I recommend that you go read my preference sheet, and if you're interested you can send me a comment or text me, yes I don't really care about how you contact me, but since you can't pick the two method of contacts on ecchi dream, I picked a random one.


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