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  • Seeking Stories Beyond the Event Horizon

    Welcome one and all to my first request thread
    WIP: Will be Updated Regularly

    Just a little info on my standards and rules... >.>

    1. Have Fun, if your not having fun... Please let me know.
    2. Please post at least 2 paragraphs if possible... I understand writers block and all, but I am patient.
    3. Please contribute to building the world that our roleplay will take place in.
    4. If you have an idea that you want to do, then please come to me with it... I will consider just about anything.
    5. All characters will be aged up to fall in line with the sites rules.
    6. Leaving- If you want to leave the rp for whatever reason, please tell me.


    Love, Blood and Submission

    In New York there is an underground arena where the rich and dominant come to prove that they are above everyone else. They send their submissives into the arena to fight like animals, for pride and wealth. But the few that do not have a submissive to call their own, bet on what are called rouge submissives, who are not trained in any sense. But should the submissive win and the winning party takes interest in them, then they have the option of taking the submissive in place of their winnings.

    A Separated Love

    Twin sisters who had been separated at birth, never knowing that the other existed have lived two very different lives. The oldest by just minutes was raised by her birth parents and eventually grew up to become the CEO of a Major Corporation. The Younger sister was given to a Lesbian couple who wanted desperately to have child, She was raised just as well as her older sister. But instead of running a Corporation, she instead runs a highly successful gay bar. But fate has other plans in store for the separated sisters, With the approaching reading of the will of their birth parents, The oldest sister is finally informed that she has a sister and soon embarks of a search for her sister. With so little information about her sister and no pictures to go by, it seems impossible to find her until a chance meeting leads them to each other without them knowing.

    Blood and Love

    With nano being used in every function of life from construction to creating rations, it not surprising that game developers have taken it to a new level as they reveal the neural link. The neural link is a special type of nano that is grown within the body, it has several other functions besides gaming use...It can receive mail, calls, and even help with school work...but it's main use is for games. This special nano enhances the senses and in some cases the pleasures and pain that are felt in the games. But one game rules above all others, Ghost of Battle- The Sacred War created by Sierra Eight studios. Sierra Eight promised a unique game, complete with thousands of races drawn from every culture in the world, as if that was enough players could create a race of their own. They delivered all this and more, making the environments so varied and realistic that it was impossible to tell the difference between a game and life. With most of the gamers playing being over the age of 18, they could access the uncensored version of the game that included sexual actions with other players. But the war element was started once a month and tore friends and loves apart as their factions battled for the control of land in which a city could be built for their factions and even other factions to come live in.

    The Hopeful Summon

    In a school built around the art of summoning an 18 year old student finds herself flunking all of her test and her only chance hinges on her midterm fight. But all of her summons are of the lowest and weakest class. Taking it upon themselves, her weak summons band together for their mistress and form a magic circle to summon a being that will help her pass her test with the highest scores...they successfully summoned a very powerful and high ranking Creature. After the fight it turns out that the Summon has taken a liking to the young woman and wants the summoner as her own.

    Last of the Dragoons

    A war has been raging for years and it has taken a toll in human lives. The noble order of the Dragoons has all but been destroyed, now the only one Dragoon stands between the King of the Dragons and his plan to enslave all of humanity. But a small number of Dragons have grown tired of fighting for the brutal king, they tire of his constant raping of any and all females that meet his fancy, they tire of his rule and now conspire against. But they are not strong enough even with if they were to fight him one on one. It would take the felling blow to be delivered by a Dragoon to end his reign. But first an uneasy truce must be forged between the Dragons and the last remaining Dragoon.

    The Curse of the Dragons.

    In all the world no creature is more dangerous then the Dragon, smart, brave and extremely strong. These noble creatures have hindered all war efforts across the world, but now they are being hunted by the Slayers of the Shadow Rose Clan. But one slayer has forgotten about the respect, she should have for the Dragons even as they lay dying at her feet. The Slayer shatters eggs and leaves the bodies to rot beneath the sun, instead of harvesting the valuable parts of the Dragon. After a year, the young Slayer finally managed to reach the nest of an Elder Dragon, this Dragon had been responsible for numerous death in the nearby cities and towns.

    After a long and grueling fight, The Elder Dragon lays dying and yet with it's dying breath it Cursed the young Slayer. "You shall walk the earth until we are no more", fear crossed the Slayer's face as the words hit her like a dragon breaking the wall of a city. So now she wanders the earth, seeking Dragons, so that she may feel the sweet pangs of Death and join her sisters-in-arms.

    Halo: A Second Chance

    It has been 27 years since the loss of all Spartans, this loss was caused by a ONI Prowler being captured by the Covenant...All information was removed from the Prowler before it could be destroyed. Tracing this Information back to Reach, the Covenant sent an overwhelming force to wipe out the Spartans, While the Covenant suffered massive causalities, all the Spartans had been killed before a proper counterattack could be formed...

    Now the war is looking grim for Humanity, at least until the Great Schism... Even with their new Sangheili allies, the war appears to be a lost cause, as worlds are burned one after another. But when a strange forerunner crystal is found and it has shown the ability to bend the fabric of time...An plan is formed, a suicide plan...For a ODST member to use the forerunner crystal to go back to Reach and save the Spartans. With the Sangheili's help, a special suit of armor was made for the ODST member who volunteered to go and save the Spartans...This would be the turning point in the war

    Love to Stand the Greatest Test

    During a great war that would shape her nation's future, a Young Princess and her lover fought side by side. Each was a master of the blade, but it had always annoyed the young princess to be beaten by her lover in terms of skills. But just minutes before the opposing country's king surrender, a lance pierced the lover's chest. After the battle, her body was prepared and buried in her family's tomb...but her sword hung from the princess hip from that day on, never to be wielded in battle or touched by anyone, but the princess herself.

    When the princess became the Queen of her country, she was always distracted by her fallen lover...In the end she died of natural causes, but those that knew her, knew that it was a broken heart. But time flowed on the Princess and her lover were reborn in the modern time...The princess remained part of the high class and her lover was part of middle class, when they meet again, the Princess can feel the pull to her lover, but her advances and attempts are just shrugged off or completely ignored, but when she challenged her reborn lover to sword fight for a date, she finds herself on her knees in defeat once again...It seems the princess will need to work once again to get her lover back

    Greek Demigoddess x Norse Demigoddess
    Greek Demigoddess x Egyptian Demigoddess
    Norse Demigoddess x Egyptian Demigoddess
    Greek Demigoddess x Norse Goddess
    Greek Demigoddess x Egyptian Goddess
    Norse Demigoddess x Greek Goddess
    Norse Demigoddess x Egyptian Goddess
    Egyptian Demigoddess x Greek Goddess
    Egyptian Demigoddess x Norse Goddess
    Vǫrðr x Greek Demigoddess
    Vǫrðr x Norse Demigoddess
    Vǫrðr x Egyptian Demigoddess[/spoiler]

    Modern Pairings
    Stripper x Closeted Roommate
    College Roommates
    Exes on a Game Show
    New Soldier x Squad Leader
    Squad Leader x Commanding Officer
    Commanding Officer x Heartbroken Soldier
    Pilot x Soldier
    Combat Medic x Wounded Soldier
    Soldier x Civilian Girlfriend
    Sniper x Spotter
    Tank Commander x Gunner
    Mechanic x Tank Commander
    Rebel x Soldier
    Rebel x Wounded Pilot
    Captured Sniper x Rebel
    Trainer x Fighter
    Hacker x FBI Agent
    Ex-Soldier x Civilian
    Hiker x Injured Woman
    Band Member x Band Member
    Fan(s) x Band Member
    Reluctant Mistress x New Sub
    Gamer x Gamer
    Teacher x Student
    Bartender x Model
    Makeup Artist x Actress
    Country Girl x City Girl
    Hiker x Injured Woman
    Soccer Player x Coach
    Trainer x Fighter
    Cafe Waitress x Actress

    Fantasy Pairings
    Stripper x Succubus
    Demoness x Angel
    Vampire x Werewolf
    Werewolf x Queen
    Vampire x Queen
    Werewolf x Newly Turned Werewolf
    Vampire x Master Vampire
    Vampire Slayer x Werewolf Partner
    Werewolf Hunter x Vampire Partner
    Werewolf Alpha x Vampire Countess
    Vampire Countess x Vampire Slayer
    Werewolf Hunter x Werewolf Alpha
    Griffin x Rider
    Demoness x Relic Hunter
    Fallen Angel x Human
    Fallen Angel x Angel
    Guardian Angel x Non-believer
    Assassin x Apprentice
    Assassin x Assassin
    Princess x Assassin
    Hunter x Monster Girl
    Hunter x Amazon
    Explorer x Monster Girl
    Pirate x Mermaid
    Slayer x Werewolf

    Sci-Fi Pairings
    Mech Pilot x Mechanic
    Mech Pilot x Mech Pilot
    Ship Captain x A.I
    Ship Captain x Medic
    Soldier x Pirate Queen
    Mercenary x A.I
    Soldier x Ship Captain
    Survivor x Alien
    Soldier x Super Soldier
    Alien x A.I
    Soldier x Researcher
    Researcher x Rebel
    Alien x Researcher
    Alien x Soldier

    Dresden Files
    League of Legends
    Harry Potter
    Metal Gear
    Dragon Age
    Mass Effect
    Elden Ring 
    Dark Souls
    Fate/ Series

    Halo Effect

    F. Rookie x F. Shepard
    F. Rookie x F. Ryder
    F. Spartan x F. Shepard
    F. Spartan x F. Ryder
    Nicole-458 x F. Shepard
    Nicole-458 x Fem Ryder
    Sangheili Shipmistress x Shepard
    Sangheili Shipmistress x Ryder[/spoiler]

    Skyrim x Dragon Age

    F. Dwarven Warden x F. Dragonborn
    F. Warden x F. Dragonborn
    F. Inquisitor x F. Dragonborn
    Antivan Crow x Dragonborn
    Antivan Crow x Dark Brotherhood Member

    Fandom Crossover
    Harry Potter x Elden Ring
    Harry Potter x Bloodborne
    Harry Potter x Dresden Files
    Armored Core x Halo
    Marvel x MHA
    DC x MHA
    Marvel x DC
    Prototype x MHA[/spoiler]

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