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please, read thoroughly prior to joining. general ecchidreams TOS apply at all times.

I. NO DRAMA !Β we aren't here to fight and bicker over trivial things. if you have an issue with another member, take it up in messages, contact the GM of the club, or the ecchidreams staff if they're violating the site's rules. there will be no bulletins discussing drama, shit talking, or other petty behaviours. if you create drama constantly, the GM will be forced to remove you.

II. CHARACTERS !Β your character can either be human, or a tentacle monster. take your pick. neko / usagi / ushi accepted. i'm sorry, but full on furries will not be accepted at this time.Β please, post a character sheet in the characters' section before engaging in roleplays !

III. ROLEPLAYS OF ALL KIND !Β there are no restrictions as to what kind of dynamics you want to write. you can have two human characters interact sexually, or you can write smut with one of the tentacle monsters. you can even write platonic interactions ; whatever floats your boat.Β your character must be 18+ at the time of the roleplay.Β i'm sorry if this is a deal breaker, but no underage, lolicon or shoutacon.Β 

IV. CONSENT !Β whatever you may want to do with or to another character, please contact the admin behind said character beforehand and make sure they consent to it. you can't just attack someone ( whether physically or sexually ) without the consent of the character's admin. remember,Β ooc consent is very important !Β as long as the other admin agrees, you're free to go as hardcore as you want. also remember that pushing another writer to interact with you will not fly here. again, ooc consent is key !

V. PLEASE FOLLOW THE GENERAL STORY !Β there's no intricate story behind this club. just a basic outline of what the world looks like in here. for the sake of simplicity, all characters will reside within the general tokyo quarantine zone. but you can sneak out and explore at your own risk.

VI. ROLEPLAYING STYLE !Β your level of literacy, use of grammar and spelling and so on is irrelevant. writers of all levels are accepted here. after all, we're all trying to learn ! that being said, the only language allowed here is english, so everyone can read the posts. whether you write in first, second or third person is up to you. please keep your replies at two paragraphs minimum.Β all roleplays that are requested in the requests' sectionΒ mustΒ be roleplayed within the club !Β if you don't want to write within the club, i suggest you post your request in the appropriate forum for private roleplays, created by ecchi.

VII. TYPES OF CHARACTERS !Β original characters only. i get that you may have a favourite canon character, but interactions will be far easier, if everyone writes their own character. there will be a character category, where you can post your character's information for other people to read.

VIII. CHARACTER LIMIT !Β you are allowed three characters maximum. your characters can be humans, monsters, or both. there's no set rule about needing to take one of each.

IX. CATEGORIES !Β make sure you post in the correct category. just to keep everything neat.

this is the first time i make a club, so if you have any concerns about how it can be more organised and easy to use, don't hesitate to shoot me an ecchitext.

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