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About This Club

A modern world where science in most cases have trumped religion, there is still a much higher and unknown existence to us. One beyond the veil of reality and which will induce madness the more one delves into it and learns the horrible secrets of the universe. Inspired by the works of H. P. Lovecraft, this club aims to put you into the shoes of an investigator and explore and learn about the many lurking horrors that lurks beyond normal human comprehension.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. The black smith stayed back silently and watched as the two spoke. There was nothing for him to say but he wished that things could hurry up. The waiting made him feel like he was doing nothing at such s dire time but still he waited. Perhaps he should take this moment to collect his thoughts soon he may prove useful?
  3. Malcom would look over at his companion and whisper, "I'm not sure who is involved or not involved besides the fact that we seem to be the only ones noticing the strange happenstances" as he turns his attention to the young monk that is walking towards them finishing his comment, "I am unsure if someone or something is involved..... I say no tracks that I recognize last night during our journey just that strange amulet" He would smile politely as he states in greeting to Brother Tobias, "Ah wish I was hear in better tidings Brother Tobias, we have heard about the father going this morning from the captain and I wanted to know how I could help?" He would watch his two birds for any signs or need to corral his companions as he asks, "Where was the father last seen and by whom?"
  4. As the two get close enough to the monastery, one of the younger monks sees them approach and thus decides to meet them before they are fully near the building. With such a small community, everyone who is local is very likely to know everyone else here, at least to some degree. The young man who walks near them is called Brother Tobias and is one of the newest people at the monastery, but is already very well liked among the community."Greetings Mr. Agromire and Mr. Malcolm. I assume you have heard the horrible news?", he asks them.
  5. " Do you think the guards are in on it? There was also no mention of the missing people. Maybe they are covering it up?" Since it was Malcolms falcon he decided to let him do the talking to the monks opting to stand back and keep his eyes open.
  6. At the sight of the encroaching monastery and the various monks, Malcolm would tuck the amulet back in his pocket and reply, “Though something is going on I agree, since the captain knew nothing about the blood trail last night or our search in the woods last night with his two men.” A puzzling concerned frown etches into place on his face as he asks, “Though I don’t remember who was all with us when we investigated the blood trail or who the guards were… it is possible these two disappearances are linked?”
  7. The road towards the monastery isn't very far or hard at all, so the two of them manage to trek their way up there in a few minutes time. Around the place, a few monks are seen wander about, looking very distraught and confused since no one has been able to find any sort of clue or signs that would point them in any sort of right direction. So they mostly seem more lost than decisively checking things out and investigating the grounds.
  8. "Hmm yes thats the pendant from last night, in curious about what it is and why it was there." He said looking at it, " its strange that the guards arent very concerned by all of this. Maybe the monastery will have some books on such a thing though I dont see much chance that they will." He said handing it back to Malcolm and heading towards the monastery. "We best hurry."
  9. Malcolm quickened his pass to catch up with Agromire as he commented softly, “Im not sure what you all remember about last night since most folks don’t seem to remember the blood trial leading to the water or the forest, but I found this by the fisherman’s cabin.” He glanced around briefly as he quietly pulls out the strange medallion that was hanging from a branch last night out of his coat pocket. He would continue stating, “ I was gonna show the captain but he didn’t seem to know anything about last night and said if the monastery gave us any issues to come back to him “ with a shrug of his shoulders.
  10. "That Jeremy, you can only run away from the problem for so long until it shows of your doorstep." He shakes his head " I guess the Captain isn't coming either, you can show me what you need to show me on the way." He said walking with him towards the monastery.
  11. Quite a shame to see our fun 1920's thing falling behind...
  12. The farmer Jeremy, is not really too keen on getting too involved in all of this. Whilst he cares for the father, he knows he stands no chance if there was to be an actual fight or dangerous situation happening."Uhmmm...I hope you will excuse me, Argromire...I think you are also better off handling this with someone more familiar with the area and different expertises...like our dear falconeer here...good luck", he comments before scuttling off.
  13. "What do you need to need to show me Malcolm?" He asks pausing on his way to the river. "Would you like us to accompany you to the monastery?" He asked curiously wondering why the captain didn't escort him bit he dismissed the thought hearing Malcolm out.
  14. At the mention of working with Agromire on the search for the father and investigating the stranger occurance, he would quickly reply to the captain stating, "Well looks like I should head after him then since he appears to be heading off to start the search, if we find anything I'll let you know captain!" as he runs off after the blacksmith with his two birds perched on his shoulders. He would hold out a couple pieces of dried jerky to his feathered friends as he quietly whispers, "Thanks for trying Sokar and Aetos" handing the piece of jerky to Sokar the hawk first before handing one to Aetos the Eagle. He would shout out to Agromire as he jogs over to him, "Hold on I got something I want to show you that I found in during my usual night walk in the forest" He offers polite smile to Jeremy as he replies, "Oh hello, sorry to intrude on your conversation..."
  15. "Maybe we should split up, there is something I want to look into, we found a medallion with a symbol on it last night, it was too dark to really examine the area, but if it's there or in someone's possession perhaps it might be a clue to find what attacked the village last night at least. It should be much safer during the daytime. If I find it I'll have a look and bring it back, maybe the falcons can track down whatever left it there. Let's go Jeremy." Argomire said turning and heading towards te fisherman's shack.
  16. Jeremy looks a bit doubtful at him, feeling very much out on deep water on this one."I really wouldn't know how to do any sort of proper search..,perhaps it is better we split up?", he suggests, not really keen on showing his fear of potentially finding something horrible or dangerous. "Much appreciated mr. Malcolm - though maybe it is best to team up with someone, in case things get hairy and two pairs of eyes are indeed better than one. Why not assist mr. Argomire here?", he suggest the falconeer. It doesn't take much longer before his birds return to him, shaking their heads as if to indicate the lack of any sightings so far.
  17. As he waits for the return of his feathered companions, he would turn his attention to the captain of the guard and comment, "Its my pleasure to offer my services after the strange last couple of days and the disappearance of the our father." He would glance over at Agromire and his companion momentarily commenting, "If the parchment with your signature is need than I shall come find you, while starting my search in the monastery near his quarters then." His left hand would thumb the strange sigil in his left pocket at the caution about finishing up before nightfall and nods his head in agreement, "That would be in ours and the towns best interest certainly to avoid being out at nightfall..."
  18. "That would be best, hopefully we can get this done before night fall, it wouldn't be safe for anyone to be out after dark considering the attacks." Argomire began heading towards the guard post with Jeremy the farmer. He was hopeful that they would find the Father in one piece, but he was weary of what may happen after dark and proceeded with urgency, wanting to get this done as quickly as possible.
  19. The birds are not too far off, so his noises does reach them and they begin to turn around and back towards him, though it will take a little bit of time for them to fully return. The captain allows the two men to speak with each other before turning his own attention towards Malcolm."Mister Malcolm, I do highly value your input and offer to help, of course. If you are able to aid us, that would be great. Sadly, no one really recalls seeing him past lights out in the monastery. So my best bet is to find something in his private chambers. I can give you a parchment, granting you access too, if you should need it", he tells him.
  20. As Malcom was about to ask the captain about how he could help and the missing body that was dragged off last night, he would turn his attention to the blacksmith that had asked him about using his birds to try locating the missing priest. He would reply loud enough for the captain and the blacksmith replying, "That was my reason for approaching the captain as I wanted to offer my services to help locate the missing father using my birds" at the mention of his bird, he would whistle sharply holding out his right arm recalling his two birds being the eagle and falcon. He would turn back to the captain asking politely, "Do you have any items or possessions of the father's that I can use that was near where he disappeared to try finding him?" and continues asking, "Oh um was anything find out about that strange blood trial leading from town down to the waters edge by the forest?"
  21. He looks over at Jeremy "It's a bit strange that they don't seem to be too concerned about there being multiple death in the area. What could be so important that he has very little time. This should be his top priority." He said quietly as to not get the captain's attention. As the captain looks around he approaches Malcolm. "It seems like the guards aren't getting anywhere with these deaths, have you tried to find something with father Mathus's scent to see if the falcon could track it?"
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