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  • as you may have noticed, i've created a new original character and i've had this basic story in mind since i made him. i'll keep this short and sweet, so we can plot more in depth if you're interested in the basic outline. following qimiao's story, i want to have his brother ( who doesn't have a name or faceclaim just yet, but either i can choose for you, or you can choose for yourself ) discover that he's attracted to qimiao as more than a brother. perhaps we can include some dubcon, because qimiao thinks it's weird to be involved with his own brother. i want a story that contains smut, but also alot of hurt and angst. in short, i just want incest between the two brothers and potential dubcon on qimiao's part. we can add as much smut as you want, but i would also like some storyline to be somewhere in there.

    • this takes place in ancient china. if you're not familiar with the culture, that's fine. i'm not an expert myself.
    • your muse must be dominant.
    • reply length 1 - 3 paragraphs, or more. no one liners, please.
    • your character will be at least in their 30's, seeing as qimiao is in his late 20's and i want his brother to be at least 7 years older than him.
    • third person, past tense writing

    here is qimiao's information, if you wish to read up on him :


    either comment below ( preferred ) or ecchitext me, if interested.

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