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Estaria is a land of constant change. The beautiful and diverse idyllic landscapes are home to a wide variety of creatures races and cultures and where their is diversity there is conflict. The many political and cultural elements at work here have brought about an age of strife and conflict that has gone on as long as anyone can remember.  (This is enough lore to get us started and establish a lot of the traits needed to make characters if you have an idea feel free to discuss it with me. Theres still plenty of room to add new and interesting realms and ideas to support our story. This setting is not inherently lewd but it sexuality is generally a very open and normal in everyday life and so if you see an opportunity take it!) 

             - Anything bulleted like so is a potential character trait for your character to use! 


The Kingdom of  Charlais was founded by an Ancient Dragon who helped to free the local tribes from one of his tyrannical kinsman. That Dragon was Eraxian Silvershield the First Knight and True King of Charlais. He formed a coalition of greater Dragons who hold absolute authority over the Kingdom directing a council of Dukes and the various knighthood Orders that uphold the authority of the the Absolute monarchy of Eraxian. The draconic lords of the realm rarely mingle with their human subjects taking tribute and enforcing the Kings peace though they have been known take on human form and lay with humans creating a race of dragon hybrid humans that can take on a variety of attributes directly related to their dragon ancestor. These have become a majority of the noble class in Charliasean society.

 One Hundred years ago Eraxian disappeared without a trace flying west and hasn’t been seen since.  Since then the Draconic founders have remained dormant only really exercising their absolute authority for their own benefit and at random their once strong and united leadership fractured by the absence of their leader. In Eraxian place a human Steward has taken the title of Prince and Steward of the Silver Throne and acts as the head of Council of Dukes and executor of the Code of Erasmir. Despite this time of stagnation Charlais remains a center of culture and art responsible for a great deal of what would become the predominant human culture on Estaria.

 Charlais is a land that has a strict social hierarchy where your skill as a craftsman or a knight will translate into wealth and privilege as a part of the middle classes nobility however is derived entirely from ones blood relations to the Draconic Elite. For those who do not find themselves in this group they have no rights and find themselves the subject to a great deal of uncertainty depending on what lord they are subject to. They worship the Old Gods though the Austaran Creator goddess is gaining popularity.

                 - Order of the Silvershield- In Charlais there are many Knightly orders you can join many are elite and many of those are afflicted by nepotism and internal politics but at their pinnacle of them all are the Silvershields. A great deal of effort goes into keeping them free of Charlias’ infamous aristocratic politics obliged only to the service of the Prince and their Draconic patron High King Eraxiah Silvershield. they are some of Estarias most elite soldiers. Chosen for their natural Charisma martial skill and loyalty to Charlias they embody a wide variety of skillets many coming from the other High Orders of Knighthood. There aren't many boons to being a member of this order but among the most notable are access to their consider arsenal of arms and an opportunity to bond with one of many unique companion steeds to include unicorns, pegasi, and many others but never dragons no one rides dragons. 

                   - Wardens of the Bronze Wing- When most people think of Knights they think of heavily armored horsemen. In the Charlesian Navy their officers more resemble swashbuckling rogues. These cunning seafarers bear little resemblance to their earthbound counterparts. Their chivalry compliance is dubious at best but you cant deny the results. They follow the mandate of their Draconic Patron, Galogrim the Bronze for whom the order is named. Who commanded them to assert dominance over the seas and spread the Kings influence far and wide however that might be done. To achieve this they have adapted unorthodox tactics that set them apart. The few among them that do have mounts ride mighty Wyverns who unlike their draconic cousins are totally rideable. 

                    - Conclave of Azure Erudition- Among the many armies of Estaria an armored knight is a common sight and in many of those same armies wizards and sorcerers throwing fireballs is also a common sight. However an armored knight throwing fireballs is a distinctly Charlesian you'll only find among the esteemed fellows of the Charelsian Conclave of Magic. Despite their martial obligations most of this knightly order are masterful scholars in the service of th Royal University of Luceram. Where the Kingdoms battle mages and wizards alike ply their craft under the tutelage of the Grand Councils members. All magic users of sufficient skill to not be considered a mage (a lesser magic user only capable of a few basic spells) are forced to join in service of the crown. Their Draconic Patron is Talxazar an enigmatic member of the Draconic Council who is rarely seen by anyone besides the Grand Council of the Order.

                     - Circle of Steel- Among all the more traditional knightly orders and their politics a common curriculum of martial skills is shared. This skillset is constantly honed and refined by the Battlemasters of the Circle who are charged as Knights Errant to face great foes and overcome them. These Questing Knights are seen as many to be the ideal Chivalric Warriors slaying great beasts and saving villages from small armies single handedly. This is half true after all sharpening steel takes grit. Circle Knights find their origins in the Skalian ancestry of Charlesians specifically from the heritage of Dragon hunters like Ulric Wingshredder who was brought low by Eraxian long ago and made to serve the kingdom.  Circle members consider themselves the equal of any Silvershield though no Circle member has ever become one though not for a lack of skill. Most Circle members are lecherous bastards and vagabonds seeking new challenges and adventures the world over carrying the martial reputation of Charlesian Knights to the 4 corners of the globe and not much else. Despite this many young Knights will do one Quest with them to get practical experience and training. After all no one has left the Circle to become a Silvershield but all Silvershields have been trained in the Circle. Their Draconic Patron is a cat named Phillip. Because no dragon ever trained the circle to wield a damn thing but the Prince demanded they have one so they wrote one of original members cats name down on the charter and so the circle has always had a tabby cat named Phillip. 

                      - Royal Rangers - these enigmatic rogues are the antithesis of everything  knightly but they do more of the Kingdoms work than all the other orders combined. Masterful Scouts, Spies, and of all things, Legerdemain they are accused of many things but no one can ever accuse them of disloyalty. They embody true chivalry wandering the Hinterlands of the kingdom managing the small problems lords and armored cavalry consider beneath them. From packs of wolves and lost children to foriegn spies and scouting for charlians armies. The Royal Rangers are Charlesian high societies pariah but its citizens most beloved defenders. The last of the high orders was founded after a band of brigands came to the aid of border town by a large band of Skalian raiders they besieged the small city and under the leader of the Bandit leader Garth they were able to fend off the attackers. From that day on that small border town was named Garthsbridge and is the home of their order. Their Draconic Patron is Ophares Sunscaled who is most often seen tending to the natural habitats of the kingdom at large and personally sees to the teaching of young Rangers of how to interact with the natural world.

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The Free Merchant Republic of Cerulia was once a Duchy of the Dragon Kingdom of Charlais. During the reign of a weak Prince the Duke of Cerulia declared independence citing the witless rule of his fellow Dukes and the lack of Draconic support. After a single bloody battle that ended in a dominant Cerulian victory. The Prince of Charlais swore that Cerulia would be considered independent of the greater Kingdom of Charlian until Eraxians return.

 Since then Cerulia has been an independent nation ruled by a council of elected leaders and the Dukes family focused on one thing the acquisition of wealth for Cerulia and its citizens. Cerulians are free thinkers by nature and the unregulated nature of Cerulias economy and culture make it a place where ingenuity and art are not just allowed but encouraged. Cerulia retains many of the martial traditions of Charlais producing many fine Knights most of whom become highly prized soldiers of fortune their honor sworn only to the highest bidder. After all, not all Knightly warriors wear plate armor and ride horses. These mercenaries register themselves as affiliates of the Cerulian Ministery of Free Companies which obligated them to a rather vague code of conduct in return they are given promises of promotion and diplomatic immunity within certain conditions. Though the Duke holds the right to exempt themselves from those obligations at any time no member of a Free Company has ever been given up to another nation not matter their crime.

The social hierarchy of the Republic is not nearly as rigid as the Kingdom from whence it came but opportunism, cunning and gold, are the marks of Cerulian nobility and if you don't have it you’re just as low as any Charlaisean peasant. Despite this Cerulians are fiercely proud of their home. They are independent and open minded but prone to impetuosity and selfishness and will defend their Republic stubbornly. People say alot of things about the Ivory City, but they agree on one thing. You can find anything in Cerulia if you know where to look, it might not be legal but in Cerulia if you arent cheating you aren’t trying. 

                             - Salastian Scholars are the world's foremost magical researchers occupying the oppulant labyrinth that is the Cerulian University on the Rock of Salaste and island in the mouth of the river that runs through Cerulia. Here some of the greatest minds of science delve into the mysteries of the universe with no care for the cost. Their research is infamously funded in part by a gladatorial arena where brave champions can fight monsters of all shapes and sizes with varying outcomes for the entertainment of the audience.

                              - Wyrmbreakers are one of Cerulias most famous free companies and are the world's foremost Dragon hunters and siege engineers for hire. Specializing in a spectacular array of gadgets and machines  used to topple great beasts. No problem is too hard for them to solve with the correct application of gold. 

                               - Iron Lions these soldiers of fortune should be unremarkable their shields are plain and its members even plainer but their tenacious spirit and sterling reputation as the finest soldiers for hire you can find make them a legend among the free cities.

                             - The Dogged Banner is a union of sailors that congregate in a rather rundown warehouse turned to a bar waiting for a captain to pick them up for work. it May not be the most pleasant place to visit but youll  struggle to find a better place for good stories and able sailors. Who knows some of those sailors might be telling the truth.


The Holy Austaran Empire is a titan of human civilization shunning magic in all its natural forms except with what can be harnessed by their advanced technology. They exist despite centuries of war and strife facing monsters and nations alike they have risen to become the predominant military and industrial power in Estaria. Whatever the outward image of unity may show the situation in the Empire consistently teeters on a precarious edge between that unity and total collapse. The Electors, leaders of the various provinces of the Empire are notoriously fickle and resist the will of the Elected Emperor to better their own positions constantly creating in fighting that the Empire can ill afford in light of the many enemies on their borders. 

The Eastern edge of the Empire borders Tyrathnea and Kaladrim and thus is subject to brutal raids and violence from the beastial races beyond the civilized world. The situation in the Empire has changed though with the rise of a new creator Mythos in the form of the goddess. Worship of this goddess spread like wildfire and the death of Saint Elara defending the borders against an invading army of Dark Elves and beasts 100 years ago insured her faith would become a core pillar of Austaras national identity uniting them like never before in bonds of Faith and Steel. 

Austaran society is grim prudish and steeped in bloody history that has left in its people a defiant spirit in the face of endless outward aggression. Yet their social ethics favor unity and compliance as decention within creates opportunities for the enemy. This has created a level of accountability at all levels unseen in most nations. Leading nobles might exploit their population for their own benefit for awhile without consequence but push it just a bit too far and they’ll drag them through the streets as traitors. This constant radicalization is what keeps the people of the Empire going and what will drag them low one day.


                                 - Imperial Army their are many military orders that are for more skilled far better equipped and in general are far more fearsome than the rank and file of the Emperors Regulars. Yet you'll struggle to find to find one of these fearsome foes who's gone up against the Armies of Austara and fewer still who can claim to have beaten them on the field of battle. The indomitable spirit of its members and the vicious zealotry of its leaders makes the amassed might of the Emperors Legions something that will send even dragons and sorcerers into hiding.

                                 - Inquisitor of Vern the fear of magic is widespread in Austara and with good reason. But to overcome fear you must face it and the Inquisition of Vern face down the wild world of untamed magic and feel nothing but contempt. They specialize in countering enchantments and dispelling powerful spells in order to face the vanity of witches and wizards alike with mortal steel and watch them cower at their own impotence. 

                                 - Ostenfurt Gunsmiths- All the zealotry and stubbornness of the Austaran people cannot equate to the sheer power of their many foes. And so they must meet them with a power no living thing yet found can match. The Imperial Gunnery School at Ostenfurt trains soldiers in the use of the many types of firearms and cannonry used by the Empire and though these weapons are available all over the world. None can match the ruthless volume of fire only grsduates of this prestigious school can produce. Its most prestigious Alums are the Gunsmiths of Ostenfurt who excel in the art of developing and building gunpowder weapons of all shapes and sizes from huge mortars and bombards to hand grenades and pistols. 


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A sparsely populated mountainous realm to the far north populated by a hardy group of warrior tribes united in a loose confederacy by their religious obligations to the Elves of Yllandris who rule over the lands they occupy through treaties of alliance and shrewd politics. Despite this Yllandris rules these lands very loosely leaving them to their own devices until time of need call for them. Life in Skalia is short and violent but filled with stories of great glory fighting the vicious beasts that walk the northern tundras and mountainous peaks. Whatever people think of the barbaric men and women of the north, everyone knows their strong, honest, and driven by impulse to fulfill their desires whatever they may be.  Many often leave home as mercenaries to grow their sagaa before returning home to settle down building great long houses where people gather to sing songs of their triumphs. 

Long ago a hero named Berenal Stormbreaker came to the aid of the goddess of nature Yllan and helped her to drive off a great host of dragons. For their aid the elves of Yllandris and the goddess herself swore an oath of friendship to their northern neighbors and granted them powerful boons of magic and in return they swore an oath of friendship to come to tje aid of Yllandris should they ever call. 

The most famous of these magical boons is the voice of Yllan herself select warriors can be trained to speak in the tongue of druids and gods to will the world to change. To summon storms and break open the earth. Druids can manipulate this power to a degree but the Skald priests of Yllan have done feats of power few of any race clould dream of doing.


                                               - Druids- The evish patrons of the Skalians are skeptical of them at the best of times yet a few have earned their trust and respect. Most of these are the spiritual leaders of the Skalians who form the druidic circles that wander the world learning from nature and mimicking its majesty and fury with the help of magic. They are often sought out to preside over the many rituals and festivals that are part and parcel to Skalian life and they inspire strict adherence to the worship of the old gods.


                                               - Skalds- In the far north a great deal of their social interaction is built around exchanging stories and embarking on the search of new and better boasts to bring back to your town mead hall. The Best of these tales are carried in the long and honors memory of wandering warrior storytellers called Skalds. These honored musicians carry with them the unwritten history of hundreds of warriors who died on the battlefield and are only remembered in song by a skald if theyre able to commune with his fallen warrior. This is at the core of the Skalian death Mythos for if your story lives on and is found worth by a skald to be carried then you will go into the afterlife with honor. The more fabled your mortal life is by a Skald the more luxurious your eternity will be. It doesn't matter how you were brought to fame only that you left a good story. In return the essence of these fallen warriors empowers the skald giving them the ability to impart the lasting legacy of the warriors who's tales they carry with them on their allies to inspire them to feats of greatness worthy of greater Sagas!


                                             - Wargs- mortal humans cannot commune with nature as Elves can but they can commune with spirits and those particularly skilled in this craft can find work as fortune tellers, oracles, and seers. Among the brutal warriors of the north though you might find they commune with a very different kind of spirit. Wargs are humans that have taken on the animal aspect of any manner of beasts and share their skin with a primal entity that gives them incredible power but at terrible cost. More commonly known as werefolk (werewolves, bears, etc.) These insular tribes of animistic warriors have built their own culture around the animal instinct they are both blessed and cursed by living in tight knit groups and often fighting amongst each other. But if you can get them on your side you'll struggle to find a more deadly predator to prowl with and hunt your enemies.

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The mountainous region to the east and south of Austaria this is a wild land filled with beauty and wonder as much as horrors and deadly encounters of every kind. This land is ruled by city states and wandering warlords with no single person ever having ruled over the whole of this region for any period of time. At its center is the infamous volcano Mt Kaladrim and its primary inhabitants and magical and non human creatures. Such as Orcs who’s matriarchial warbands have a fierce reputation all across Estaria and powerful mage lords who’s towers hide great and terrible secrets.


                                - Orcish tribes - These infamous green skinned behemoths are the face of Kaladrim making up over half its popuation despite their warlike tribal customs. Averaging brtween 6 and 7 feet tall they extremely physically imposing a fact they use to great effect as raiding bandits and mercenaries mostly in the free cities and Austara. Rarely however great Warmasters have risen to create armies of conquest usually against Austara. Though none have ever succeeded in founding a proper orcish kingdom a few great strongholds remain from their efforts where their descendants continue to refine the orcish art of war and the primitive culture they've established. Most tribes are lead by orcish females who are on average larger than their male counter parts but the strong lead so gender stereotypes are very loose among orcs. 


Minotaur Communes 


Naga dens


Centaur clans


                                         - Free Cities Though technically a part of the greater Kaladrim mountains region the coastal free cities that dot Estarias southern coast are a far cry from the wildlife lands of their neighbors. The mountainous terrain makes it easy for these dry subtropical Merchant cities to defend themselves from the horrors that Border them. it also leaves them fairly isolated from one another except by sea making them the preeminent sea power of the south. They exist in a coalition of merchant republics lead by Cerulia  meant to help protect each other from the larger kingdoms they border and to support their mutual mercantile interests through small but very effective mercenary militaries and shrewd banking and sea trade. They consider their primary rival to be Charlais who has postered herself to overtake their position as the leading sea power. They are all fairly similar to each other in culture and language though what you might find in each is unique all of the free cities are free havens for all sorts of strange things.


                                         - Rogue Wizards Kaladrims rare materials, desolate Expanses, and rough terrain make for an excellent place for warlocks and wizards who wish to explore the darkest depths of magic in peace and so should an adventurer stumble across a quaint shack or a imposing tower while adventuring in kaladrim. They should only approach with the greatest of caution. Theres no telling what youll find. 

                                      - Chaos Magi - Nature is full of magical essence and where it congregates strange things can happen. This is the basis of the oldest magical studies and moving from the primal mindset all the scientific achievements of magic available to Estaria have been discover. However some practitioners of magic took this core idea and decided to push it, to concentrate as much raw magic as they can in one place in order to measure its effects. Today this is called Chaos Theory and those who practice it are hunted as incredibly dangerous sorcerers who have no control over their magic. The reality is much less dramatic though people who dabble in chaotic forces are often changed forever their bodies mutated into unnatural forms according to their whims some even finding the ability to do so at will. Though they must be careful for any lapse in concentration could have dire effects.  


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The Elves of Yllandris or Fae folk are renowned for their beautiful architecture which integrates itself seamlessly with nature and their long lives being wffectively immortal to aging. They dedicate themselves to self development and the mastery of whatever they set thier minds to. They occupy an idyllic mountain vale that is home to powerful magic as well as a thousand lifetimes of knowlege that is far beyond mortal races that covet this power. and after llong years of violence and persecution at the hands of other “lesser” races they will fight to defend it. Many armies from many races have tried to seize the secrets of this paradise all have failed.l Despite their string of victories this has left much of the long lived population of Yllandris spent or dead and the survivors have an aversion to the shorter lived races and their culture reflects this.

 Though they are very active in politics outside of their home they treat their relationships with the lesser folk as investing in a controllimg interest in order to deter aggression.

Much of an elves life is based on the cycle of death and rebirth in nature and at the core of this is the Wild Hunt. A time of great celebration for the elves and abject terror for the rest of the world. They attack a target at random from the many places that have afflicted themselves upon the sanctity of the Suns Cradle to remind them of elvish dominance coming and pillaging the lands before disappearing as quickly as they came. Elves come in 4 varieties That reflect their affinity for the natural world though within those 4 varieties they can take on an endless variety of traits and features.

                        - Spring Elves are rambunctious and spontaneous and optimistic. driven to acts of wanton indifference wether a wild party an adventure to far flung lands or a murder spree you never know what to expect from a spring Fae only that itll be a good time.

                         - Summer Fae are the most reliable and form the core of elvish leadership. They are diligent truthful hardworking and extroverted. A Summer Fae is a good friend to have and the only kind of elf you can trust without reservation. 

                         - Autumn Fae are thoughtful, calm, erudite, cunning and dedicated to whatever it is they set their mind to they are also prone to decadence and deception. They do most of the outward dealings with the other races and are generally speaking the most capable magisters among elf kind. Though they are usually cold in their demeanor you can trust them to be wise and capable if their telling the truth.

                          - Winter Fae are the harbingers of natures indifference to the suffering of the world. All Elves born under the winter moon and stars share a Dark destiny as the black riders of the wild hunt. They embody instinct, cruelty, fearlessness, dauntless determination and the will to survive. Its rare to meet a winter fae outside if their strongholds and their raids but if you ever become a friend of one you'll be a friend to them all

                          - One with Nature- all Fae have the innate ability to study their natural surroundings and to adapt to suit their environment. This can be used to take on a form to better resemble a part of nature they more directly identify with in their journey through immortality. From becoming more akin to birds and beasts to becoming one with the elements as dryads. Elves of a great age rarely retain their fully elvish form.


The cruel and depraved Dark Elves of Tyrathnea to the outside world seem as a despotic Empire driven to acts of extreme cruelty lead by raiding parties seeking to ravage their enemies for their own betterment. The Truth is far more complex. The Tyrathneans are a political entity at the forefront of a complex society of Clans with a rich but extremely insular culture. Their desolate volcanic homeland hides a deep and expansive network of tunnels and colonies that stretch far beyond their secretive homeland depriving far flung delves of ancient treasures and resources. They are also notorious slavers and much of the trade is plied by them as they travel the world seeking new and interesting places to plunder. Though to them slavery is what it is in other places. Dominance and subserviance forms a core pillar of Tyrathnean society and as much as it is a slaves duty to serve their master it is a masters duty to tend to their slaves needs. Though someone in this Dominant role has totsl control of what a slave does and what conditions they live in. A dutiful servant treated poorly will earn that Master the ire of their master. For in Tyrath everyone serves.

Dark Elves as a race have no magical ability and thus  are renowned for their handicrafts technology and underground colonies used to gather the materials used to create their infamous magical machines. As a race they are unable to wield magic instead depending on their magical technology eldritch rituals and powerful enchantments to create similar effects. The infamous Witch Knights and Sentinels of D’vorn are both examples of this.


                                   - The Witch Knights of Seranok are notorious for alot of things but chief among them is their ritual magic. Having no innate magic in and of themselves they utilize a shared grimoire of rituals using magical power given by dark patrons to empower and protect them from all harm. The more favor they gain from their otherworldly patrons the more powerful they become. Their abilities generally require immense planning and preparation but can have powerful effects.


                                             - Sentinels of Dvorn The prison city of Dvorn was once a slave colony where political prisoners and enemies Were sent to disappear. When a orc invasion struck suddenly many border settlements fell until eventually a cadre of engineers enchanted suits of armor and drove the orcs out of the Saureval Valley for their loyalty despite their imprisonment those engineers became the first members of the council of Dvorn who now hosts a great city full of Tyrathneas finest engineers and miners though it is still the home of a huge slave population these forsworn citizens have to opportunityto reearn their place as Dvorn. The mechanical armored warriors called Sentinels are the pride of this city. Forsaking natural magics in favor of huge suits of plate mail enchanted with various capabilitiew normally only users of magic could use. They are sworn to protect the borders of Tyrathnea from any who would dare to attack from above or below.

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