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  • My Roleplaying Ideas

    Hello! This is my compilation post of all the interesting ideas and fun stories I have in mind for RP's. Some of them are more story based, some of them lean moreso on kinks and ideas that get lewd quickly. I'll often re-post and update this post to add more so be on the lookout! My actual RP's are down below so if you want to ignore the fluff feel free. 

    If your even remotely interesting in any of my ideas please feel free to message me! I'll do my best to get to everyone I can even if I end up being slightly slow. I put all these ideas out there because I enjoy them so I likely won't turn them down! While I'm at it also, here are a few important details that should help give you an idea of what I have in mind!

    • I play almost exclusively subs. I'm terribly at playing a dom and honestly don't enjoy it as much, so if that's what your looking for no need to worry about securing the spot. (I'm pretty open to male dom, but don't expect someone super rough)
    • I usually enjoy a good amount of story in some of my RP's, however some of them can be pretty straight to the point, so feel free to let me know what kind of pace you'd like to have for the RP!
    • I'll play males, females, and futas, but I mostly play females in my RP's. However your free to play whatever you prefer for the RP as I'm good with any combo!
    • Any level of literacy is fine! You don't need to write insanely long replies, so long as it's more than a few sentences your fine!
    • I only do private RP's so feel free to message me if any of these ideas interest you! 

    Now with that out of the way I'll post my ideas! Bear in mind none of these are set in stone and I'm more than happy to change them or up even do a new idea entirely. These are just concepts I like and think would be fun to play with. 

    The Sympathetic Officer


     This story will be based somewhat on the Star Wars universe so a moderate understanding would be nice to have. This story follows MC, a captured Jedi, being held in Imperial custody in a cell on a ship, while YC, an Imperial Officer, grows sympathetic for the pitiful thing. Things can progress with them slowly offering some comfort to the captured Jedi and just kindness and can evolve however we see fit. Maybe they convince a few higher ups to allow for private interrogations? Maybe they escape and try to keep hidden? Or maybe they just convince the higher ups to allow them to stay on the ship as a sort of indentured servant. The possibilities are whatever you want them to be!
    ADDENDUM: This scenario can also very similarly work, but play much differently, with YC being a Sith/Inquisitor that captured mine. The potential is roughly the same but it is a note worthy change I am very down for.



    A Lowly Maid


    This story will follow MC playing as a maid transferred from the house of a noble who has died, to the house of YC, another noble that was only faintly familiar with the other. The original noble who owned MC will have been harsh, cruel, and likely somewhat abusive to them, which means that the kindness offered by YC will likely be a heartwarming surprise to them. The story can likely follow them as they slowly get closer with MC enjoying the company of YC more and more, slowly teaching them to not overwork themselves and tend to their needs that were often neglected, even simple things as eating. After that the story can really go anywhere!

    A Dad and His Daughter


    This story is rather straight forward and to the point. For one reason or another MC, the daughter of YC, ends up in bed with and having a much deeper and more intimate relationship with their father than most. How did this happen? Well there are a few ideas I had in mind, those being:

    • Every since the loss of his wife, the father has been rather consumed by his work, never having time to spend with his daughter that used to adore him so much. She figures that if she.. entices him somehow, maybe he'd start being around more often.
    • The daughter had always had a fascination with their fathers perfect and large build, always secretly being attracted to them until they mustered the confidence to sneak into their room before they went to bed and "convince" them one way or another.
    • Due to a lot of clumsy and unfortunate circumstances, the two of them keep finding themselves bumping into eachother in awkward situations. Undression, showering, maybe even an occasional "personal" session. This ends up going on until one of them confronts the other or succumbs to their flustered feelings.

    Some Tentacle Fun


    This idea is pretty cut and dry, if your willing to play as some disembodied tentacles I'm more than happy to accept them as a female!~ (Or a futa if you'd like! ^^)
    The base idea is just some tentacles manifesting in a bedroom in the middle of a night, either by themselves or intended summoning, but I'm open to any others you have in mind!~

    The Pawn of a Vampire


    (This idea is preferred to be FemalexFemale or FemalexFuta)
    This story follows MC, a lowly villager, peasant, or what have you,  found and at the whims of YC, a Vampire. They could be roaming lost in the woods, investigating a curious rumor, or even just pulled into an alley on a late night before being taken aside. Due to either pitty or simply finding them cute, YC seems to spare MC, in exchange for some of their blood and further deals determined by you. Will they be performing acts for the Vampire? Providing regular feedings? Or will they simply be told to tag along with the Vampire and grow closer? Who knows! It's up to you!

    Caught in the Claws of a Werewolf) 


    (Warning, this idea is more for furry ideas)

    In a similar vein to the vampire idea, MC ends up lost in the woods and found by YC, a werewolf. This idea can probably progress much faster in terms of ERP and can likely evolve into a relationship faster than the vampire concept. Perhaps they'll keep the girl around as a nice companion, or perhaps they'll adventure on together with plenty of "fun" along the way. Completely up to you! b8c1b30006ec5e0976d18ef5ebea46ae.jpglarge.index.png.7c3c03cf60bd284ff82e63bblarge.28f0375b2fe5ac2a4ea10df286416784.j

    A more Intimate Bracken


    This idea is also relatively simple and mostly based on the image, I'll play the female character and you would play the bracken in this scenario. It could be pretty flexible with a variable level on non-con, inclusion of kinks, and whatever you might enjoy! We could even potentially include some other monsters if that's what floats your boat :3


    The Warlock and the Patron


    This idea is a bit more in depth than some of the others! Essentially my character is in want of something, magical power, political power, or something that could only be offered by a demon of great power, and your character would be the one suppling it! Regardless of the reason the terms of the pack are a lot more intimate than most (varrying based on how much story you'd like), where they'll act as part pet and part beloved 'friend' of the Patron. A lot of this scenario explains itself but a lot of it is variable to whatever you'd enjoy, so feel free to discuss with me in text! ^^


    The 💫Adventure!💫 


    It should be said outright that this scenario is for the very enthusiastic that are willing to put in some more elbow grease, so not something I expect or need from everyone usually, but I always enjoy the idea so I'll put it up here anyways.

    This is essentially just a fantasy adventure RP. I'll set up my character based on how we like it, decide a few things about our world, and then you'll craft the story as we go, including any monsters, locations, people, or anything else that'll get their hands on my character. This is good if you'd like to swap between a bunch of ideas, or just cycle through a bunch of creatures. You do not NEED to have a grand story or even a particularly interesting one if you want to do this, just cycling monsters is also fun for me. 🙂

    Free Space! 

    Last but certainly not least of all I should mention, I am very open to your ideas too!~ I love seeing what people have to offer in terms of fun and lewd ideas and as long as they don't push on limits too much and are in roles I'd still enjoy I'd love to hear anything you have as well. See you soon!~ ;3


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    I have two albums of characters that might work. BBC for the daddy rp or a male tentacled monster for the tentacle rp. 


    19 hours ago, Erasmus Sulur said:

    I have two albums of characters that might work. BBC for the daddy rp or a male tentacled monster for the tentacle rp. 

    Sure thing! Feel free to echitext me.


    4 hours ago, Kris said:


    Can I ecchitext?

    Sure thing, don't have to ask ^^


    Do you have a preference on your role in the dad and daughter?


    Preferably playing daughter.


    Happy to chat about the Star Wars idea if interested 🙂 


    Feel free to echitext me!


    Mind if I text about the maid?


    Bump! (With new ideas too!)


    Bump! I haven't been active in a hot minute but I would love to get back into here and do some RP!~ I'm open to others besides the ones listed if you have your own ideas as well :3


    Bump! Updated images to actually work! 🙂


    Can I ask for the artist for the last photos? For the red kitsune girl, I love the design ♥


    Artist is personalami :3

    • Love 1


    Thank you! I love your ideas btw 


    Mhmm! Feel free to message if your interested in playing any~


    I'm not that good for that kind of stories haha, my English is bad 


    Bump! Fixed images (for real this time) plus some extras for most of them!~

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