Preface: This will be an incest story. Fucking shocking, I know. Possible non-con... but that all depends how you want to play it. Hoping this isn't too reposty cuz I'm always up for incest stuff and even have the club... but since I've been gone for awhile, I'd like to find a good partner to do play this out with. A nice re-intro to good 'ol ED, hopefully.
I'm thinking fantasy setting. A royal family has come into power over a certain region. They seemed to come out of nowhere. Kain and Rose... the king and queen. They were both powerful fighters... taking over the former monarchy by force. But it was a welcome change... the previous rulers were quite despised by the people... running them poor while they enjoyed lavish parties. Once Kain and Rose took over, they were much more perceptive to the will of the people. They could be stern, yet always fair. Eventually they would go on two produce two children... Dorian and Boleah. The prince and princess were absolutely adored by the people and only allowed them to further cement themselves as the rulers of this kingdom.
But every family has it's secrets. And this one is a doozy! Kain and Rose... the King and Queen... were actually siblings. Orphaned as children, they only had each other to rely on. They had to learn to fight to survive. Both of them became powerful warriors... for awhile working as mercenaries for various armies to get by... until they set their eyes on a kingdom of their own to settle down in. Through the course of their adventures and fighting... the line between siblings and lovers began to cross. They sought comfort in each other... which was harmless at first... but became more and more intense. Eventually, Kain couldn't take it anymore... making the move on his younger sister. She was shocked and a little resistant at first... but once Kain sets his mind to something... nothing will stop him. She eventually accepted her brother as her lover... resulting in intense and passionate love-making once the beast was let out of the cage. Although, not long after their children were born... Rose tragically passed.
The kingdom was in mourning... and moreso was Kain. For awhile, he was completely broken. Force to run and kingdom and raise two children by himself. He started to become a more harsh and intense ruler in her absence... but as the prince and princess grew up, they were able to reign him in... to keep him from going off of the deep end.
Presently, the kingdom is happy and prosperous. Kain, still an intimidating king... but his children were loved by all. One day, Kain tells his children that he has a special announcement for them... but doesn't tell them what it is yet. Is he passing on the torch and naming one of them the new ruler? They began to speculate.
But it wasn't quite that. He plans on handing Boleah more responsibility... but it isn't what she thinks it is. Like he did with his little sister, he plans on converting his daughter into a sexual partner. Not only that... but bear the children of himself and her brother.
Kain and Boleah's relationship is about as you'd expect. He loves his daughter... but he's always been a stern father. Never abusive, but he expects obedience out of his children. It's also been one of Kain's guiding principles, that he always gets what he wants.. and nothing will stop him. This ideology led him to survive being an orphan in a harsh world. To become a fierce and fearsome warrior. And to eventually take over a kingdom for his own and even take his own sister as his lover. So in his new plan... don't expect him to take no for an answer... he tends to get his way whether you like it or not.
Dorian, however, is her best friend. Growing up dealing with their grieving father... they also had to watch out for each other... support each other. If there is one person in the world you'd put your absolute trust in... it would be your brother Dorian. You do everything together... train together.. tell each other everything. Although he has been acting a little strange lately. Looking at you differently. When you try to bring it up to him and ask him what's wrong... the always dodges the question. But you know your brother well enough to know he's keeping something from you. And now this strange announcement from father.
Kain has kept the family secret from his children for a reason. This was something he had always planned... so it was kept from you on purpose. He enjoys his conquests in all aspects of his life. Although he recently informed Dorian of the family history... as well as his plans for you... hence why he has been acting strange. He has a hard time looking at you... knowing that he'd be taking his own sister as his lover. Shocked at first, but the longer he pondered it... the more he began to look forward to the day. You're his best friend and closest person to him... in a way it makes sense to take you as a lover... even if you are his sibling.
Now, how you handle the King's announcement is up to you. Whether you accept it or not, he's going to have his way regardless... and he expects you to obey. In fact, the more you struggle.. the more he'll enjoy it. The challenge of breaking in his own daughter is something he has looked forward to for many years. You know your brother knows something, but how will you handle this betrayal? You tell each other everything and trust each other... and now he wants to take you as a lover? He may not be as forceful as father, but after he learned the secret... he's really taken a liking to the idea of having you for a lover. He thinks perhaps one day, he can even disclose it to the kingdom... and they will accept the truth and you'll rule as your parents did... sibling King and Queen.
But only this... they expect you to bear them children... Having children for your father and brother. (No need to RP the pregnancy... more interested in the act of impregnating!). How can you fathom such a thing? Hell.. if it were up to Kain... he'd repopulate the entire kingdom with family members. Perhaps that's his plan, and you're just the beginning.
It's pretty... telling what I'm looking for here, lol. I play the father and brother, and you play the princess. How, exactly.. can be up to you. Whether you accept your new role in the family, or have to be "broken in". I prefer to not go too extreme either way. It is no fun if she accepts it immediately and is like "OH YEH DADDY AND BRO GIVE IT TO ME!!" But I also do not want them to be constantly raping her, either. That just becomes a buzzkill. Perhaps a little breaking in and she eventually learns to accept it. I can go full romantic as well as pretty dark. Though in the beginning, she won't have much say in the matter. They can take her separately. Coming into her room at night. During a mission. (We can add adventure elements, maybe.) They can take turns with her as well as take her at the same time. Other ideas including special outfits for her to wear around the castle (or whatever). The fun of keeping the "secret" from the kingdom. Taking her immediately before or after a public event. Can go full subservience and humiliation if you'd like. The aforementioned outfits she's forced to wear... and perhaps once they've revealed their secret to the kingdom, they can hold special events where the people are forced to watch your father and brother have their way with you. A fall of the elegant princess type thing.
If that's not your bag... you can eventually accept your father and take your brother for a lover and go full romance. Once it happens, it makes sense. Who else would you want to end up with besides your brother? You proudly reveal it to the kingdom, and they accept you as their rulers.
If you want to get more freaky. We can make them elven or something... so they're immortal or live for a very long time. Maybe go forward with the "Make a whole kingdom from incest" thing. In a scenario where eventually Boleah has and daughter or son of her own. Or both. Going down the dark path... you know Kain would want to claim his granddaughter once she comes of age, just as he did to you. If we're on a dark path.. I'm sure he'd like to make you watch while he does to your daughter what he did to you. And the cycle continues. How would you feel when your brother/lover begins to make eyes at your child? Another betrayal? Jealousy? On a happier plot, they accept this is the family way... and look forward to teaching your children the joys of the special family bonding. If you have a son... how will he grow up? A mama's boy who gets lots of special attention? If dark path.. then just as your father and brother... your son grows up to only use you as his personal plaything. He just wants to you to birth a child for him as well. Another benefit would be the possibility... of three generations... a father, a brother and a son all enjoying you together. Whether it's a beautiful family moment, or your worst nightmare is up to you.
Ok, I think I've talked long enough and you get the idea... if you've made it this far. My kinks are obviously incest, impreg, swimsuits/outfits, creampies, DP, anal, dom/sub, dub/noncon.
Limits are toilet stuff, gore and extreme violence. If we go down the dark path, there may be some light abuse. Slaps and the such. But nothing over the top.
Ecchitext me if you're down for this. If have your own ideas to add, or maybe alter some things... I'm always willing to listen and make changes. Hopefully I find an old buddy or a new pal to help me play this out to celebrate my return to ED!
Oh yeah... other things quick... As for reply length... I'm not the biggest fan of one-liners... nor do we have to write novels with every reply, either. I typically work with what I'm given. Also... I do work a lot lately... so my replies may not always be as regular as they used to. (Were they ever!?). I hope to commit, but don't always expect a reply everyday. But hopefully I'll be around more than my one a month drop ins.
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