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Character Creation

Character creation guidelines

Always PM me the sheet and wait for approval before posting it on the forum in the right form. We want to make sure what is meant to be hidden will stay hidden, for now.

Lies. The parts in character sheet template that are marked with black are always true. Sections in red can be lied to fellow inmates. When submitting the sheet color lies with red and truth with blue so I will know what is what. If your char hasn’t told anyone something, you can mark it with [[ Information not told to fellow prisoners goes inside these ]]. That way I will know the secret information, but it won’t be displayed on the sheet.
Only sheets sent to GM via private messages will have color codes. The sheets with false truths will be in one font color and lied parts are deleted, till someone manages to reveal the truth. Red sections may have information that your character can decide not to tell and then it will appear empty to other players. Leaving parts empty affects only optional sections.

Gender. Your character can be other gender than male or female. Whether your character goes to male or female part of the prison if defined by their physical genitalia. If the character in question has genitalia of both genders or none, the decision is based on their official gender as one must have male/female in official documents. 

Race. All races are humanoid. No giant, tiny, incorporeal or other races that can’t be put in a standard humanoid facility. Half-breeds are allowed.

Age. Some races might have a bit longer life span, but no race lives past 100 in general. 

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Whatever they are, it’s important that the convictions are serious enough for realistically being sentenced to 20+ years. Crimes that wouldn’t get heavy punishment normally can be judged more heavily if the victim/s are minors or otherwise in an especially vulnerable position (student, employee, family member, pregnant), there were many victims, the method of the crime was unusually cruel, painful and/or humiliating, the case gained vast attention from the public or the victim is a well known and important figure. Your character can be falsely sentenced for something they didn’t do too.
If there are past convictions that didn’t either result in serving time or your char has already done their time, it can be mentioned in History. 

Special skills and abilities. Examples: Your char can cook edible food, but a professional cook can make something truly amazing and make the most of different ingredients, everyone knows how to try to hit someone, but if their opponent is someone who actually knows how to fight, they are gonna get their ass handed to them, your char can climb on a helicopter and push buttons and make it raise in air just enough to have it crash down where as a real pilot could actually fly the helicopter.

Magical abilities. Playing superhero kind of characters isn’t the point of this game. The magical abilities are here to give a little twist and variety between the chars. For example raining hellfire on a wide area, healing all kinds of injuries or enhancing oneself to become immune to all types of damage are the kinds of abilities that aren’t welcome. Prefer low fantasy type magical abilities, like magical arrow, moment of invisibility, healing a moderate injury, summoning a weapon or a magical shield.
Using magic is mana costly, meaning one can’t spam their spells like no tomorrow because it takes time to regain mana enough to cast something again, so use your spells wisely. 

Weaknesses. I’m hoping to see well balanced characters. Meaning no characters who are practically perfect with weaknesses like ‘some people don’t like me because I’m so strong/beautiful/in general perfect’ or ridiculously strong character whose only weakness is being socially clumsy or stupid. 


Faceclaim: Art. Anime, manga, western, digital or drawn. AI art is okay, but screenshots from games or photorealistic art that is so realistic one can’t tell is it a photo or not aren’t.

Name: First name(s) and surname. Possible alias.

Gender: Male or Female. [Futa, intersexual, etc are written legal gender first and definition in (). For example: Male (futa).]


Age: 18-100

Identification number: GM will give you this based on the arrival date of your character.

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: These are current convictions and penalties resulting from them. Convictions can vary. They can be for example murder, rape, treason, terrorism or a major fraud. 

Date of arrival: Day.Month.Year. 8th May 2027 is when the staff disappeared. 

Association: [Optional] For example known gang, political, major corporation or cult connections. 


Occupation and education: [Optional] You can safely assume your character to have all the skills and knowledge related to their profession and education.

Special skills and abilities: Max 3. If your character doesn’t have it, at most their knowledge and skill at is same as any average Joe’s would be. If your character is especially strong, fast, limber, smart or something similar, it goes here.

Magical abilities: [Optional. If you don’t have magical abilities you can have 2 more special skills or abilities]. Max 2. Be precise with the description. 

Weaknesses: Min 2. Phobias, physical or mental hindrances, meaningful enemies at Avonmore Prison, etc. Aim to balance abilities, skills and weaknesses.


Appearance: [Optional] You can define your character’s looks here or tell differences to faceclaim.

Personality: [Optional] Three adjectives or written description. 

History: [Optional] You can tell here about your character’s past before being sent to Avonmore Island. What your character tells to others can be different from what really happened. If you choose to lie, remember to write the real history for the GM.


How to post accepted character


Go to Character page on the club.

Choose 'Add images'

Choose 'Create new album'

Title is your character name

Put character text in the text editor and add edits (like bolding text).

Choose 'Create album'

Add image/s

Choose 'Submit all images'

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