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    Camp Crystal Lake:

    Welcome one and all to the Camp we hope you are having a joyous time here, now it is close to Halloween so we are happy your Parents allowed for all you brave souls to join us on this spooky night!~
    All of you are around 10 Years Old or a bit older is that correct?? Good to hear now don't fear the rumors about Jaye Voorhees she is not real and definitely not going to use Children such as yourself so don't worry~


    Obviously as you all can see here I am looking for someone to RP with this week and the following ones for the Spooky Time that is Halloween coming very soon, last time around did I do a Five Night's at Freddy's Security Breach RP with nearly No Limits at all. So if you are interested in doing this RP with me then please do let me know because I want this to get really dark although no amputation or such though Killing Gwen is alright with me as long as you rape her cold body afterwards 😜

    What I'm looking for is for someone to play as Genderbent Jason Voorhees with him being called Jaye and would be a Futa instead of the Normal Male he is, if you have any questions or thought about the RP then feel free to comment below or if you don't want it to clutter up then do write to me in EcchiText I don't bite, and I don't mind if you do slap me with your cock in the chat to show your dominance 😛 

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    One last Bump hopefully someone wanna do it~

    Have Removed these Kinks to not scare people away

    • Necrophilia
    • Stabbing
    • Blood


    I've never RP'd before. I'll participate, I just need help.


    Hey, Id be down if your still interested


    @Ernald Damn you are also interested in this Really Dark RP?? Lovely to hear!~ Alright send me a message above this and the Unfaithful RP Idea to me so we can get down to business~ 😏


    Hmm... I quite like your style! I haven't roleplayed something dark like this in quite a while so I'd be up for the challenge :]

    • Woohoo 1


    @arcticmm I would love to talk it over with you quite some, seeing as I wanna know just how dark you can get for this RP as well as creative thoughts for it~ 😈

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