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  • Hey there everyone, as the title says I'm looking for someone interested in playing one of these story ideas I had that involved extremely tall women and a little soft femdom. Both plots involve a general theme of your character being very tall and elements of soft femdom.

    The first plot would involve our two characters having been long time friends that now work at the same game development company together. The company is creating and soon releasing a new VR game that is extremely advanced and realistic, the kind that puts you right in the game and lets you feel what's happening. Our characters would both be assigned to play test the game in its final stages to make sure everything is ready for release.

    We have been friends for many years, at least since high school, and now in recent times your character has developed more romantic feelings for mine. You have tried to show me through not always subtle hints and signs but I am far to dense and aloof to see how you really feel. Something about playing the game though subtly influences our personalities, and you begin to use the game world as a chance to express how you really feel in a way I can ignore or misunderstand.

    The story would mostly focus on our characters exploring the VR fantasy world and going on quests and adventures. While our relationship and personalities in the game begin to slowly change our relationship in real life.

    The second story would involve you playing a mother mother and me your son (could be step or blood related) with the mother being very friendly, cheerful, outgoing and somewhat provocative. While her son who is a young adult, is very shy, awkward, and easily flustered around women especially the way his mother behaves. Your character the mom thinks that we have been growing distantly and you would like some way to bond again, so you decide to take us on vacation today resort island especially for moms and sons.

    At the resort you would try to bond with me, and get me to come out of my shell more and be more open with my affection to you. Of course you have another much more lewd and intimate motivation for going on this vacation with me. As you have been secretly having taboo thoughts and feelings about me for a while now that you decided you finally want to act on.

    Of course I will be very shy reluctant and resistant at first, but you will slowly and gently get me past my hesitation and make me one all your love and attention.

    Well that's about the basic outline of my ideas, I'm definitely open to ideas for how the stories could go and different themes and kinks to involve but the main two things I'm looking for is your character to be an extremely tall woman, im thinking at least 6'5" or more, and some soft femdom to the story. I am also open to hearing any ideas you might have, as long as they involve the two themes I'm looking for. I like literate partners and prefer at least one to three paragraphs per response. Let me know if you're interested and I hope to hear from you soon. 

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