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About This Club

The year is 2159 and far into the future. As commercialism has exploded more and more, corporations and their tactics, policies and influence sneak into every part of human society and city life. Basically, anything that a person can need or want can be obtained around the clock, with the few illegal things sold by those not steering clear of the shady life. Seeking ones fame, fortune and legacy is often bloody, difficult and highly risky. Implants can be found and bought in many places (legal or not) and of course fill in any sort of needs you may need. The only limits being your imagination, physical and financial limitations. Do bear in mind that as implants are craved for by nearly everyone, so will there be seedy people aiming to strip you of these - so a low profile is often adviced, unless you are ready to face the potential consquences. Just like commercialism is taking over, so does heaps of trash, wasted human lives and broken dreams.... Welcome to Megatropolis: A cyberpunk setting.

Type of Club

Roleplay Club
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Scarlett rests against the car hood, lighting a cigarette and taking a puff as she looks at her partner. "It went very well. If my new arm has anything to say about it" she grinned, showing off the new arm to her partner. If it wasn't for the red paint job then it was pretty close to what a human arm looks like "Doctor Faust was a Wiz as he did the op. I feel complete again honestly" she winked before taking another puff of her smoke. She was ready to get back on duty again.
  3. Standing besides their usual police cruiser, is the partner named Jill. Like always, clad for proper protection and with the same determined, steely gaze of hers. Whilst her face is mostly looking neutral, she does form a small smile and begin to wave lightly when she sees Scarlett emerge and call out to her."Hey Scarlett. Glad to see you are up and about again. How did your operation go?", she asks and waits for her to fully approach, so they can have chat a bit before finally getting on with their shift. The young female officer tries to get a look at the prosthetic arm of her partner, wanting to see how noticeable it may be.
  4. Scarlett salutes her the chief with a bug old smile and leaves his office. Heading towards the garage. It had been quite some time since she and her partner had been out on the beat together. They complimented each other perfectly, covering for each others flaws, sure sometimes they fought but they always had each others backs. It was her partner who came to see Scarlett the most when she was stuck behind the desk job. Soon the red head arrived at the garage and sees her partner next to their car, walking over she waves with her new robotic arm "Hey partner! I'm back and ready to kick some ass!"
  5. The police chief sits with a slight grin on his face from how energetic and eager Scarlett is to go out there and do her duty. Thankfully, he has been able to root out most corruption in his own department and so far he has no reason to believe this pair does anything of the sort."That is part of the budget after all: medical care and modifications. So just make sure to put it to good use - though I am sure you will be doing so without me telling you. Your partner is currently in the parking garage, waiting for you, so make sure not to dawle", he says and takes a sip of his own dark coffee from his mug.
  6. Sergeant Jill Parkers Jill is a very diligent, hardworking police officer and who takes her job and position very seriously. She doesn't speak much with most of the colleagues at her station, but does seem to get along well with her partner, who is far more prone to behave rash and quick. Jill is in high regards and respected by the Chief and the rest of the people at the station and often gets picked for "officer of the month" and other such praise and respect. Her personal life, for most of the others, is basically shrouded in mystery. She still very friendly, polite and well spoken, despite how closed up she appears.
  7. References for locations, NPCs and characters
  8. Rem stood in place figuring out what he wanted though he thinks he just wanted sex, so maybe a place with eye candy while he ate. but what kind of place would give him that? a fast food place, might but only if that wass there way of attracting customers. a fancy restaurant wouldn't do that surely that had standards to up hold or even if they didn't the staff would probably mostly just consiste of robots, not that robots couldn't be sexy, but rem had a hard tiime believing they would go to such lengths. his best shot was probably a bar, people tend to hook up at bars so if the staff wasn't eye candy at least other customers might come in dressed as eye candy... a bar, a pub or if he was desperate enough a club and if lucky a strip joint...the district catered to many shops and services it would be a crime for there not to be such a place were sex wasn't beening used as a form of entertainment. right? rem began to wounder the district slowly narrowing down where not to go till he could find a place that fit his prefrance as close as possible.
  9. Scarlett grins from ear to ear when she hears her partner has been missing their old route. She give the chief a salute "You bet I feel complete sir. I'm ready to take names and kick ass again with my partner". The woman truly did feel complete again, now that she both arms again, she hadn't felt this excited in months. No more deal duty, no more dull hours doing paperwork. She belonged out there in the city and Scarlett knew it. "So where is my partner anyway? Oh and before I forget sir. Tell the department I said thanks for paying for my new arm, I will never forget it".
  10. The many, colourful billboards and holograms light up the long way to the market, as well as plenty of crowds of people and lots of loud noises from all sides. The sidewalk is not exactly the best place to run, but he manages to still move forward in this manner. Finally, he finds a lone bench, free of people sitting on it, though the reason for that, may be that it looks less than clean. Once he is able to calm himself and focus on his body's basic need for nourishment, then the flood of various scents finds his nose. Since this is a huge place, food of any kind and quality is able to be found.
  11. rem escaped the cathedral running, blood flowing heart bounding and breathing rapid. he was exhausted to say the least. walking the way too the shopping district wasn't good enough as a eerie anxiety leftt him feeling all sorts of skeptical and decided to sprint which turned into full on running... after finally reaching the district he walks a bit slowing a bit his heart beat resting yet throbbing with each pulse, he can hardly help but to place a hand to monitor his own heart rate. he body felt hot like it was over heating. he finally decided to have a seat, anywhere was good a slab of stone, a old bench hell he'd take the curb of the side walk if he had too... it takes a while with the huffing and puffing but eventually he body calms down as it regulates its temperature. he gives it one last sigh before looking beyond the curb. shops, restaurants and consumers alike lightly flood the street, still he feels a bit dizzy. his belly inflates with the thunderous sound of gases and hunger and remembers one of the reasons he came here. " oh, right food, i wonder if they have anything good around here " he lifts himself from his resting place and begins searching for a place to eat..
  12. GM: continuing the story of Scarlett here after end scene in the clinic topic. One thing though Comment for user: Her work paid for her prostethic, so there was no need for her doing so. ------------------- @rohan10: The youngest guy on the force and in the office, has been a bit of dick towards Scarlett here and there, though mostly to hide his light infatuation with the female officer. He may have not made it clear enough, that it is just his attempt at playful "hazing" among colleagues. He keeps his head low from her reaction, as he is not sure how to turn it around right here and there and certainly don't want to make some sort of public spectacle. The station's chief is kind of used to this sort of...energy from the young woman and she usually does well."Welcome back miss Scarlett. It's good to see you are once more complete and back to your old self. I hope you are ready for your old route and of course your partner has missed doing it as well", he says and sips some of his bottled water. The chief is a tall, skinny, but still fairly well toned guy around his late 40's. He tries to keep himself physically and mentally in shape and ready, despite his place most often being the office. His desk is very well kept and organized as well, showing how professional, methodical and proper he does his job.
  13. The looks of far most of the police stations located within Metropolis city.
  14. the reply didn''t exctly line up with rem's response, and it niched his mental composure, bringing on a hint of anxiety. with so little concern being brought back he panicked a bit but tried to keep a brave face and left the cathedral, almost at bolting speeds, settling for speed walking as to try to not be suspicious as his mental panic would allow. once he made it out he slowed down a bit, reminded more by the erie gazes of why he restrained to visit the place as often as a normal personn might, the potential judgement he might recieve was a risky... it felt over bearing even still. " i think its time to find something to eat" rem left the area completely after that...
  15. Sister Helena is getting a bit concerned as well as uncertain how to proceed as he seems to ignore her. Rather than deal with what could possibly be some sort of problem, she finds a way to exit herself from the situation and conversation."I..... see. Well, free to approach any of us, if you need assistance", she simply states before slowly moving away and towards the nearest guard, just to inform them to keep a bit of an eye on this odd person.
  16. " hmm? is something wrong" rem spoke, he seemed a bit more calmer now, perhapps because his intrusive focus about what the life of mrs. proud was likke had effectively made him forget his passed moments of concern. he probably didn't even realize that he ultimatel let a intrusive about mrs.prouds body slip. yet it was unlikely sister helena had the context to piece together what was going on threw his head. good thing too a holy women finding out that rem was having perverted thoughts about fucking and breeding the most dedicated follower, what would she think, and what would others if she reported it to them. rem could imagine he'd never live it down. though maybe the church staff isn't that shallow minded. by now what the helena asked earlier likely fell on deaf ears at the time..
  17. Sister Helena gives him a puzzled look as he states his answer back to her, as it doesn't really sound very...convincing to her."I suppose, but do you get this nervous over asking for directions? There are people here you can talk to if you need it. No force meant, of course", she replies back, not letting the point go, at least not for now. Even if she saw him being aroused, she would likely overlook it. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reach a row of booths, that are set up for people to basically talk to clergymen about anything really. She watches him give him his donation in silence."Excuse....me?", she asks.
  18. " i mean your helping me now aren't you?" oh dear she was on to him, well it was expected, maybe he should start wearing a mask to help hide his expression.. but never mind that if he could just donate a little something he could hurry and get out of this place. and just at a time as weird as ever intrusive thoughts came about, they were't random or particularly dangrous they were something else... images of the influental jessica proud and other nuns in suggestively sexually situations kept popping up each one becoming more and more sexual then the last. he was starting to pitch a tent... he soon began questioning how that would work exactly. his expression shifting to a mixture of confusion and suprise as if he had just had an epiphany and had to back track and recalculate said realization... they approached the box soon enough and like wise rem donnated what he could but as he did so i thought slipped out... " maybe she changes parts like people change clothes? i don't know" rem spoke in a low tone
  19. "By the way, my name is sister Helena. It may just be me, but you seem a bit...unwell. Is there something wrong? Do you require any sort of help?", she asks whilst slowly guiding him towards the booths, which are located in another part of the cathedral. After all, some people have nowhere else to go or noone else to talk to and despite not being religious, then they come to these places in a desperate hope and attempt for some sort of aid.
  20. " Y-yes please" there was a lingering tone of shame in his voice, admittedly for him to try to avoid this situation he could check area's populated by followers, especially the clergy. and that still hadn't change, if he had to go up there all by himself he honestly would rather not and bail all together. he knows what the rules say, but he doubt all would follow it so blindly or easily so naturally he holds a sort of trauma, not with the religion it's self but the very concept of religion. at the heart of it maybe he should get this over with and stop coming all together. he was becoming exhausted just thinking about it...
  21. The nun either does not notice or do not have any investment in his embarrassement of the situation. She simply does her best to aid him with whatever thing he needs to do, if it is within her capabilities. She gives him proper time to get through his request before answering back. Meanwhile, her eye grows bigger and smaller in lens as she scans him just to be on the safe side and thankfully finding nothing suspicious or alarming."We do have those still. These are located near the booths where practioners may converse with our clergymen. I can take you there if you wish...", she calmly speaks back.
  22. A large part of the town is taken up by much of the place's stores, clinics, restaurants and other sorts of business. This helps makes keeping order relatively easier for the city police and special forces. There are businesses outside of this that still can offer what you get here, but usually at the risk of danger, higher prices and so on.
  23. The biggest, most used and well made site of worship of the faith. Everyone is welcome here, believers or not and everyone is treated with open arms. The only strict rule is to not carry weapons inside and before fully entering, there is a storage building where visitors can have their armaments kept safely.
  24. The Oracle-3 Not much is known about the trio of human(?) females that lead the city well from within the heavily fortified Titan-tower in the center of town. Many, many rumours have been spread about them. These include, but are certainly not limited to: Immortality Being physical servants of The Holy Lady Machinina Alfa-Omega Being mere conjecture/puppets and only corporations actually run things Holding everyone trapped in a simulated reality What really goes on in there or with the three is a mystery to nearly everyone. Whatever is the case, there are not really any other clear town leader and thus most people believe that these three run things - if that is handled well or bad, is up to each individual. Official city channels and TV broadcasts always speaks as if the trio is indeed the leading body, but any questions about them from the press are always ignored. The only image that does exist to prove their existance is how most imagine them to look like, whilst a few others have made their own guesses based on evidence and knowledge they posses - whether it is actually true or not.
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