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Far away from everything there is a beautiful tropical island that has a dark purpose. It’s known as Avonmore Island Prison owned by Falkcrest Corporation. One night all staff leave the island and a new shift never arrives. The electricity goes down on the same night, leaving all doors unlocked.


This is a sandbox roleplay with some GM guidance, meaning mostly me telling what you might find on the island. The game world is an alternative version of our world, with about the same technological level, bit of magic and fantasy races in addition to the humans. The twist of this game is that character sheets won’t be fully open to other players. The information shown to players may be false (if your character has lied to others) or there might be no information if a char decides to keep quiet.  

Sexual and darker themes are allowed. What happens depends largely on what your characters do. GM guide posts will be non-sexual, but players are free to do sexual and even violent scenes with other consenting players. 

Disclaimer: GM isn’t native english speaker, so this is the kind of english you are going to get.




-All rules of Ecchi Dreams apply.

-Consent. Doing anything that might violate a player character’s autonomy without the consent of the character’s player’s consent is strictly forbidden. This includes sexual acts, autohitting and automoving a character. Non-consensual acts are allowed as long as the player of the character in question is okay with it.

-Actions have consequences. Notice previous events to keep up consistency. IE. If a house is burnt down in the past, it will stay burnt down until something is done about it. PC deaths are possible, but not pursued. However, please avoid massive destruction of the surroundings so others will have more than ruins where to play.

-No OOC Drama. Don’t start or participate in OOC drama. Avoid politics, religion, and other potentially controversial subjects in OOC discussions.

-Dealing with Problems. When you first encounter a problem with another player, attempt to resolve the issue directly with that player first. If that doesn’t work, then you can tell your problem to GM. If the GM can’t solve the problem, it will be directed to staff of ED. If the issue is about creepy or disturbing behaviour, contact a GM or staff member of ED instantly.

-Be Proactive. Talk with other players and be open to discussing current scenes and starting new scenes. Be willing to play with people you haven’t played with before.

-No Godmodding or Autohitting. No character is invincible. I strongly encourage out of the box thinking in solving problems instead of taking the Hulk smash approach every time.

-What GM says goes. I will try to listen to ideas, explain my reasoning and work with players however I expect that when I state something definitively that is accepted. Please don't argue if I say there is no room to adjust on something.

Posts. Minimum post length is two paragraphs. Text doesn’t need to be perfect, but good enough so people will understand what you are trying to tell. Basic grammar rules must be applied (names and sentences start with capital letters, use of dots and commas).

Posting pace. When there is need for GM post or guidance you can expect to have it within seven days. Usually sooner than later. 

Trigger warning. Add trigger warning with red text on top of your post when the post contains possibly triggering content. For example: Warning: Violence, rape.

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