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Avonmore Information

Avonmore Prison

The privately owned Avonmore Island Prison is a maximum security prison for both sexes. Sentences of Avonmore inmates can be anywhere between 20 years to life. The prison is divided into three parts. On the east side are living quarters and common area of men (E Wing), on the west side is the same for the women (W Wing) and the two sides are combined by the central building. E and W Wings both have their own courtyards where the prisoners can move freely, within the fences area. In addition to them there are eight guard towers where guard armed with long range rifles are on watch usually. 


E and W wings are mirror images of each other. They both have three floors. The cells are spread around the building and in the middle there is a common area where the inmates can spend time together during days when the cell doors are open. There is a wide open space thus people can see the two first floors and the common area from their cells. The third floor is a closed floor and solitary confinement cells are there.


Normal cells (in 1st and 2nd floor) come in 2 or 4 people versions. There is a bunk bed for everyone, a small foldable table attached to a wall,  a stainless steel sink and toilet. The corridor side wall has from ground to ceiling bars and door. The inmates are allowed to keep some possessions, like snacks bought from the canteen, study materials, personal hygiene items and such, in their cells. Everything that can be interpreted as a weapon and electrical devices are banned. The solitary confinement cells are small spaces with no comfort. There is just a plain concrete floor and a hole in the floor for feces. Those who cause too much trouble, are hazard to safety of others, need protection from their fellow inmates or gained ire of the wardens are put in solitary confinement as punishment. 


The central building is the heart of the prison. It’s where important facilities like kitchen, surveillance center, infirmary and armory are located. The central building consists of four floors. The basement floor is partially underground. The garage, processing center and store rooms are on the basement floor. On the first floor are visiting spaces (including conjugal visit rooms), kitchen, canteen, infirmary and bath rooms. The second floor holds facilities for recreation. There is a library, a data room, a gym, study rooms with access to online classes, a praying room and a hobby room with a pool table, board games, art and hobby craft supplies which can be used under surveillance of the guards. In addition to the gym there is an indoor yard for ball games. On the top floor is the surveillance center, offices including the prison warden’s personal office, armory and staff’s break room. 


There may be rooms the inmates know nothing of inside the central building, especially in the basement and top floor. 


Falkcrest Corporation provides all prisoners black and white striped prison uniforms and anti-magic collars, which are worn around the neck. They are provided the utmost necessities, but nothing is free. As part of their reform program the inmates have to work. By working they gain credit instead of money. The credit is valid currency only in the prison canteen. Five days a week a bus takes them to work outside the prison, where they do a 9 hour shift before returning back. Those who don’t work outside the prison usually work inside the prison or just outside in sanitary, office, kitchen, gardening and such positions. The inmates aren’t forced to work, but life without the extra credits is so rough that almost everyone has decided to work. In addition, working and taking part in recreation activities looks good in the eyes of the Parole Board.


Little over a mile off the prison there is a farm, a little sewing factory and a carpentry hall. Each of them is surrounded by a tall fence and there are two guard towers looming over them. On the farm the prisoners grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables and tend animals, like cows, chickens and pigs. The sewing factory is for processing textiles and sewing them into the form of clothes or home textiles. In the carpentry hall the hard working prisoners process raw wood into more useful form and build furniture. The food is used to feed the inmates and the staff. Everything that isn’t used in the prison is hauled away and sold.


The use of central building facilities is scheduled so men and women are never in the same place at the same time. Same goes for work. The inmates know about the opposite sex living in the prison, but for understandable reasons they aren’t allowed to meet.


Avonmore Island

As far as the inmates know there are no permanent inhabitants on the island. There is a dock on the east shore of the island. Prisoners, staff and supplies are brought by sea vessels. There is a helipad and a helicopter for emergencies. Due the long distance between the island and the main land, the staff works in two week shifts. During their stay on Avonmore they live on separate apartment building outside the prison fence. Some inmates might know about the apartment, but none of them have actually seen it let alone visited there.  


The prison uses renewable energy. There are solar panels on top of the prison buildings and some might have noticed several panels laid on a hall and three wind turbines sitting on top of the tallest hill of the island. The electricity produced by them is lead to a small plant where it’s processed and stored in an industrial battery system. In addition to the little power plant there is a separate water purification plant for the prison complex, the farm and apartment building.


What’s outside the prison and its close proximity is unknown to prisoners. 

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