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Name: Fonfon

Gender: Female

Race: Tribal Werewolf [Unique]

Age: 22~

Identification number: 25A-W905

Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Kidnapping, rape, sexual torture. Life Imprisonment.

Date of arrival: 15th September 2025. 

Association: N/A

Occupation and education: None

Special skills and abilities:

  • Whip Mastery: Unparalleled with a whip, she can aim powerful and accurate strikes with the right weapon. She can dance with the flow with a good whip and be pretty dangerous at a distance. This means that she can be useful with her whip as much in practical ways as well as offensive ways.
  • High Agility [Racial]: She is very quick and light on her feet but also with her hands. This allows her to get close to someone and use her nails to scratch them if she has to. Coupled with some of her skills, it can change a battle to her advantage. Her agility allows her to perform high and long jumps.
  • Keen Senses [Racial][2]: It is no secret that Fonfon can hear well with her ears or see well with her eyes, with her being a wolf.
  • Alchemy/compounding: She is capable of making potions so to speak. By using herbs or other ingredients, she is capable to make different kinds of results ranging from medicines to her signature aphrodisiacs. Poisons and other dangerous mixtures may also be used if she can make them.

Magical abilities: None


  • Pride: While it might not be a weakness in itself, Fonfon detests being mistreated or misjudged. Such behavior can provoke her into impulsive actions that might get her into trouble. Her pride also leads her to be arrogant and sometimes even a little over-confident. She also isolates herself a lot, making her a lone wolf without allies.
  • No schooling: In term of manners or any basic knowledge, Fonfon know nothing that could make her useful when it comes to braining. She may be smart for how to use her whip and her senses as a werewolf but the complete lack of human knowledge makes her useless for calculations, machinery, computers and much else.

Appearance: A werewolf with half of her body covered in fur. The fur on her legs go all the way down to her feet. She also has a fluffy tail.

History: Before being imprisoned, she lived by herself in a lost corner of the world. She would often hunt and capture women for her own pleasure and to enjoy them in many ways, some of which were quite painful for them. She would go unnoticed for a few years until someone would find her hideout and put an end to it, capturing her.

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