Howdy degenerates! Today I will present to you a few plots that have been rolling around in the old noggin' of mine betwixt the daydreamin' of phallic objects. I'll do my best to tag 'em properly, but these are very much open-ended, in terms of the direction they can go! Some may be lewd off the bat, others may have you scratchin' chins at where the sex is, others are blatant fantasies of mine—in the world of creative writing nothing is impossible, or improbable and I'm very open to slow-burns or rampant fuck-fests. You'll find my kinky time interests in my preference sheet, but otherwise all you need to know now is I'm primarily looking for cock havin' characters ( futa mostly but others can apply ) to pair with my ladies. While it's also not a strict requirement, I do prefer characters in these settings to be at worst morally ambiguous or complex with a lean to be the one takin' charge.
A Handy Key Of Information!
YC will stand for 'Your Character' and MC will stand for 'My Character'.
All plots unless otherwise stated are in original or semi-original fantasy universes.
Each one is negotiable and adjustable.
Check the preference sheet for kinks and other important information!
Dreams of Ash ( Incest, Adventure, Story & Smut Focus )
In the myriad of dreams one is bound to have in their lifetime, there is one YC experiences on routine every couple of months. They arrive always to strange forest, one utterly and completely charred. One unfamiliar, where a dense fog obscures vision save for only a few feet before YC's eyes. A never ending forest, one of dead, blackened oaks and an endless expanse of ash covered earth. Always feeling watched but never finding another, the dream albeit strange and foreboding was always peaceful. That was until one night, a singular golden orb appeared in the fog. It would lead YC towards a strange, almost dome-like canvas of healthy trees. Branches would part, green would return to the earth, sunlight would bleed through, and in the center below the canopy of towering leaves a simple low-raised table, an empty seat, and across... a nine-tailed fox with a matronly smile beckoning YC forward.
( Plot is vague on purpose! Only requirement for this is the character to be unware of who their parents were or at least who their mother was. )
Jailbird to Bodyguard ( Adventure, Power Dynamics, Story & Smut Focus )
It's rather easy to end up in the local town's jail. While strong and capable, one is hardly a match or foolish enough to battle the lord's trained army in his own streets alone! Whether as rightful consequence for breaking the law or accidentally getting on someone's bad side, YC has ended up behind bars with a hefty bill they can't afford that would grant them freedom. Knowing full well criminal rights don't exactly exist, they've settled for the long haul. That is until a prospective merchant, MC, is seen purveying the crooks and criminals of the local jail like pieces of meat. YC stands out, and MC gives them an offer: serve as a bodyguard and she'd pay their bail, effectively becoming an indentured servant or rot in jail. The choice is obvious, and YC discovers they've now become the strong arm of a eccentric merchant aiming to make it big!
( Open-ended, room for adventure and going place to place. Coop world-building is heavily preferred for this. )
A Homely Winter ( Survival, Power Dynamics, Domestic Life, Story & Smut Focus )
YC is a name worthy to fear. Powerful perhaps in name alone or too in strength, they've known only conflict in their pursuits. A warlord perhaps, maybe even a powerful sorcerer, or even a ruler of a nation. YC is known to be selfish, ambitious, and undeniable in their quest for all they desire. Yet is in forlorn hills during a onset of a harsh winter that all would seemingly come to an end. Wounded, left for dead amongst a snow-clad forest as a storm rolls over—what set them low? Assassins? A failed experiment? A consequence of arrogant hubris? Death is all but certain as eyes close, knowing soon nature would claim them. It does not, however. As eyes open YC awakes not to heaven nor hell, but to a wooden ceiling and the soft illumination of candlelight. Their wounds tended but ever grievous to leave them little beyond conscious, they discover MC at their bedside. A woman living on the outskirts, in a log cabin a good hour trek from the nearest village: their savior, one who knows not the deeds or name of YC, only that they were a life almost lost. The road to full recovery is long and the terrible winter just as, promising the next few months will be the confines of this simple, small cabin.
( Very open-ended, but essentially YC is a powerful individual who's life is saved by MC who resides in a cozy little cabin who knows not even the feintest thing regarding YC. Lots of ways for this to go, but the idea is two complete strangers living together in a small space under amusing circumstances. )
The Bluntest Tool in the Shed ( Hentai Logic, Sexual Training, Power Dynamics, Brainwash, Naivety, Smut Focus )
MC isn't very smart. It was ironically the nicest way to address her severe case of naivety, her errant trust of strangers and debilitating lack of awareness. Probably the worst trait to have as an adventurer, but alas it was her chosen profession as to follow the footsteps of fabled heroes. Luck would have it as a more supportive role she often found herself in those understanding to her nature and often those who took care to watch after her. Her latest mission with her rag tag group was to deliver a package, one unbeknownst to her that was worth very little—a paltry sum. A task dispersed by the guild, they had essentially claimed it was accomplished the moment they made it to the town's gates. It was MC that was tasked with the delivery, the rest deciding to make a stop at the nearby town to look into a rumor of an orc raid. Time was of the essence, and they trusted MC to perform the most simplest of tasks. Tragedy however would strike as in route to the estate by herself, she had tripped and crushed the package. Terrified but honest, MC would complete the delivery and plead with the owner of the estate to forgive her, claiming she'd do anything to pay them back. YC is that noble liege, and it should be clear to anyone how cheap the item was. YC was lacking entertainment these days, and could absolutely use a clueless maid believing they were paying back a priceless artifact.
( A bit more wordy; MC is essentially an airhead and YC notices this, convincing them the package was very expensive and they'd have to pay it back as an indentured servant. In this YC would absolutely need to be more nefarious, whether keeping it simple to enjoy them while they believe the lie OR slowly brainwashing them to utterly surrender their freedom. )
Those Aren't Goblins! ( Enslavement, Slave Training, Smut Focus, Hentai Non-Consent, Smut Focus )
MC is a newly accepted member of the adventurer's guild! Starting off at the lower ranks, most of her jobs consist of transporting items back and fourth an other administrative tasks. Luck would have it however she'd be able to ply her skills with rumor of a goblin attack coming to a nearby village. An enemy considered of very low risk, it'd be a great way for her to show her potential! That is, of course, until on the day of attack it isn't goblins but instead their larger, more dangerous, vicious cousins known as orcs! YC is one among the raid, who along with your kin easily dispatch the defenders and enjoy pillage to your heart's content! MC is one of those captured and defeated, claimed by YC to be their new camp trophy!
( Simple trope, MC takes on a job she thought she could handle but bad intel leaves her at the mercy of YC, a creature much stronger then anticipated! )
Training My Master ( Master & Slave, Court Politics, Smut & Story Focus )
YC, by means of rising in the hierarchy or being finally given position by birthright, is the proud title holder of a modest stretch of land. The gap between them and a peasant is huge and comes with a plethora of luxuries most could never imagine to enjoy. They take no time in enjoying the fruits of their position, but alas despite their impressive hedonism they lack any formal training on how to hold or fortify their position in this new responsibility. MC is one of the many slaves trafficked through the land, one who's not new to the life but hungers to elevate their position just as much as her new master hungers for her! Noticing YC's lack of ability to properly manage their estate and lands, MC attempts a bargain. She'd teach them how to be a proper lord and not only manage but fend off their competition, in exchange for a rise of position from being a lowly slave to a relished trophy, albeit still with collar firmly latched to neck.
( A bit of a twist on the normal S&M trope. MC would teach YC how to be a lord in exchange for better treatment, a scenario that pits both the selfish hedonists against the world and encourages them to use their innate skills and talents to benefit each other! )
More will come in time, but this is a good list to start off. If you're interested in discussing any, please send a message my way!
Updated March 28th: Two new plots added ( Those Aren't Goblins, Training My Master ) with additional tags added to current plots.
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