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  • Whoops! Swapped bodies with the Gay Asian Dude! [ Looking for Males for MxF!]

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    Drunk, after-hours and unmonitored: Body Swapping in Science Club!
    Side A: Fruity Asian Boy with a big ol' peen and a buzz.
    Side B: Y/C

    Lets ruin somebody's day! The aftermath is a fun, fun process!

    Who do you want Y/C to run into with their new bod?

    1. Hot Babes (Ladies)
    2. Hot Bitches (Fellas)
    3. Hot, Hot (Both)

    Orientation play tagged because I'm looking for a real fucked-up set up. Raceplay optional.
    It's the thunderdome, two dudes walk in, only one walks out happy. Then proceeds to spread that happiness around the campus.

    All characters 18+

    Starter below the line. If it interests you, feel free to message me. 😄


    Science Club. A popular hang out spot for drunk college kids recovering from a hangover (past, present, or future). Every kind of person comes in to nurse a hangover after a killer party. Common incels, tubby neckbeards, and pretty Asian boys (read: him :3c ) all come in equally. No need to brag but Trent classified himself as the top of the spectrum.

    Openly Gay.
    Openly Nerdy.
    Openly Hostile. The top dog of anime club! Anyone who challenged him met swift retaliation in the form of heavily flirtatious moves.

    Or violence. Violence is an excellent fallback. Soccer did a body good. The Soccer Dweeb's form tight, toned, and smooth underneath his sweats and dorky bear facemask.The sound of a party roared dimly in the background. The door pushed open and Trent stuck his head in, red solo cup in his free hand.

    "Helloooooo.....? Mr. Obamwa? Are you in here?" He shamelessly calls out a dead meme with a hum, looking around for other future alcoholics. The buzz happily put some sugar in his tank. Eyes lazily looking around, reaching up and ruffling his soft black mop. Features obscured behind a cutsey facemask.

    No hot nerdy boys. What a fucking shame.

    His disappointment: Immeasurable. He walked all the way across campus hoping to score a lil Science Club nookie. But this place is deserted. No hot & horny geeks. Except him: Trent a strapping 5'8, round cheeks, handsome jawline. Beloved little brother energy, clean complexion, gorgeous eyes, it's hard (well somewhat hard) to top Trent if he did say so himself.

    And he does!

    "Hellooo.....?" He tries once more, stepping further in.

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