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[Basic Information] 
Name: Selena
Age: 18 
Gender: Female 
Family: Orphaned

[Physical Information] 
Height: 5’2 
Weight: 120lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Physical Description: See picture below

[Personality Information] 
Personality: Fun, Caring, and very loveable
Motivation: Forever happiness
Likes/Favourites: To enjoy life and is a flirt. Romantic movies.
Dislikes/Hatreds: Rude people and rejection.

[Miscellaneous Information] 
Fears: Has only one...Rejection
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Single 

[Backstory] Selena walks the world not knowing who she was and she often watches in the background at those who love, wishing she would find someone herself. She started off life abandoned but not because her parents didn’t love her but because they had to and she had to learn everything on her own. What is in store for her is yet a mystery.

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