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  • Viktor's Request Thread

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    KINKS/preferences' LOCATED HERE

    IMPORTANT NOTE: i have high functioning cerebral palsy, so please forgive any possible errors on my part. ALSO as far as the DDLG /MDLB is concerned ALL CHARACTERS AND AUTHORS INVOLVED MUST BE OF AGE. (i.e 20 or older)

    Mine.EXE. Think Doki Doki Literature club, But it's so far in the future the A.I can manifest itself physically under the right circumstances.

    The Amateur Switch Handbook
    Female lead Takes The male lead under her wing, and trains him to be a Confident collected and cool under pressure independent human, and also maybe the dom of her dreams that would make Christian Grey or that dude from Secretary who's name escapes me turn in their badge and gun.

    This Haunted Heart. - spooky new house. uptight townspeople. and a very strange, new acquaintance.

    Dude, But Romantically, - the classic, Best friends to lovers scenario bonus points for tomboy female lead shenanigans

    The God and The Acolyte - Character one accidentally summons Character Two through some sort of mystical situation. a lamp in a museum. a Ouija board, By accident reading things off from an RPG book. take your pick or make something up. the short version is that magical hijinks and hilarity ensues as the spirit that's summoned tries to adjust to this new and strange world. oh and serve their new disciple of course.

    Musician and the Muse/Manager/Roadie?. - a story of a rise from mediocrity the fall through excess and the redemption arc We can share music back and forth as a soundtrack, i think that would be cool. (See Above for the starter idea)

    The Best Medicine - therapist/ patient scenario it's just like silence of the lambs, But with sexy results.

    DD/LG or MD/LB

    Super Awkward book/comic/video game nerd pairing (Awkward stumbling slowburn romance is adorable to me.)

    Tough/bully Girl/Sweetheart Guy - This Image   pretty much sums up my idea, she's mean, cause she likes him, and would probably put someone in the hospital for looking at him wrong. a dash of yandere doesn't hurt.

    PROMPTS! YAYUH! OR (RP starters that fell flat, that i put way too much time into, character ideas to precede text)

    THE ROCKSTAR/ROADIE/JOURNALIST RP . ( ANTHRO CARTOON SHENANIGANS :this one can easily be modified, but the intent was a spin on the classic idea of What if Alvin and The Chipmunks were, damaged adults and this was a Sex Drugs Rock and Roll Story, With original character ideas of Course. And Yes. this one is where i took my username from)

    -------------- Male Lead (mc)   ////  Concept for Fem lead Idea 1  ..  Concept for Fem lead idea 2

    starter : Viktor blinked. he was in a car, he blinked again he was in his hotel room. and again and it was the next morning, the taste of vomit crawling over his tongue while needles and pins began crawling all over the outside of him his fur bristled due to the sudden unwelcomed sensation,. "this is why i don't go to parties" he groaned as he looked at his phone squinting since his eyeglasses were nowhere to be found, reluctantly after reading the first sentence he forced himself to read the rest. 4:57 AM : Max (Roadie/Sec.Guard) : Hey man, there's
    no easy way for me to say this, But me and Hailey have been seeing each other for a while now since you guys broke up
    "three weeks ago is not a while." Viktor thought to himself. rolling on to his side. every single weary dehydrated muscle in his body slowly roaring to life with agony.
    he readjusted himself and his tail instinctively moved to the side of his hip with a slight "swish" beneath the sheets.
    4:58 AM Max (Roadie/Sec.Guard) : so i think it's in my best interest to bow out from the whole thing, she says all the traveling is a bad idea for me, it's better to be home with her and stuff.
    Viktor chose not to respond,. instead he got up stretched, feeling the cold air against his body, all but boxer briefs covering him leaving little to the imagination. modesty was once something he held close to his chest but lately with the way things were it was slowly becoming less of a priority.
    he opened the bathroom door to the sound of the shower running.
    the girl from last night.-
    [5:17 PM]
    "did you want breakfast or something?" Viktor remarked taking in a swig of mouthwash.
    "oh, no,.." she piped up as if to begin an awkward statement "i uh. Really i just wanted you to sign some stuff so i could sell it online, I'll be gone in a little while"
    from the look of things, they didn't have sex. he just passed out next to her. neither of them seemed to be too upset about that.
    "ok.." he grit his teeth a bit in frustration. yet another person taking advantage of him AND leaving him to manage the messy aftermath. nothing he wasn't used to. due to the fact he was too well off to be obscure. but not well off enough to afford and sort of management company.
    head still pounding without saying much of anything he crawled back into bed.
    and composed a small post on social media
    "thanks to everyone for coming to the show. next stop nevada
    P.S. if there's anyone in Vegas experienced in gear management sound off any we might be able to get you some work."
    his phone buzzed to life, the rest of the band, checking in on him yet again.
    John, Raccoon. Drummer. has tattoos of every horror icon one could imagine adorning his arms.
    "Wellness Check"
    Elias: Bass, Rat. if you put crack and fireworks in a blender with a copy of a self help book, this would be your end result.
    "hey amigo, i just got some weird long message from hailey that makes zero sense. are you ok?"
    Viktor: i'm ok, ... OK i'm not "all sun is shining, flowers blooming. life is all pizza and blowjobs okay".. but i'm hanging in there. ... would you guys be ok if i just did the rest of the tour dates solo. money is tight you'll still get your ticket sale cut, i just. feel like it's something i need to do .
    J: yeah thats cool. take time for yourself totally understood. no reason to be cramped in a rolling metal fart tube with us two assholes while you're trying to get it together.
    E: Ditto. your sabbatical is OUR SABBATICAL (communist anthem)
    the joke was almost enough to make him smile.
    [5:17 PM]
    "yeah i just told him i was done taking his shit, and he needed to stop being so precious about everything you can quote me on that"
    Viktor powered the TV off, turned on the cheap single cup coffee pot and began to lace up his sneakers. maybe a walk would do him some good. or a treadmill or something. something to keep him occupied. "just keep busy"
    he fixed the coffee in the Styrofoam cup. sugar. cream. rum. switch to prescription sunglasses Aspirin. it was going to be that kind of day. a few moments later anxiety hit like a truck while he was at a stop-light, he was completely aware of how insignificant it all was "what can he offer that i can't? am i going to die alone? is he better in bed than me, a better this, a better that. the list was endless it seemed. then the soft beep of the stoplight pulled him from his spiraling and seemingly relentless train of thought. he crossed. a few people actually recognized him. sort of. "hey you're Hailey's Ex, Right?" "ouch. too soon" he joked about joking. really it stung. he kept walking. maybe if he got lucky aliens would invade or a meteor would fall from the sky. something to pull him away from himself. a few small stops later he was back in his hotel room. four cups of whiskey and coke-a-cola deep and scrawling words on hotel stationary.

    DIB X GAZ INVADER ZIM FANDOM THING I'M PROBABLY GOING TO HELL FOR.  Basically this, but tsundere romance shenanigans.
    the days lately seemed to blur together into some sort of quantum mush. Dib sat up in bed meandering the usual websites Tumblr, Reddit, You tube and the host of social media platforms that still made not one single mention of the invasion he helped to thwart. not a single shred of belief in the sea of information and mis information- for that matter made mention of either his or Zim's name. he sighed to himself "if they don't know, i suppose they won't panic." he sat up in bed and leaned his head against the wall "or maybe everyone is just too dumb to notice?" his quizzical expression soured into a frown "or maybe they just don't give a shit?" after a few moments he resigned to accept the third option was the most likely. after all, the recent revelations by NASA that yes. aliens were real. kind of put a damper on his previous endeavors. ghosts. cryptids and the like. that at least had some room to investigate on his own. -- his tongue rolled around the inside of his mouth as he tried to parse out where his thoughts wanted to land next, it was dry, being shut in one's room for nearly 4 days does give way to dehydration. he gave in to common sense. adjusted his pajama's buttoning the shirt against slightly sweat soaked skin and tip toed as best as he could into the kitchen to try to find something to drink, food was probably a good idea too. maybe there was some pizza leftover.

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