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  • Runaway

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Looking for a girl who enjoys playing 8 - 13. You're sick of your home, your parents practically driving you out of the house. You decide to strike out on your own, searching for a live in job and managing to find one. They're advertising for a live in maid, seventeen or older, and are offering comfortable housing and pretty good pay. It's a single man living on his own, so presumably not much to clean up or care for. It's practically the perfect position and you send him a message agreeing to meet, your only task now it to hide your age and pretend to be older. This can go a lot of ways, i could fall for you slowly or constantly try to get under your skirt. I could make it clear that i want sex during our meet up or just grab and use you at some point when you're working for me. I can even mix it up and alter the world to be more advanced or add in furries.

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