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  • M4F Bloodborne/Lovecraft/Eldritch RP

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I got thinking about this earlier.. a favorite RP I had awhile ago was a Bloodborne inspired romp of insanity. But it was one of those instances where my RP partner just kind of disappeared to never be seen again. Soooooo.... why not try to revive it?

    And thus, here we are. I don't have anything specific in mind, because I enjoy formulating ideas with my potential partners, but I'm sure we could add a bit of anything to it if you wanted to. We could have romance... tragedy... I'm sure there will be some mind breaks and/or mind fucks... possession, incest via mental subversion... or just because. Tentacles and big monsters if you're into that. Or we can just kill monsters and fuck. Though I am kind of itchin' for a nice plotty RP to sink my cock teeth into. 😋

    I'm not looking for anyone to be Tolkien, nor do I want one-liners... as far as reply length goes. Give me something to work with, but you don't have to write a novel by any means.

    Send a texty-text if you're interested.

    • Woohoo 1

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