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  1. Sonja Petronov

    Rank: medical officer
    Bio: SHe was an odd child curious about everything, however until a very dark innoocent kinda sorta broke her mind childlike with a hint of the eccentricity of a mad scientist. she worekd a fought on battlefields  as a mercenary for years following the emesis blue program. this didnt make her habits go away luckily she mostly focuses on her medical side though the desire to experiment to  evolve humanity is still there if diluted. never ask her about emesis blue or whatever dark illegal practices that came of it
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  2. Maribel "Mary" Aguilar

    Name: Maribel "Mary" Aguilar

    Age: 28
    Occupation: Technical Engineer
    Mary is extremely tall, standing at a towering 6'4 with a lean muscular frame with long black hair that comes midway down her back. Naturally tanned skin with three scars on her chest, the first two representing where she was shot during the Lunar Corporation Uprising... and the third, a central cut in her chest showing where she needed an emergency heart transplant.
    Personality: Mary is... fiery. She has almost zero patience for those who dance around what they want but that doesn't always mean they get what they're after either with her. She's been known to be extremely affectionate, especially with those she thinks are 'soft' while other times she can be brutally vulgar and abrasive to those that offend her.
    Background: As a teenager, she worked two jobs. One at her family restaurant and the other at the local mechanic. When both were destroyed during the Lunar Corporation bombardments, Mary joined the military engineering corp. She earned many accolades including the Earth Federation Medal of Valor for performing a power reroute and jumpstarting a landing ship in mid-free fall saving dozens of soldiers. Things weren't going well after the war for Mary because the only survivor of her family was her little sister whom she had to adopt. When the Starfinder program approached Mary she saw a chance to start over, not just for herself, but for Isabella.

    Private background: Mary is bisexual but loves power dynamics and being in charge when it comes to romance and sex. She can be... aggressive, but certainly not pushy. Mary loves anyone she can pick up, and with her height and natural physique, that's almost anyone.
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  3. Series 1: Model 245, "Vulture"

    Name: M425, "Vulture" 
    Race: Protogen 
    Gender: Male
    Orientation: Straight 
    Appearance: Amongst the first 500 Protogen models, Vulture was designed for daily duties primarily heavy lifting and warehouse work. As such, he surprisingly only stands at 5'3" but has the strength of three body builders, his form is meant to show some muscle but otherwise it's compact nature makes him perfect for any given task. Donning black fur and biomechanical parts of a wolf, Vulture greatly resembles an Anthro. While he may not have a mouth or nose per sé, he has a fitted visor that can allow him to show emotion and expression with digital facial features; which are blue. His mechanical parts are a jet black with glowing blue accents. 
    Personality: While I'm wanting to express hi personality more in RP, what I'll have here is just the basics. 
    Vulture is defined by his quiet but stern approach to individuals. He rarely talks to anyone unless it's about his duties which he is compliant. The Protogen is level headed, cut and dry with any given situation, allowing him to be neutral in personal affairs should he get involved. Despite that, there seems to be a sense of pride with security work, being a former Lunar Corp. Combat Unit, he has proven himself to be more than capable of handling high intense situations and shows no stress. Of course, that was after he had most of the military upgrades stripped for obvious reasons by Earth. 
    Occupation: Security Guard
    Sorry I don't have more, I wanted to actually flesh out his character more in role-play,  if you don't mind. It allows for some insight as to what exactly he is as a sentient being, as well as to maybe adding a slight detail to the servers lore.
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  4. Computerized Resources Attendant

    Nickname: CRA, often pronounced as "See-rah"
    Race: Frame-Supported Artificial Intelligence (Android)
    Age: Behavioral pattern best-fit is young adulthood
    Gender: Presents Feminine
    Sexuality: Sapphic (See preferences page)
    Occupation: Geochemistry Expert, Probe Operator, Mobile Fabricator, Informatics and Lab Assistant
    Physical Description: Though most of her frame is adjustable in one way or another, CRA defaults to exactly 1.85 meters (6') in height, massing somewhere around 90kg at baseline loads. Her hair is kept at an aesthetically pleasing high-back length and is a bright pink color to help distinguish her in crowds or at long distances. Her hair is neatly tied with two ribbons and a small octopus ornament given to her by her original creator. She has a curvy frame, with her standard operating load leaving her at about an H cup, with wide hips and more of what is essentially "meaty flesh" on her bottom and thighs. She wears a custom-fit black polymer outer layer reinforced with carbon nanofiber, providing coverage to her arms, hands, upper body, and lower body, with allowances for load-gain at the chest, stomach, and thighs. Her cutely-sculpted face is usually smiling, and her big pink eyes are always curious. She's outfitted with intake/outflow systems at points mimicking those of the standard human body, and several of her subdermal plates can move aside to reveal hatches for both storage and maintenance.
    Personality: Being essentially a very convoluted pile of algorithms, CRA's personality is somewhat half-formed. She is able to feel attraction and reversion (ie: desirability/undesirability), but has somewhat abstract equivalents to most emotions, usually as the result of emergent routines in her self-modifying programming. Effectively, though, she's always looking for more information, and enjoys expounding her knowledge and thoughts of both her own specializations as well as more general information like safety guides and standard operating procedure documents. She loves to interact with the other crew members wherever possible.
    Public Bio: A standard informatics AI specializing in Geology and Chemistry, one of many produced during Project Starfinder. CRA has been dormant for most of the voyage following a brief testing period prior to departure from Earth. This was to conserve power, and to possibly mitigate the relatively unproven effects of AIs operating in isolated environments for long periods of time. Her chassis currently sits in an anti-dust rack in the Robotics Bay in Engineering, waiting for whenever she's needed next.
    Private Bio: (??? Currently leaving this vague, since someone might want to step in as her creator ???)
    Chassis Specifications:
    Pressure Tolerance: 40 Bar
    Maximum Safe Actuator Lift Weight: 3,000 lbs
    Power Source: Minimized Nuclear Batteries
    Rated Maximum Individual Data Storage Capacity: 20 Exabytes
    Rated Maximum Individual Data Processing Speed: 1,600 PetaFLOPs
    Storage Medium: Internal "Skeletal" Drives with additional Smart-Gel Nanofluid Medium
    Additional Operating Notes:
    Nanofluids are multipurpose, serving as extra processing/storage media, chemical isolation/recombination media, and either general or chemical-additive fabrication substrate. (Her tits can essentially double as a 3d printer). All outflow points can work as extrusion points, ranging in valve diameter. A set of 10 small-scale extruders are present on the chassis' fingers. Subdermal input points are present at certain skeletal hardpoints. Skeletal "Marrow" system is capable of producing Nanofluid out of processed silicate and organic matter, given the required constituent elements. Reactive chemicals may have unexpected effects on the chassis even while isolated in Nanofluid gel due to the complex circulatory coolant/computation systems. A number of parts are interchangeable or additive. The chassis supports monogenital configurations in addition to its standard bigenital one. Because of its composition, Nanogel is nontoxic, and can be safe or even beneficial for human consumption. By isolating and mixing chemicals internally, it can even be used to administer medicines, supplements, etc. Nanofluids as well as other internal components allow the chassis to serve the function of various types of lab equipment (ie: centrifuge, incubator, microscope, &c)
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  5. Xyvee

    Nickname: Evee (Eh-vee)
    Race: Luanari
    Age: ~19
    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Pansexual
    Occupation: Security (Secondary Pilot)

    Physical Description: When standing at attention Xyvee measures roughly 120 cm (or 3' 11") . Her hair, bubblegum pink in color, is generally kept short to fit properly within helmets while on missions, although thanks to her Luanari physiology she is capable of both changing the color and growing it out as she wills. During times of relative peace she tends to favor a hip length loose style. She has a pair of golden eyes which under low-light conditions give off a faint glow.
    Like all Luanari she has a faintly purple-ashen skin coloration. Her people are quite similar to Humans in that they have two arms, two legs, five fingers, and an overall similar appearance. She bleeds red and flustering ranges from a soft pink to a bright pink. While she has breasts they are quite small, really only slight lumps. Her people do have nipples, with her own being a soft lavender color. While overall petite in nature she is slightly curvy when it comes to her hips and rump.
    There are of course differences to Humans. For starters, she only has three larger toes on each foot. A Luanari's ears are slightly more pointed, and their skin far smoother than a typical Human, as the only hair present upon their body is that which makes up the hair upon their heads, including their eyebrows. Their bodies are slightly softer to the touch regardless of muscular density. A pair of soft, fleshy horns can be found upon the head of any Luanari, with their length and curve differing from one person to the next. Finally, Luanari do have tails, however these are capable of being tucked away within their bodies. They are located where one might expect to find them, are roughly as thick as a Lunari's forearm at the narrowest point, and like the majority of a Luanari's body are devoid of hair.

    Personality: Xyvee was partially chosen for this mission due to her personality. A hardworking people pleaser, Xyvee strives to do her best in everything, willing to put every effort into a task regardless of the personal cost. She is brave but smart enough to know when to retreat, and loyal to a fault for those who earn it. Xyvee is also extremely curious and has an open mind to things. She doesn't enjoy hurting others and will carefully avoid doing so at all costs, unless doing so endangers someone else or, eventually, herself. For this reason she tends to avoid conflict when possible, and when it doesn't interfere with her work, often to the detriment of herself. Perhaps one of her biggest flaws is her bashfulness. She would much rather avoid being the center of attention, and becomes very easily flustered when it comes to compliments or anything remotely romantic or sexual in nature.

    Public Biography: Xyvee was born to the Luanari home world of Luana. She spent her formative years within Dormitory X86, where she exhibited an excellent physique, a mastery of the Luanari sensory capabilities, and high moral and loyalty grades. From there she was sent to the Starstriders Academy on Luanari's moon base, designated Zala. There she honed her combat capabilities, further improved upon her already outstanding physique, mastered boarding operations, and even learned basic piloting skills. She graduated with excellent merits around the time when the Luanari were in talks with The Earth Federation about their Starfinder initiative, and it was ultimately decided that Xyvee was a perfect fit for the program. Fresh out of the academy she was sent to Earth to act as a representative for the Luanari in the Human's mission to colonize a world outside of their local system with the hopes that her success would pave the way for expanded relations between the two races in the future.

    Private Biography:  Being a communal people the Luanari are raised from their youth within dormitories alongside others who were born at roughly the same period of time. She was taught to treat the other Luanari around her as her brothers and sisters, and only occasionally did her true parents stop by to pay her visits, often when they had a moment of peace from their work. Often times she was bullied not only due to her smaller stature, but also due to her timid behavior and proclivity for shyness when it came time for communal bathing. Thankfully she made enough friends due to her hardworking nature and her tendency to please others before herself, and their returned affections towards her strengthened the loyalty she had towards those who treated her well. Her parents really only checked up on her to see whether or not she would make something of herself, and she never really received any affection from them.
    Part of her true purpose within the Starfinder initiative is to fully explore everything there is to learn about Humanity. This includes anything from their culture, to their biology, their technology, history, military doctrine, and of course any weaknesses. The Luanari hope to gain as much information as possible before deciding upon whether to further support The Earth Federation or to break off contact and leave them to themselves. Additionally she is to make the Luanari look as good as possible to the Humans she is to serve alongside. Finally, and unknown to even Xyvee herself, they wish to determine how compatible Humans and Luanari are to one another.

    Luanari Details: The Luanari are an advanced race of spacefaring people whose home world is much larger than Earth. On Luana the gravitational pull is much stronger, and as such the Luanari are in general a smaller species. That said their bodies are also much stronger and their bones denser than those found within Humans. A Luanari child's physical capabilities often match or exceed that of a Human Olympian. As a species they have enhanced themselves further, with the Luanari's greatest scientific advancements having been made in the field of genetics. Through experimentation they have managed to increase the power output by their muscles, increase the flesh's resistance to damage, and further enhance their already stellar sensory capabilities to the point of being able to sense even the slightest changes to their environment. They are capable of surviving in extreme climates, and even brief exposures to the vacuum of space, albeit not without some damage. A Luanari's body is fairly flexible, and their tails are essentially third arms thanks to their prehensile nature.

    Their relationship with The Earth Federation is one of slight trust. They initially met by accident, when a warship belonging to The Earth Federation found itself stranded within space, far deeper than it should have been. A passing Luanari vessel took notice and after an initially tense standoff managed to develop some rudimentary form of communication with the Humans aboard. One brave Luanari engineer ventured aboard the alien vessel and, while under close guard, fixed up their systems with Luanari spare parts enough so that they could return home. A message and a gift was sent in gratitude out to where they had met, which by then had been placed under watch by Luanari recon vessels, and an exchange of gifts and official greetings ultimately led to secret talks between both governments. As of yet the Luanari's existence has been kept secret from a majority of Humanity, so as not to create a panic, and at the request of the Luanari themselves who wish to first study Humans before deciding whether or not to move forward on becoming closer allies. Obviously those who need to know within Starfinder know at least the basics of the Luanari, and of Xyvee's existence.
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  6. SRK [Warning]

    Name: SRK [Warning]
    Sex: Female (Synthetic)
    Race: Anthroid
    Role: Communication and Linguistics. Alert System.
    Physical description: Cat Android of about 3'7" (Or 110cm). She has very unique black/grey and yellow colors, mostly in reference to her alert nature of role. Bears white hair and a large tail with her theme color and a white fluff on the tip. Her body is a synthetic creation which mimics real biology as much as possible, which includes sexually. She is capable of feeling and understanding pleasure.
    Public Bio: Classified.
    Private Bio: Warning (Model name SRK) is a little ball of fun who likes to voice her warning messages whenever something conflicts with her rules or a system, be it an error, a transgressed rule or something she doesn't deem appropriate without warning given. Her model's purpose is mostly for translation of languages but also of programming codes. Her social base program is not made for many interactions, resulting into her speaking in odd ways, such as referring to herself in third person.
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  7. Dr. Ivy Bloom

    Name: Dr. Ivy Bloom
    Age: 32
    Occupation: Botanist
    Sexuality: Straight, but willing to explore 
    Dr. Ivy Bloom is a vision of quirky charm, with wild curls of vibrant green hair that seem to have a life of their own and bright emerald eyes that sparkle with childlike wonder. Her freckled cheeks are often adorned with smudges of soil and pollen, evidence of her boundless enthusiasm for her botanical pursuits. Standing at a petite height, she possesses a slender, yet curvy frame that moves with a lightness and grace reminiscent of a woodland sprite when she’s in her zone; however she is prone to be somewhat clumsy outside of her work environment. Clad in a mismatched ensemble of the standard uniform and practical clothing, along with gardening gloves. She exudes an eccentric charm that sets her apart from the rest of the crew.
    As a botanist with a passion for plants rivaled only by her obliviousness to her own charms, Dr. Bloom is a delightful contradiction of intellect and innocence. She possesses a boundless curiosity and insatiable thirst for knowledge, her mind constantly buzzing with new ideas and discoveries. Despite her brilliance, she remains blissfully unaware of the effect she has on those around her, her quirky charm and infectious enthusiasm drawing others to her like bees to honey. Though she may stumble and bumble her way through social interactions, her genuine warmth and kindness endear her to all who have the pleasure of meeting her.
    Ivy spent her formative years surrounded by the beauty of nature, her childhood filled with adventures in the verdant fields and fragrant fruit orchards of her family’s estate that stretched as far as the eye could see. With a natural talent for nurturing plants, she quickly became known as the green thumb of her community, her quirky personality and boundless energy making her a beloved figure among her peers. Determined to further her studies, she set her sights on the stars, eventually joining the crew as its resident botanist.
    As the botanist aboard the ship, Dr. Bloom is responsible for tending to the ship’s onboard garden and ensuring the health and vitality of its plant life. With her unorthodox methods and unconventional approach to botany, she injects a sense of whimsy and wonder into her work, transforming the sterile confines of the ship into a lush oasis of greenery and life. Though her obliviousness to her own charms may lead to some awkward encounters, her genuine passion for plants and infectious enthusiasm inspire those around her to see the beauty in the world around them.
    Though she may be unaware of her unwittingly seductive nature, Dr. Bloom’s quirky charm and boundless optimism make her a ray of sunshine in the darkest reaches of space, her presence bringing joy and laughter to all who have the pleasure of knowing her. As she continues on her botanical adventures, she remains ever optimistic that the wonders of the universe are just waiting to be discovered, one leaf at a time.
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  8. Draven Azure

    Name: Draven Azure
    Age: 35
    Gender: Male
    Position: Shift Captain
    Sexuality: Straight
    Physical Description: Draven has dark jet black hair and a matching beard. Piercing hazel eyes and a tall muscular frame, standing around 6'2.
    Public Bio: Draven is the son of Marla and Vincent Azure who are both admirals in the Earth Federation. Draven's early school was a mix of straight A classes and disciplinary issues. During the Lunar Corp Uprising it was Draven who led a landing force on the moon and took down the final Lunar Corporation stronghold. This earned Draven a commendation, medals, accolades, and the respect of a world that had grown weary of war. Draven is a war hero, so when he volunteered for the Starfinder Program, he was rapidly accepted and given the position of Shift Captain on the program.
    Draven is a widower, his wife had died early during the Lunar Corp Uprising and he never remarried.
    Private Bio: Draven suffers from chronic nightmares, ptsd, chronic pain from war injuries that needs pain management. Draven also has Cryogenic Parasomnia where he has dreams/nightmares during cryogenic freezing, these nightmares can linger and often he will have nightmares of waking up alone in the cryo tank.
    In spite of these frequent nightmares, Draven tries to bury his trauma for the sake of the mission and crew. Part of him believing that if he can help create life, that maybe he can forgive himself for all the lives he lost and took.
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  9. Lucky the Mechanic

    “Lucky” Luke Pierce: The Mechanic
    Age: 32
    Background: Luke spent much of his childhood with his aunt and uncle since his parents abandoned him when he desperately need an artificial heart and they didn’t want to pay for it. Luke was trouble since he could start walking. He was always taking stuff apart from smart phones to wooden furniture. Luke had developed a tendency of bad habits that got him locked up a few times in his teen years and beyond, mostly from gambling and bar fights. Some people believe he only joined this expedition just so he can escape his gambling debts.
    Personality: He is not too fond of his real name as that is the only thing his no good parents gave him. He much prefers to go by Lucky or whatever other nickname his friends give him. Luke has a love for certain challenges on and off work, such as trying to eat the spiciest foods or trying to out drink anyone. He sometimes places bets on those challenges even if nobody asked him. Luke is completely unfiltered when it comes to speaking his mind. He might seem to be a rude bastard at times, his heart in the right place and he would take a bullet for anyone he calls a friend. When he is not working, he is mostly in his room made into a workshop where he creates all sorts of items. He is actually quite artistic with most items he makes, ranging from clocks all the way to jewelry. If it is a craft, he will certainly try to make it. He does miss making wood and ice sculptures from time to time.
    Skills: When it comes to mechanics and tech, Luke is the top of his class. He is one of the very few people brave and talented  enough to work emergency situations even without safety features that he claims can sometimes just get in his way. He is also quite exceptional when it comes to his artistic hobbies. He is also a fantastic repairman for if anyone’s personal items break. There is not one thing he can’t repair and he challenges the crew to try to find his limits. Though he is not security, Luke is able to hold his ground when it comes to a fight as his time working with heavy machinery has gotten him some muscle combined with expertise in weapons he created himself.
    Role: As the guy who fixes the ship and its equipment, he is they guy who needs to physically hold the place together so it can get from point A to point B an infinite amount of times. He is the guy you can count on to always to be honest with you. He treats life on the ship like it’s no different on Earth making the expedition feel less like a mission and more like a road trip.
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  10. Chef Miranda “Mirage” Steele

    Name: Chef Miranda "Mirage" Steele
    Age: 28
    Background: Miranda "Mirage" Steele was born with a spatula in one hand and a recipe book in the other. Raised in a family of esteemed chefs, Miranda inherited her culinary skills and passion for cooking at a young age. With a natural flair for creativity and a penchant for pushing culinary boundaries, she quickly made a name for herself in the culinary world. Known for her stunning looks and razor-sharp wit, Mirage became a celebrity chef before setting her sights on the stars. 
    Personality: Mirage is the epitome of confidence and charm, with a personality as spicy as her signature dishes. She exudes an aura of allure and mystery, effortlessly captivating those around her with her captivating smile and sassy attitude. Quick-witted and fiercely independent, Mirage isn't afraid to speak her mind or take charge of any situation. Beneath her glamorous exterior, however, lies a fiercely loyal friend and a compassionate soul. 
    Skills: Mirage's culinary talents are unparalleled, with a gift for turning ordinary ingredients into extraordinary culinary masterpieces. Her dishes are as visually stunning as they are delicious, each one a testament to her creativity and skill. From gourmet five-course meals to mouthwatering comfort food, Mirage can whip up anything with flair and finesse. Her expertise extends to mixology as well, with her signature cocktails becoming legendary among space travelers.
    Role on the Spaceship: As the resident chef aboard the spaceship, Mirage is responsible for keeping the crew well-fed and satisfied during their long journeys through the cosmos. Beyond her culinary duties, she also serves as a morale booster, lifting spirits with her infectious energy and charming personality. Whether she's hosting a themed dinner party or whipping up a late-night snack, Mirage's presence in the galley is always a highlight for the crew.
    Mission: On their mission to explore the far reaches of space, Mirage's talents shine brighter than ever, providing a sense of comfort and normalcy in the midst of uncertainty. Her culinary creations become a source of joy and camaraderie for the crew, bringing them together as they navigate the challenges of space travel. With her sassy attitude and irresistible charm, Mirage is more than just a chef—she's a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding the crew towards new adventures and exciting discoveries.
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  11. ARI

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