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  • Minorikawa's Archive of Ideas

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    I specialize in more light-hearted smut filled with sexiness and adventures. However, character is just as important as the smut, and I feel this shows in my writing. In fact, without characters, the smut lacks life. A good setting combined with good characters means opportunities for hotter scenes of lewdness and sex will continue to present themselves.

    For detailed information regarding what kind of sexiness, check my preferences. For a sample of my roleplaying, check out DeD_RunnerZ by me and IsabellaRose. Alternatively, check out my (continued) short stories, some of which act as "prologues" from which some of these ideas kickstart from.


    CURRENTLY CRAVING (Could change any moment)

    • As detailed in the Hentai World club, I have created a setting in which a city has been constructed around a dungeon location. This is a story where my partner ought to be playing as multiple characters, as I will be as well. We can focus on just one aspect of the setting, like the academy, or we can write various characters within. You can find the prologue here.


    • A bit of a vague idea at the moment despite being a craving, a young (18+) man and his father move into a neighborhood that happens to have a dense congregation of nudists. His dad is more than willing to embrace the lifestyle, with neighbors coming over and disrobing and comfortably hanging around the living room or pool in little-to-no clothing, but the young man is left confused and uncomfortable, uncertain how he should feel. It turns out, however, that there's a heavy swinger element to this community as well, and many of the young (18+) women are also fully comfortable with the lifestyle. The story would focus primarily on the young man's sexual adventures in this neighborhood, though the father's and perhaps other characters' as well.


    • (Prologue available to read here) It is expected that any Elvish princess be married by the age of twenty, and that she remain pure. Should she surpass that age or be found "sullied", then she is no longer good for political marriage. Our female princess is approaching twenty, but she's certainly "sullied". Despite the expectations for the nobility, Elvish culture is quite promiscuous, particularly between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five, then again between fifty and seventy-five, when the Elves are the closest to fertile as possible. Despite being such a long-lived species, the odds of conceiving a child are less than 1%, which has caused an evolutionary drive in them to mate when most fertile. Our Princess tried to hold out, but just before her nineteenth birthday she discovered how fun sex was... and continued to enjoy it. Now she is arranged to be wed on her twentieth birthday, but she has no interest in this prince. In fact, she has no interest in nobility! She sees how free the peasants are and yearns to have the fun they celebrate. Enter our lead male protagonist, a young thief sneaking into the castle the eve of the wedding. Is he there for some jewelry? Is he there to capture the princess? Either way, when he stumbles his way into her bedchamber, he discovers her preparing to make her own escape. Gleefully latching onto this opportunity, she decides to convince him to let her come with. Where the story goes from there is up to us.


    • A sort of "porn convention/expo anthology/series of vignettes" thing, where instead of sticking with any set characters we'd sort of bounce from scene to scene to scene. Characters could be either professionals of the industry, fans, attendees that know one another, attendees that are meeting one another for the first time, etc. Admittedly, I do have a fondness for "behind the scenes" style of things, and that can factor into this while simultaneously appealing to exhibitionism and discrete public play. It would sort of be like mini-stories all within this one location. As a result, it relies on being able to create multiple different characters, though one at a time and not requiring too much depth. However, the idea could also work if it's just one female character and her sexual adventures throughout the convention weekend. No plans to make it a larger story at the moment, but if we become attached to particular characters perhaps we could expand to something more.


    • An intergalactic space station designed to train the next generation of Mech pilots and space force cadets? Sounds like a fun time! In addition to housing prospective pilots in training, there will be students learning communications, radar, and perhaps most importantly, maintenance and engineering, and all on board a space station with a relaxing community center supported by civilian businesses. Think Macross/Robotech. This idea was, admittedly, inspired by perusing my collection of sexy anime ladies, where I found a potential pilot and her casual wear, a potential engineer/mechanic, and more. I also enjoy Mechs and am working on catching up with some classic Mech anime. Whether there's an actual war going on or the students are just doing exercises can be discussed. Again, ideally there will be multiple characters per player, but this can be done with just one character for my partner.


    • Who doesn't like a vampire story? I pull my character Marcus Miller out of the Midnight Meetings club and into a story of the supernatural, though he doesn't yet know it. Perhaps there can be succubi and nekomimi as well. Open to further the plot, as this one has some loose ideas. A more serious tone, but certainly still filled with sexual encounters. You can read the prologue here.

    TAKEN (Willing to double-up on if it can be executed differently enough)

    • A setting where, one day, succubi appeared out of nowhere in our reality. Did they come from Hell? Some alternate dimension? Unfortunately, not a single one could remember. It was almost like that first day on Earth was the first day of their lives, only... they knew it wasn't. With this sudden influx of random people worldwide, many governments did what they could to accommodate, building special housing across different population centers to help as the different succubi found jobs or entered education. However, things weren't necessarily so easy. Because they rely on the life force found within man's semen to survive, many men took advantage of this. Constant groping, bosses and professors offering exchanges for pleasure, or outright denying work due to moral or even religious objection. For as much as men seemed to love having them around and taking advantage of them, women seemed to hate them. As a result, many succubi stuck together in social circles, though even they were unable to come to an agreement on things. Some believed they lived a great life having as much sex as they wanted, others thought they were being mistreated, and still others were just glad to have something and didn't want to rock the boat. For this story, it would be a slice-of-life, ideally with my partner playing two or three succubi living together, representing different outlooks on the situation, all trying to scrape by. One of my characters would be a kind and friendly face, another a strip club owner that hires primarily succubi for a bit of a "special" lap dance for the higher paying customers. I have plenty of other characters I can write as well, such as business men, gym rats, and so on.


    • An isekai setting in an erotic/hentai MMORPG, whose graphics are 2D like the old Ragnarok Online. Inspiration from Log Horizon in this, only instead of focusing on the characters at the center of the "save the world" plot (or I guess the "escape the isekai" plot), we'd be playing characters that are just going through their day-to-day in the now virtual reality game world. Much like my other fantasy setting, this is a game where all women are spellcasters and mana must be generated by taking in semen orally or vaginally (or we can work out anally, I suppose, if that's your thing). For many players, the little animations of 2D characters engaging in sexual activities was an amusing aspect of the game, but many players would engage in cybersex via the text chat. Guilds would form around sexual interest groups, players would create brothels to ensure constant mana supply or just general sexual fun, and many friendships would form. The main hook of this story is to explore how the sudden change to a virtual world might impact these relationships. Does the simulation of real touch change how they interact? Do they just let out all their horny desires with one another? Do guilds break up from newly formed drama? I would love to explore facets of this kind of setting.


    • A setting where a young man is awoken from cryosleep having been cured of a terminal illness, but finds that so much has changed with the world becoming far more lax regarding sex and sexuality. Hard to really summarize, so while it's long (three parts), best to read the prologue. The general conflict will be in how the protagonist tries to deal with his loneliness, instinctively adapting to this world filled with casual sex, but still finding it empty emotionally.

    Thanks for reading, and send an EcchiText if any of that sounds appealing.

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    12 hours ago, Minorikawa said:

    I realized it might help to give this thread a "bump" so it's not so buried. I edited its contents earlier so it's all fresh. If bumping is bad protocol then I apologize.

    It should be fine, really. As long as you don't bump every hours. Bringing it back to the first page is fine. After all, you want to find roleplayers.

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    Wasn't planning on updating so soon, but I'm feeling ready to start properly pursuing stories now and figured some edits were necessary. Additionally, I made the mistake of browsing my collection of images which sparked some dormant ideas. Mech Academy was added as a setting, and two more specific plot seeds were also added.

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    • Added a link to the Elvish Princess prologue in my short stories thread
    • Moved the succubus world to taken (but still open for alternate takes)
    • Added a new craving in line with some honesty about the characters I prefer writing being added to my preferences.
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