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Our Characters


  1. Kinu Yukimura

    Name: Kinu Yukimura "Foxy" 
    Gender: Female
    Race: Kitsune
    Age: 28
    Identification number: 26A-W985
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Arson, Human Trafficking
    Date of arrival: May 22 2026
    Occupation and education:  Journalist, College Education 
    Special skills and abilities: 
    Extremely limber:  Kinu’s flexibility allows her to perform impressive physical feats, such as easily slipping through spaces as narrow as 10 inches wide, and performing advanced acrobatics like backflips or rapid changes in direction while moving. However, her limberness has practical limits: if she attempts to hold an extreme position for longer than five minutes, she risks muscle cramps or strains. Additionally, she cannot fit through spaces smaller than her shoulder width, and attempting overly complex or risky maneuvers under stress can result in injury, such as pulled muscles or twisted joints.
    Keen Observer: Kinu’s observational skills are highly specialized in noticing and processing environmental details. Kinu excels at scanning her surroundings and picking up on small, often overlooked details. This allows her to identify potential threats, hidden clues, or escape routes. While Kinu is excellent at noticing physical details in her environment, her ability to read people’s emotions or intentions through body language and facial expressions is less developed. She can observe what someone is wearing or carrying, but she may miss more subtle cues related to their mood or deception. In environments that are cluttered or have a lot of visual stimuli, Kinu can become overwhelmed, leading to potential missed details or slower processing times.
    Very physically Fit: Kinu’s fitness is focused on endurance and resilience. She can run at a steady pace for extended periods (up to 30 minutes without tiring), endure harsh physical conditions, and recover quickly from fatigue. Her stamina allows her to maintain focus and energy over long missions, and she can perform tasks requiring sustained effort, like long-distance travel or extended stakeouts, without significant rest. However, her physical strength is limited; she struggles to lift more than 50 pounds, and in hand-to-hand combat, she is at a disadvantage. Kinu relies on agility and evasion rather than direct confrontation, as she lacks the power to overpower opponents. If forced into a fight, her strategy is to outlast and outmaneuver rather than to overpower, but against a skilled or stronger opponent, she is vulnerable.
    Scurry away - designed to give her a burst of rapid acceleration, allowing her to hit her top speed almost instantly. This ability is particularly useful for quickly dodging danger or getting a head start in a chase. The boost lasts for about 45 seconds, during which she maintains her top speed efficiently due to her rapid acceleration. However, the ability is highly draining; using it more than 2 or 3 times in quick succession leaves her completely exhausted
    Magical abilities: 
    Notice Me - allows her to subtly draw someone's attention by maintaining direct eye contact. This ability makes the person slightly more favorable toward her, particularly useful in delicate or tense situations. However, Notice Me is not mind control; it only works on individuals who already have some level of attraction to her. The effect is subtle, making the person more inclined to assist or agree with her, but it won't override strong opposing feelings or beliefs.
    Kinu can use Notice Me up to 4 times a day, with each use requiring focused and intentional eye contact. The influence it provides is gentle and works best in situations where a slight shift in perception can change the outcome in her favor.
    Very weak- While she's FIT that's more in terms of stamina and flexibility, she's easily overpowered physically, she's also not one for fighting being one to flee rather than fight. If forced into a corner more likely to surrender then stand her ground.
    Kinu Yukimura is a renowned journalist from the Republic, known for her fearless investigative reporting. After earning her journalism degree from Stride University, she gained fame by exposing a major corruption scandal. Her work focuses on political corruption and human rights, making her a respected and influential figure in the media. Despite her success, Kinu remains dedicated to uncovering the truth and advocating for the underprivileged.
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  2. Fera

    Name: Fera
    Gender: Female [Futa]
    Race: Tinorian
    Age:  28
    Identification number:  17A-W380 
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:  Attempted Terrorism, 30 Years in Prison
    Date of arrival:   18th June 2017
    Association: None
    Occupation and education:  None
    Special skills and abilities: 
    Prison Mascot: Would mostly affect NPCs. Players can choose to react to her how they would like, but Fera is just...very likeable. Her bubbly personality has given her quite the reputation amongst her fellow inmates. They've often just shared food with her and given her headpats. The older ladies at the prison treat her like their granddaughter. Perhaps even the prison staff liked her. Durable: Fera's got tough skin! Her skin work similarly to rhino's leather. She can still be harmed of course, but she will take less damage than the average person, assuming anyone would actually hit this furball. She can take a punch, and it takes a bit more strength for the knife to penetrate the skin. Way too much Energy: Sometimes it's almost as though this girl runs on an endless battery supply. Most importantly, she could go a night or two without sleep. Any more though and she might pass out. Quick Recovery: If Fera does end up getting hurt, she recovers exceptionally quickly. Scratches and bruises will heal within 2 or 3 days. Deeper wounds will heal in 2/3rds of the time it would take for the average person. Magical abilities:
    Tionarian Pride: For just 10 seconds, her strength, defense, speed and agility will reach the absolute peak capable for a person. This skill can only be used once a day.  
    Dumb as a Brick: She was already a total idiot when she got here, and even though people have tried to teach her a few things, Fera just doesn't have the head for it. She doesn't seem to know anything about the world outside this prison even though she's lived her whole life out there.
    She remembers people, but good luck trying to get her to remember your name too. She likes to give nicknames...not always the same one...they might not even sound anything close to your real name. She doesn't really consider them nicknames either, so good luck convincing her that's not your real name. (PS: If someone else mentions a character by their name, she'll know who they're talking about...but she still gets it wrong when she says it) Truth Bound: Fera doesn't know how to lie. Whenever she tries, she'll start to sweat and fidget, making it obvious to anyone. She rarely ever even attempts to lie, and it might tear her up inside until the truth comes out. Of course,  Blind to danger: Fera can't really distinguish dangerous situations unless someone blatantly tells her. She could walk right down the middle of a mexican stand-off and then wonder why those guys were pointiong those funny looking things (guns) at each other.  
    Appearance: Fera is 183cm/6 ft tall
    Personality: Dumb, energetic, positive.
    History: Fera doesn't have much of a story. At 18 years of age, she was found at a packed stadium covered from head to toe with explosives. Despite this, she claimed not to know anything about any explosives. She didn't even seem to understand what an explosive was, but given the circumstances, who would believe her. Fera couldn't really defend herself in court. When shown a picture and asked if she'd been wearing those explosives in the stadium, she enthusiastically said yes! Afterall, she didn't see any reason to lie about it. Fera was found guilty of attempted terrorism and sentenced to 30 years behind bars. She has been leading a pretty happy life in prison though, getting a nice outfit (prison clothes), a lovely room (prison cell) and funny-looking roommates (other inmates). She even gets fed for free! (Prison slop)
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  3. Sybil "Shadow of the Theater" Baudelaire

    Name: Sybil "Shadow of the Theater" Baudelaire
    Gender: Female (Futa)
    [Functional Male and female parts]
    Race: Human
    Age: 37

    Appearance : she's actually 7'2"
    Identification number : 23A-W803
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:
    Guilty on 4 Counts - Homicide of a Federal Officer
    Guilty on 8 Counts - Homicide
    Guilty on 5 Counts - Blackmail
    Guilty on 4 Counts - Aggravated Arson
    Guilty on 3 Counts - Kidnapping
    Guilty on 3 Counts - Ransom
    Guilty on 2 Counts - Sex Trafficking
    Guilty on 2 Counts - Injuring Officer(s)
    Guilty on 4 Counts - Trespassing
    Guilty on 5 Counts - Breaking and Entering
    Guilty on 1 Count - Hostage Taking
    Guilty on 1 Count - Sexual Harassment
    [Declined defense, Guilty on all 42 Counts, Initially sentenced to Death, changed to Life Imprisonment without Parole.]
    Date of arrival: 05, 12, 2023
    Association :
    - The Many Eyes of God - An old, and surprisingly powerful cult based in Southern Louisiana. They are a cult that believes themselves to be descended from the 7 eyes of god that became men and women, fathering lines that serve and watch over the chosen lineages of god or...a god. They are quite esoteric and preach 7 tenets that aim to influence its members into complete obedience like with any cult. They act as an innocent, religious theater group on the surface however but one close to many powerful families, political powers, and companies.

    - The Baudelaire - A formerly powerful, old money family that makes their name in development, entertainment, politics, and medicine.
    - [Hidden]
    Occupation and education:
    MD in Human/oid Physiology
    Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
    Worked as a physician and an Acupuncturist
    Special skills and abilities:
    Vulnerability Focus - While Sybil is not much of a fighter the sum-total of her knowledge has given her the ability to accurately and consistently target anatomical vulnerabilities and sensitivities (Ex. "Pressure Points") combined with her needles in the hopes of ending fights as quickly as possible to make up for her lack of durability and true combat skill.
    Exceptional Limberness - Sybil's style of dance has aided her into keeping an an incredibly, limber figure. She essentially sits at the peak of human flexibility, bypassing most somatic pain and despite her body being able to contort it in ways that should seem painful but mean little to her. She is even able to maintain full control in these awkward seeming positions. This does not mean her body can't break of course as she is not elastic but her body has more given before such a thing would occur at least in terms of elastic force is concerned. This aids her well in situations where she needs to defend herself as she begins to move in odd ways that would be difficult for most people. She becomes almost inhuman, at least to those not so used to the human body bending and shifting that way.
    Fine-tuned Echolocation - Being blind has made it so that Sybil must navigate by use of her senses but she has trained so thoroughly to use her echolocation that she has reached the human limit. She's become so adept with this that she is fully capable of navigating environments rapidly without the immediate use of aids and doing things that most people like her may not with far greater ease. She is able to get a very rich sense of the environment. She is able to understand spacial information well such as discern height, material by density (Essentially Rock, from metal, from cloth, etc), position, movement, even dryness and wetness (though this requires much less noise), and presence creating a "sound map" of sorts.
    Magical abilities:
    - [Hidden]
    - Shadow Needle - Sybil is capable of conjuring 6 black colored needles a day between her fingers. These long thin, pure black needles are made of shadow, and do not actually cause wounds but otherwise mimic surgical grade stainless steel verum capable needles. They will vanish without a trace after approximately 10 minutes in hand, 1 minute out.
    - Sybil is totally blind and is thus unable to quickly react to unfamiliar stimuli as quickly as those with vision, though she can adapt her ability to take in information only works as fast as she can make intentional noise and thus she loses in terms of the speed of information that a person with sight might be able to process. Noisy areas also provide a significant hurdle to the speed of her information gathering.
    - While Sybil is quite capable without them, she still needs to use aids in order to avoid the things she can't perceive easily through the use of her echolocation.
    - Sybil's senses can be more easily overwhelmed due their needing to compensate for her lack of vision.
    - [Hidden]
    - [Hidden]
    Personality :
    Sybil is....a sad presence. A dead thing, still moving among the living though she has little idea why. The woman seems to be in constant pain made clear by the seemingly dark aura that surrounds her. There rarely ever seems to be times where she isn't cry, but it is something she does in silence most often. Sybil will, despite her pain, greet everyone with a smile. She is a well-spoken, polite, and elegant figure despite the deep desolation that hangs upon her shoulders. She cares deeply for people and things and acts quite motherly, a gentle but firm guiding hand there for anyone that needs her. She is quite intelligent as well, and able to handle herself well enough even if the darkness that hands on her is sometimes far heavier than she'd like. Sybil will place others above herself in a desperate bid to not impart her despair even if it means blatantly lying. She does genuinely enjoy simple things such as conversation or sex, and is generally easy going though one would do well not to confuse Sybil's nature with being easily controlled.

    She can, at times, seem almost devoid of this shadow and appear genuinely happy. She can appear quite clever and thrilled especially if it means bringing a smile to someone else though this can change in moments. She will go from exchanging jokes one moment to obsessively reciting knowledge the next in an attempt to keep herself strong the next. She does love people. She does love, even if at times she is far too caught her small world to properly express. She simply cannot handle living in her own head.

    Sybil can also be....quite creepy however. An unnaturally quiet figure that moves through the world as though he was not part of it. She does live only in shadow, and her upbringing has given her a strange way of navigating that world and the people in it. Her understanding of love is far darker than it should be.She has few barriers. She can be obsessive and overly familiar. She sometimes seems to exist past herself and others talking as though they are all mere memories, or dead.

    She is more than willing to shadow someone and push them, but rarely or malicious reasons...but that malicious spirit is there. That shadow that gave her name. That resenting, bitter, unrelenting fury within her that sits and grows under that pale surface. It can, at times, twist her when it bubbles to the service. A calm fury that puts a smile on her face as she seeks to harm and control rather than listen and help. It rests under he skin like a 2nd sheathe and though Sybil refuses to acknowledge it there is no denying that it is there. It can bleed to the surface, or erupt.


    One moment was celebration, and they had moved to speak and the next? Those men had come. Agents? It all happened so fast...from Celebration to pain. Pain that never seemed to end. The last thing she could recall was the final words of her father...as hateful as the first. Much of the Baudelaire were killed too in that raid. Sybil was not, or she was. She would tell you she did.

    "God hates me. This is why I feel only pain."

    No casket but a hospital bed and and long hours. Pain was all she felt, and darkness was all she had. The Theater had left her behind. Her siblings were dead, her father was dead, what friends she had were dead, an innocent family...were dead and she had no one left...no one but family friends of the Baudelaire who came to her for answers but she had none. She only had misery, tears....and anger. She recovered and though there was an attempt to calm her mental state she just couldn't. There was something inside of her, something that had been there since she was a child but had been ignoring.
    And then one day, she was visited by another family friend but this time they came with news....and Sybil snapped. She vanished into the dark and all was silent....

    The first death was a suicide, the second had no apparent cause, the third seemed to be an accident. The only link being that they all worked the same case and that there were rumors of a sighting of a mysterious figure. A tall figure dressed in black that moved like a ghost. Rumors that those who helped with the raid were cursed and being haunted by a vengeful ghost abounded. There were tales of a rogue member of the cult hunting down agents. They did check for Sybil, but when they tracked her down she was merely staying with a friend in her time of need who vouched for her. Things went quiet again...
    Another death, by their own hand but at the scene was an anger mask once used by the Theater. No one really understood what was happening or how. There was nothing but....the ghost. The Shadow of the Theater as people were calling it then. It became sensational but things had gone quiet for a little while longer. The Shadow was not at peace...far from it but it was a few months before it was seen again.

    A final performance, a last dance and she was hosting it....for her family. It was perhaps because they wished to keep up appearances or perhaps they really did think she was one of them but the Laurent readily answered her invitation or at least the special guests she invited. Fools, just like her but it had a purpose. It infamously took place at an old Baudelaire building, a hotel they had yet to finish. It had been turned into a memorial by the remainder of the family and friendly with what they had. It seemed merely like a family gather but once night fell it turned into a house of horrors and none would leave alive. The Shadow had struck again but now it had a name...Sybil.

    She went on one excursion after that, in what could only be described as a message. She took 3 final members of the Laurents and she forced the Laurents to negotiate for them, over and over but she was merely idling by. She broke 2 of them and only returned them when she was sure those scars would last forever. The last she kept as a hostage. This one was important, someone important to the family that had wrong her own, a 'sister' at least if Sybil had ever been a Laurent. The Sister and the Spirit spoke and the truth was revealed.

    "God hates me. This is why...he made me a fool."

    Sybil had been prepared to deal a final blow but...the truth has a curious way of revealing it. She was made aware of all of it. [Hidden] The truth of The Theater and the evil they had her do. [Hidden] The rest of the cult knew this, [Hidden] . Sybil's whole life had been a lie. A joke. She had been a fool. The already broken spirit broke further and desperately tired to wring truth from her "sister" but she knew the truth....and more than that? She was shown her kindness and sympathy.

    A few kind words and Sybil's missing heart would finally beat but with it came the regret and she'd...surrender. Vengeance incomplete and world completely and utterly broken she was taken in and the case of the Shadow of the Theater was brought to a close.

    The trial wasn't long. [Hidden] and Sybil....she didn't fight it. She simply gave in.  [hidden] and despite efforts which she often rejected she was found sane. She was ready to finally meet the death she had somehow avoided, to become the corpse she was but her 'Sister' called in her own favors and she was spared. It was a kind gesture although to Sybil it almost felt like revenge. She had lost. She had been a fool. She had nothing left. Her father's words echoed in her head even as the new judgement was rendered. God did hate her and he would have the last laugh.

    She was shipped away, hopefully to never be seen again.
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  4. Delmar "Concrete Vulture" Barsi

    Name: Delmar "Concrete Vulture" Barsi
    Gender: Male

    Race : Human

    Age: 27
    Identification number : 26A-E989
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty :
    Guilty - 6 Counts Bank Robbery
    Guilty - 8 Counts of Extortion
    Guilty - 8 Counts of receiving money from Extortion
    Guilty - 5 Counts of using Fire or Explosives to damage property
    Guilty - 5 Counts Blackmail
    Guilty - 3 Counts Detention of Armored Vehicle
    Guilty - 1 Count Willful contempt of court
    [Guilty on 19 counts, 60 years]
    Date of arrival : 09, 08, 2026
    Association : N/A
    Occupation and education :
    Bachelors in Architecture and Architectural Engineering
    Bachelors in Interior Architecture
    Worked as an architect
    Special skills and abilities :
    Structural Study - Delmar's skill as an architect allow him to understand the basic construction of a building from a fairly quick glance knowing things like what combination of structures holds what, how much it could hold, the materials used, and general skeleton of a building. He essentially has a pretty good idea how a building is build with eyesight though looks at the plans are always more useful
    Structural System Exploitation - Delmar is very good at understanding the interior systems of a place and what they can cover and what they often don't over. It might take a little study of the interiors, but once he's got that he's pretty good at playing with them for his own ends...or helping plan them.
    MMA - In an effort to stay in shape Delmar took up learning various systems to keep in shape and took a liking to it. Delmar is trained in Boxing, Wrestling, and Kickboxing for combat purposes. He is actually quite gifted as well, enough to compete with the heavy hitters and defend himself of course.
    Firearms (Shotguns) - Delmar is very good with shotguns and prefers them to any other weapon though he will mostly use it to disable things and intimidation.
    Safe-Cracking (Or really anything else) - Delmar is a master safe cracker or rather he's learned to break open just about any sort of security device so long as its a physical security system be it mechanical or electronic. It might take time and tools but given enough room he's got enough skill to make anything fairly simple to break broken. He cannot break open digital security systems however because those do not have a physical presence.
     Magical abilities : [N/A]
    Weaknesses :
    - Cockiness : Delmar is a very cocky individual who is sure of himself and does not handle failure well.
    This often leads him to act as though victory is assured already and not consider all the variables.
    - Previous Injury : There is actually an injury on his side sustained sustained in his youth hasn't healed well and makes it fairly easy to hurt him if struck. He doesn't acknowledge it if he doesn't have to.
    - Problem with Authority : Delmar's issues with Authority extend to ever being told what to do even if its for his own good. He angers very easily or definitely tanks in mood when given any sort of order. This can cause him to act a little irrationally to prove himself.
    - Trust Issues : Delmar is a bit paranoid around people and often imagines that they'll turn on him at the drop of a hat. This makes it really difficult to form bonds and ask for help when he needs it, compounding his troubles.
    - [Hidden]
    Personality :
    Delmar is....a troubled individual. He's a greedy and selfish with a bit of a chip on his shoulder but he's also not unfriendly unless someone is unfriendly to him first. He has lofty goals and desires, a need to be his own man and a hatred for a helping hand, but he's often willing to lend his own though its rarely without a complication. He doesn't like it when things get complicated but he has a habit of finding himself in very complicated situations due to his own actions and desires to stand on his own two feet. He loves people, he does, but he also doesn't put much faith or trust in them.
    He's got a hard heart and even harder head, but he's not...evil at least he doesn't think so. He does like to fight, verbally and physically. He likes it rough because that seems like a good measure that you're living life to the fullest. He's not dumb, but he'll do a dumb thing on occasion just to prove that he is no coward. He doesn't take disrespect from anyone however.
    He is, however, loyal to his friends. They might betray him one day but he can never bring himself to betray someone else even if he's greedy. His word is bond no matter who its too or what and he'll die to keep a promise.
    Delmar grew up in a rough place. The days were often filled with gunshots, and if it wasn't gunshots then some punk would press you. Delmar grew up where you were either tough...or some got someone tough to protect you and his family did that. The gang that managed where he lived were more or less able to to keep things under control so long as you paid them...and he hated it. His parents worked hard and often had to set aside too much just the very bastards that made life hard continued to do just that. He wanted to help his parents even then. It wasn't so easy though. You lived the way you had to so Delmar took up fighting. Boxing at first and that was enough to keep punks off his back well...unless they came in groups. Delmar got more than a few bruises from a shakedown coming up.
    Life was what it was at least until he made some friends. They weren't a gang but they were always together. He helped them and they helped him at least that was what he thought until one day for their own skin...one of his best friends sold him out. Delmar had something someone wanted or rather...they told someone he did. Delmar couldn't give them something he didn't have and so he took a knife for it and nearly died. Something changed in him then and he began to cut people off. He started to act colder and go his own way. He wanted out of that place. He never wanted to have to put his trust in someone again.
    He studied hard and got into college where he worked harder still to become an architect and stand on his own feet there. It did work but he built up a rep for himself as someone fairly unfriendly. He worked from there, but there was always something off. Bills. His parents still paying for protection, or the new generation not honoring that. It ate at him and as it ate at him he began to have...ideas. He knew these places and he knew the places rich bastards kept their money. He knew how to get in due to an hobby and so....he tried it.
    The first robbery did not go well and it was a miracle he not only got away but got away with his life. He learned from there. He studied. He often took jobs for these places or small projects. He stayed in shape and he did it again and the second time went much better. It was dangerous but thrilled. He laid low for just a little bit and when it seemed he was in the clear? He got his parents out. He never told them where he got that money. That was it...the answer to everything right? Why wait? He could take it and so he did that and embarked on a bit of a spree. He knew these places, and he knew people.
    He knew these places and boy did it work. He knew how to open things he shouldn't. It was a miracle he always got away...at least until that last job.
    One last little thing he was sure and he was set but he made a mistake. He took on a partner. Someone in need. There was enough for both but well....it went sideways and he was left behind and put in cuffs. He took a deal to get the time reduced especially since he tended not to hurt anyone and he still had some dirt that he called in that absolutely couldn't get brought to light. He went down and he went down a lone.
    And now he's just been doing his time, knowing there was a good chance he'd never get away from where they sent him.
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  5. Celestine Deschantes

    Name: Celestine Amilyn Deschantes
    Gender: Female
    Race: Vulpeculan
    Age: 31
    Identification number: 24A-W841
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Murder. Life imprisonment.
    Date of arrival: 21.2.2024
    Association: -
    Occupation and education: Doctor 
    Medical school graduate
    Specialization to pediatrics [incomplete] 
    Special skills and abilities: Sailing - Celes has a good understanding of sailing. Due to her parents being avid yachtsmen, she has spent a lot time on sailboats and can maneuver a sailboat and knows the fundamentals of sailing. 
    Darkvision [racial] - Can see in natural darkness. This doesn’t include complete darkness like a dark room without windows.
    Sensitive hearing [racial] - As a purebred vulpeculan Celes has a sensitive hearing. She can hear small sounds and from a longer distance than what’s average (compared to a human).
    Magical abilities: Healing touch - Celes can heal moderate injuries with her touch. Her healing magic is potent enough to mend broken bones, internal and outside injuries. However, her ability has many limitations. To use it she has to touch her patient and she is going to need liquid for the healing to work. At most Celes can use the spell once a day. It can be used only on fresh injuries and it can’t regenerate something that’s already lost, so things like curing a cancer or poisoning or regrowing a lost body part are out of the question.
    Weaknesses: Conservative - Due to her upbringing and life before the Prison Island Celestine is conservative. She believes in things like the importance of religion, no sex before marriage, women should be feminine and submissive while men have more freedoms and people should stay in whatever social class they were born into. Her restrictive and old-fashioned way of thinking is something that makes her get into conflicts with others sometimes.
    Sensitive Hearing - Sensitive hearing can be a hindrance sometimes. Celes' problem with loud sounds is partially physically and partially mental. Especially loud sounds feel uncomfortable, sometimes even painful. Raising one’s voice intimidatingly can make Celestine feel extremely uncomfortable or scared. 
    Appearance: Celestine is 172 cm/5’6 tall woman with a curvy body type that has a bit of softness to it. Her complexion was fair even before being sent to Avonmore. Celes’ eyes are blue, her impractically long hair is alice blue and her vulpeculan traits, meaning her tail and ears, are snow white. She has a small beauty mark under her left eye. Even in her current state Celestine has the looks of a refined beauty and an aura of a noble lady.
    Personality: Restrained, religious, gentle. 
    History: Celestine was born as the only girl in an old money, noble family. Expectations for her were high and like a good girl, she worked hard to fulfill those expectations. The Deschantes family honored old traditions and values and it showed in their life. Celes’ life was full of responsibilities and activities. She studied hard to stay among the top students, was active in her church community, did volunteer and charity work and somehow still found time for her hobbies, like playing a violin, dancing waltz and reading.
    Celes was only 22 years old when she married. She believed she could get it all if she just worked hard enough. She could have a family and a career. As years passed without addition to the family, the young vulpeculan focused her energy in her studies to become a doctor. To the outsiders it looked like she had it all. Celes had a loving family and husband, money, beauty and a spotless reputation. She was someone young girls aspired to be… Until everything came crashing down.
    In December 2022 Celestine stabbed her husband 118 times, leading to his death. Behind the closed door her life had been far from perfect. The loving husband had been an abusive and violent monster. It was an old and far too well known story. In history there had been many women in the same situation as where Celes was now, and there would be more in the future. Some fellow inmates felt sympathy towards the murdering vulpeculan for she had lost her freedom when giving the violent husband the fate he deserved. The fact he had been a police officer was reason enough to end his life in the eyes of some prisoners. 
    Celestine’s family and friends turned their back to her and the only visitor she has had during her stay in Avonmore Prison has been her older brother. 
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  6. Lucas Maxwell

    Name: Lucas Maxwell 
    Gender: Male 
    Race: Human
    Age: 29
    Identification number: 26A-E935
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Two counts of Murder and Drug Abuse, Life Imprisonment 
    Date of arrival: 4th April, 2026 
    Association: Ex-Sergeant of the Special Crimes-associated Esper Division Seven (EsDiv7 for short)
    Occupation and education:  Law Enforcement, Special Crimes Division 
    Master of Public Administration
    Police Academy Graduate
    Field-Training Officer Program
    Special skills and abilities: 
    1- Rundowner: Chasing down perpetrators has made Lucas an accomplished sprinter, stunningly able to keep up even with non-humans with a penchant for speed.
    2- Piloting: Lucas is a skilled pilot. Put him behind the controls of a helicopter and he will follow you from the streets to hell, and back, even if it means fucking and weaving between buildings and other high-rise structures.
    3- Cold Gaze: A quiet demeanor along with a soul-piercing gaze complete with an unamused scowl is Lucas' preferred way of getting people to crack under pressure. Whether it was getting confessions out of people or simply giving them a quiet hint to sod off, the kind of stare Lucas can give people often makes anyone uncomfortable. More mentally resilient people and those with great willpower can resist being made to break. 
    Magical abilities:  
    1- [Hidden] 
    2- [Hidden] 
    1- Target Marker: By virtue of what he was, being at Avonmore Prison paints arguably the largest target on his back ever, as he may be responsible for a small number of those who reside in the prison. Especially one he out there personally.
    2- Broken Moral Compass: Once an officer of the law, the fortunes that have left him in prison have left him someone with little regard for the rules and regulations if left to his own devices. He may be liable to committing acts that could very well extend his already lengthy prison sentence.
    3- [Hidden] 
    4- [Hidden]
    Lucas is a man of 6’4/193cm. His red hair, once kept neatly arranged, occasionally lapses into a state of messy disrepair from his time at Avonmore. He sees no purpose or point in maintaining his looks, as the prison is a place where the more ghastly looks are often ignored. However, this conflicts with how he maintains his physical form, knowing he will eventually come into conflict with someone who wants him dead. He refuses to be caught unprepared when conflict is concerned, and he'll sooner take their life than allow his to be extinguished. His eyes often reflect a man who has little life left to live, an empty glow that seems devoid of purpose or passion, but the right stimuli can cause embers of life to burst forth within them once more. 
    Personality: Lucas is an example of someone who has been thoroughly crushed by his own dreams and aspirations, who let life's disappointments and its miseries weigh heavily on his conscience, and who lost his reason to exist and lives only for spite. Much of his time being spent in solitary confinement has made him grow secluded and self-reliant, and caused him to become leery of interacting with others, especially when the majority are all prisoners. The only one who seems like they can draw out anything resembling ambition and drive… Also happens to draw out the worst qualities in him.
    Lucas' life began in the far off country of Azuno. Born into a prestigious but stern and strict family, much of his life was controlled and pre-arranged before he even had a say in it, and there was little to do but comply. The rigid upbringing ensured he would not grow up awry, and he would always consider family values and their way of life first and foremost. Even in love, his prospects were chosen for him, a future marriage arranged with a woman named Emily even from his teen years. Yet he still connected and bonded with her like they were always meant to be friends.
    The state of Azuno was always a precarious thing, where it looked pleasant on the outside, but inside it held its dark secrets as a city almost entirely controlled by criminal elements. Lucas endeavored to fix that by joining local Law Enforcement, spending years of his life to not only show he was capable, but rise further by joining their elite Special Crimes Divisions to get into the thick of things. Lucas showed his dedication to the cause over the years, providing safety and stability for his now-wife Emily and the citizens of Azuno, but also providing a face and a name for his enemies to deal with.
    Over time, Lucas began to dig into things he shouldn't have, and when traditional warnings did not dissuade him, tragedy instead befell Emily, and in his grief, he resorted to unscrupulous means to get his revenge.
    Ultimately, while he got something approaching victory, it came at a very high cost; In retribution for his actions, his parents were murdered and he was framed as the killer through carefully planted evidence. The police, knowing what had happened so far, could do little but let the system do what it would to him, and Lucas was sentenced to prison for life, an irony that was not lost on him.
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  7. Fonfon

    Name: Fonfon
    Gender: Female
    Race: Tribal Werewolf [Unique]
    Age: 22~
    Identification number: 25A-W905
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Kidnapping, rape, sexual torture. Life Imprisonment.
    Date of arrival: 15th September 2025. 
    Association: N/A
    Occupation and education: None
    Special skills and abilities:
    Whip Mastery: Unparalleled with a whip, she can aim powerful and accurate strikes with the right weapon. She can dance with the flow with a good whip and be pretty dangerous at a distance. This means that she can be useful with her whip as much in practical ways as well as offensive ways. High Agility [Racial]: She is very quick and light on her feet but also with her hands. This allows her to get close to someone and use her nails to scratch them if she has to. Coupled with some of her skills, it can change a battle to her advantage. Her agility allows her to perform high and long jumps. Keen Senses [Racial][2]: It is no secret that Fonfon can hear well with her ears or see well with her eyes, with her being a wolf. Alchemy/compounding: She is capable of making potions so to speak. By using herbs or other ingredients, she is capable to make different kinds of results ranging from medicines to her signature aphrodisiacs. Poisons and other dangerous mixtures may also be used if she can make them. Magical abilities: None
    Pride: While it might not be a weakness in itself, Fonfon detests being mistreated or misjudged. Such behavior can provoke her into impulsive actions that might get her into trouble. Her pride also leads her to be arrogant and sometimes even a little over-confident. She also isolates herself a lot, making her a lone wolf without allies. No schooling: In term of manners or any basic knowledge, Fonfon know nothing that could make her useful when it comes to braining. She may be smart for how to use her whip and her senses as a werewolf but the complete lack of human knowledge makes her useless for calculations, machinery, computers and much else. Appearance: A werewolf with half of her body covered in fur. The fur on her legs go all the way down to her feet. She also has a fluffy tail.
    History: Before being imprisoned, she lived by herself in a lost corner of the world. She would often hunt and capture women for her own pleasure and to enjoy them in many ways, some of which were quite painful for them. She would go unnoticed for a few years until someone would find her hideout and put an end to it, capturing her.
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  8. Archer Lowell Reid

    Name: Archer Lowell Reid
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Age: 35
    Identification number: 23A-E682
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Petty Misdemeanors, Vandalism, Destruction of Public Property, Grand Theft Auto | 30 Years
    Date of arrival: 09th July 2023 
    Association: N/A
    Occupation and education: Electronics Engineering
    Bachelor of Science Degree (four years)
    Special skills and abilities:   
    1- Computer Expertise - One of his greatest focuses: Computers and the technology that powers them. He possesses an avid understanding of how to care for and repair computers, as well as navigate the software that makes them run. He is just as capable at rewriting and destroying PC code as he is at repairing it
    2- Jury-rigging: A personal skill he refined as a result of his various studies, he prides himself on his capability to create a range of small (or larger) items using things he has on hand or may find in the environment to assist him or others. 
    3- [Hidden] 
    4- [Hidden] 
    5- [Hidden] 
    Magical abilities: N/A 
    1- [Hidden] 
    2- Risktaker: Many a time, Archer seems to have a lack of care for his own well-being or his luck, usually leading him to push his luck for better or worse. More often than not it can leave him injured if he doesn't learn his lesson the first time.
    3- Prisoner Troubles: Despite his relaxed behavior, he has a fairly distant approach to most other prisoners at first meeting. He isn't here to make nice, but if people expect something from him, they need to pay up. However, there are people he feels no obligation to work for, and it is those who may attempt to beat some compliance out of him. 
    4- Hopeless Demeanor: Sure, he's laid back, and sure, he's comfortable with his lot right now. But even if he knew the key to freedom was in arm’s reach, he has no intent to reach for it. For what reason or purpose, only he knows, but he has no desire to actively leave the prison.
    Appearance: Archer stands at 6’2/187cm, something he considers fair height. A fairly lean-muscled body refined through time spent working and exercise activities in the prison belies the fact he is more of a brainy sort than someone who relies on raw power… But as long as other prisoners don't know that, it suits him well. Green eyes and fiery red hair round out his most obvious features to others, but lesser-seen ones include mild scars on his body and somewhat rough, calloused hands from working with electricity and other aspects related to his focuses.
    Personality: Laid-back, teasing, guarded 
    History: Archer's life started as one would believe most others usually do: An average life in a loving family, one of which there were no problems. With a soldier for a father and a scientist for a mother, the young redhead felt like he had much to measure up to when his time to be an adult came around… But Archer wasn't rushed to grow up. He had a life like many other kids around him, and with a sunny demeanor and outgoing personality, found it easy to make friends. 
    Despite this, the knowledge that he wanted to earn his parent's praise and respect by following in their footsteps however he could ensured he did not deviate overmuch from his path. He endeavored to study and apply himself to his education for years, well into young adulthood, believing that he was sure to earn their praise and admiration once he finished his studies... Unfortunately, good things rarely lasted forever in life, and in the later years of his life, his father was lost to conflict overseas, and his mother to an unprovoked attack at her workplace.
    With only his studies to sustain him towards trying to maintain stability in his life, Archer became a changed and secluded person over the years. Though he succeeded in earning a deeper understanding of engineering arts, it came too late in life when the people he wished to present his achievements to no longer existed. It was around this time that Archer's life took a turn for the worst, and everything from then until the day he was processed at Avonmore has molded him into the person who currently lives his fourth year at the prison.
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  9. Leona Blazefury “The Lioness”

    Name:  Leona Blazefury “The Lioness”
    Gender:  Female
    Race:  Human
    Age:  29
    Identification number : 20A-W593
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:  Manslaughter, Aggravated Assault, Participating in Illegal Fight Clubs (Organized Crime), Resisting Arrest with Violence. 40 Years.
    Date of arrival:  20.06.2020
    Association:  The Black Claw Syndicate, an organized crime group involved in illegal fight clubs and various other illicit activities
    Occupation and education:   Underground MMA Fighter
    Ex-military combat instructor
    Special skills and abilities:  Instinctual Expertise:  Leona's instincts have been honed to perfection, allowing her to react quickly in combat situations. This makes her highly unpredictable and a formidable opponent. Leona's reliance on instinct over strategy can make her vulnerable to well-planned tactics. She tends to act on impulse, which can be exploited by opponents who are able to anticipate or manipulate her actions. Additionally, in situations where her instincts are overwhelmed or confused, she may become disoriented and make critical mistakes.
    Enhance physical strength:  Leona possesses muscular strength that reaches the maximum of what is possible for a human being. This power allows her under effort to lift a bit more than two times her own body weight, rip doors off their hinges, overturn vehicles, and eliminate enemies with a single blow. Her physique is designed to efficiently utilize each muscle group, making her capable of massive physical tasks that would be unthinkable for most people.
    Unyielding Willpower:  Leona's mental fortitude allows her to push through pain, fear, and exhaustion, making her almost unstoppable. Her willpower can be a double-edged sword, causing her to ignore signs of serious injury or fatigue. This can lead to her pushing herself beyond her limits, resulting in severe physical or mental breakdowns. Her stubbornness also makes her resistant to advice or help from others, which can be detrimental in situations where collaboration is key.
    Magical abilities:  [Hidden]
    Weaknesses : [Hidden]
    Overconfidence:  Leona’s belief in her own strength has led to a dangerous level of overconfidence. She often underestimates her opponents, especially those who seem physically weaker or less experienced. This overconfidence can lead her into traps or situations where she is outmatched, as she is often unwilling to retreat or acknowledge her own limitations.
    Morbid routine: Leona's obsession with maintaining her peak physical condition drives her to an extreme training regimen and strict diet. She relentlessly pushes her body, ignoring chronic pain and risking severe injury. This compulsion leaves her often mentally and physically exhausted, making her vulnerable to mistakes and emotional instability. While it ensures her physical strength, it also brings her dangerously close to self-destruction.
    Appearance:  Leona Blazefury stands at imposing around two meters or 6´7" tall, with a muscular and well-defined physique that speaks to years of relentless training and combat. Her platinum-blonde hair is usually tied in a thick braid, cascading down her back, complementing her chiseled features and the battle-hardened aura she emanates. Her piercing gray eyes reflect her indomitable fighting spirit and the pain of her past. Her body is a canvas of scars and tattoos, each symbolizing a battle fought and survived. Leona's choice of clothing is simple yet practical—usually consisting of tank tops and cargo pants—allowing her the full range of motion needed in combat. Her physical presence alone demands respect and caution.
    Personality:  Determined, Rude, Personable
    History:  [Hidden ]
    She became a star in the underground fighting circuits, where her ferocity and raw power made her a crowd favorite. The nickname "The Lioness" was bestowed upon her by spectators who marveled at her ability to take down men twice her weight. [Hidden]
    However, Leona's rise to infamy was not without bloodshed. In the heat of battle, driven by the roar of the crowd and the thrill of combat, she had taken several lives. Most of these deaths were passed off as accidents or the inevitable consequence of underground fighting. As her fame grew, so did the scrutiny. Law enforcement began to take notice, and it wasn't long before Leona's past caught up with her. After a particularly brutal fight where she crippled an opponent with her brute force, the authorities finally had enough evidence to bring her down. She was arrested and charged with multiple crimes, including manslaughter, aggravated assault, and resisting arrest.
    Despite her criminal record, Leona remained a public figure of fascination. Many saw her as a tragic hero—a product of her environment, forged in the fires of adversity. Others viewed her as a dangerous criminal, a ticking time bomb of violence and destruction. Her conviction and 40-year sentence were met with mixed reactions, but for Leona, it was just another battle to be fought. Incarceration might have stripped her of her freedom, but it could not break her spirit. She remains defiant, always ready for the next challenge, always prepared to prove that the "Lioness" can never be truly tamed.
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  10. Jijii

    Name:  Jijii
    Gender: Female
    Race: Nezumi
    Age:  18
    Identification Number:  27A-W1003

    Conviction(s) and Criminal Penalty:  [Hidden]

    Date of Arrival: 25th of April, 2027.

    Association: [Hidden]

    Occupation and Education: [Hidden]

    Special Skills and Abilities:




    Magical Abilities:

    Mute: For whatever reason Jijii simply cannot speak. She can make sounds and she has a tongue, however speaking simply does not seem to click right within her mind, no matter how hard she tries.




    Appearance: As is to be expected from a Nezumi, Jijii is quite short, standing from bottom of foot to tip of ear at an unimpressive 127 cm (roughly 4 ft 2 in) tall. Her body is somewhat petite in build, a slimmer pear shape with slightly wider hips and fuller thighs. Jijii's breasts are small, only slight lumps capable of maybe filling out a normal Human's palm at the most, with areola a pink color only faintly darker than the short, soft, sleek fur covering her entire body. The mouse's ears and tail (roughly two thirds the length of her height) are a slightly darker shade of pink, as is her hair (which falls at its longest to the bottom of her shoulder blades). Jijii's eyes are a sapphire blue.

    Personality: Cautious, Quiet, Twitchy

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  11. Trish Cerluv

    Name : Trish Cerluv
    Gender : Female. 
    Race : Ovisaren
    Age : 22
    Identification number: 26A-W981
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty : Breaking and entering, disorderly conduct 20 years
    Date of arrival : 5th April 2026 
    Association : None
    Occupation and education:  2 Years of community college, dropped out
    Special skills and abilities: map making - with a focus on building layouts and blueprinting, but has a fair bit of knowledge on more geographically based maps
    stealth - leaning more towards the side of "not making noise" rather then "not being seen" with her access to invisibility as a crutch, but can still hide in the shadows fairly well
    hot wiring - surprisingly to some, Trish can make an engine purr, with or without a key.
    Magical abilities : Personal invisibility - what better way to get to know someone then to watch them when they think they are alone? with a minute of prep she can turn invisible for about 10 minutes!.. only... herself though... clothes dont exactly agree with this trick, and it take about a day before she can do it again but there might be a way to shorten that... 
    Lock Trick - with a little work she can open almost any lock with a little magic! ... only problem is it takes several minutes minimum... and she can only do it once every couple hours... but there's probably a way to shorten that... 
    Weaknesses : None, ok maybe shes a bit bad with bugs and is a bit too unguarded when it comes to others
    Personality: Rebellious, playful, Dumb
    History : Had a hard life, doesnt want to go into detail about what happened but she swears she was framed by a shitty ex 
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  12. Nadia Deforest

    Name: Nadia Deforest
    Gender:  Female (futa)
    Race: Human
    Age: 22
    Identification number: 26A-W983
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty:  Terrorism/vandalism/rape/assault/murder (one trial for a list of crimes connected to her association).  Life sentence.
    Date of arrival: 13/April/2026
    Association:  She claims to most to have just been part of a local gang, without any deeper agenda.
    Occupation and education: Terrorist and Terrorist Army Training  Just 'work' related to her group, particularly skill in fighting with guns and knives, some moderate skill with explosives.
    Special skills and abilities:  Melee combat, guns, explosives.
    Magical abilities:
    Blending.   Able to hide her futa status temporarily, appear to be an ordinary woman.  Her penis is not just invisible, but temporarily disappears.  She can hide it comfortably for up to a few hours.  In an emergency, under strain, she can hide it up to 24 hours if necessary.
    Pheromones She can use these to potentially manipulate women, though the effect varies on an individual basis (up to the player how it effects their character).  It may make the woman more comfortable.  It might also make them attracted to her, look and think of her the way they would a man (possibly completely new thoughts for a lesbian, wanting her in a way subtly different than they might other women).  Being able to completely resist the effect is rare, but not impossible.
    It can be used approximately every 8 hours.  It is most effective on someone standing next to her (potentially more than one at a time if there is a crowd) depending on wind/air-circulation, it could drift a little further, but less likely to be effective, the further away.  The direct effect generally lasts until the woman goes to sleep, but it could have lingering indirect effects, depending on how she felt about what happened under it's influence.
    Futa-Supreamcist She is incredibly uncomfortable with even the idea of intimacy with men, as a futa or a blended 'woman'.  Since being imprisoned, especially after the staff disappearance, she tries to avoid being around them, especially alone and/or undressed.
    She has a hard time trusting non-futas, considering them her equals.  She knows she has to struggle with it at least for now, can force it to a degree, but someone who discovers the truth about her may be subject to insults, dismissive thoughts etc (she might be aggressive/violent/dominant with women, something that might occasionally end up working for her, but unless she finds other futas, she is unlikely to find any true friends here).  While 'blending'/pretending to be a woman, she might try to act friendly with women, but it will be an act and somewhat forced.
    Terrorist She quick to resort to violence and destruction to solve her problems.  Does not like to talk things out, may miss easier options that could seem obvious to others.  It may be difficult to stop her from going violent unless someone can earn her respect/loyalty (would not be easy for non-futas).
    History: Nadia has long believed futa should be the dominant gender, a belief many other (but not all) futas have.  As a teen she found herself drawn to like minded people and eventually [Hidden].  They were labelled a terrorist organization long before Nadia joined.  She knew what she was getting into and quickly got her hands bloody.   Attacking random people, fighting police or other gangs.  She was essentially a thug/grunt/foot soldier.  She was no leader, did not do any of the planning, her job was to do what she was ordered too.  In attempt to prove herself 'more' than a woman, she had raped a few as well.  Some futa went further, getting involved with men, but she had no desire for them and left that others.
    She was not especially infamous as far as such 'soldiers' went but she racked up a number of offenses, when she was finally cornered by police, she knew she would never be free again...unless [Hidden].  The trial was short and she found herself in a prison she had little hope to escape from, and no likely friends.  The staff knew who she was, but she used the one trick she had, to hide it from the other prisoners.  Pretend to be one of the women.  Maybe someday another member of her group, or some other futa would find their way there...Then the staff disappeared.  Leaving her seemingly alone, at least as far as she knew.  But she did not know every prisoner on the island, maybe there others like her already.  For now, she remains on guard, relying on herself, the skills she learned.  Maybe she could find ally's among the women...as long as they understood their place.
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  13. Anjira Vanlith [NPC]

    Name: Anjira “Scarlet Princess” Vanlith
    Gender: Female
    Race: Vulpeculan 
    Age: 28
    Identification number: 26A-W987
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Two murders, 35 years.
    Date of arrival: 2.6.2026
    Association: Vanlith family, The Council
    Occupation and education: Soldier (in the past)
    Azuno Military, Special Operations Regiment, Crimson Fang
    Special skills and abilities: Agility - Anjira has an impressively honed degree of movement prowess, which serves her well in myriad situations. In combat especially, she is very nimble and known to possess the reflexes needed to keep her out of harms way and keep her enemies off-balance. 
    Darkvision [racial] - Can see in natural darkness. This doesn’t include complete darkness like a dark room without windows.
    Detect lies - There are liars everywhere and traitorous people are part of Anjira’s way of life, so she has developed a keen sense of noticing when someone is lying. The smallest change in one’s behavior, macro expressions, change in tone of voice and such are what give many people away. She can tell when someone is lying, but naturally doesn’t know what the lie is exactly. Extremely great liars might be able to avoid her detection.
    Magical abilities: [Hidden]
    It is known Anjira can use lethal magic, but the details are known to only those who are in her inner circle.
    Weaknesses: -phobia - [Hidden]
    Abundance of enemies - There are many who want Anjira dead. Either for something she has actually done or been part of or just because she is a Vanlith. In Avonmore prison rivaling gangs produce a potential threat to her wellbeing. 
    Appearance: 177cm/5’8 tall, with a toned feminine body build. Anjira’s complexion is light, her long hair is raven black and her eyes bright blue. 
    Personality: Anjira is a complicated and difficult creature. She is awfully proud and stubborn, sometimes even to the detriment of her own safety. The vixen is loyal to the family, but sees everyone else as expendable tools for her own gain. Anjira isn’t below manipulating, lying and in general using whatever means necessary against others to make them bend to her will. She isn’t afraid of resorting to violence, quite the contrary. Anjira doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty and she enjoys putting people in their place or teaching them a lesson, in the most painful and humiliating way.
    History: The Vanlith family is one of major mafia families that are part of the Council, alliance formed by all the leading mafia families of Azuno. Anjira went to elite private schools, got bad grades and caused lots of problems for everyone. She was never interested in academic studies. The young vulpeculan signed up to Azuno military as soon as she graduated from a high school.
    Berenger, Anjira’s older brother, was meant to take the head of Praeco Global Transportation and Logistics company, which the Vanlith family owned and functioned as a legal front for their illegal activities. Berenger being such a responsible young man gave Anjira a chance to pursue the military career and she succeeded there better than she had ever done in the school. To Anjira the military life was a perfect way to explore her darker desires. Things that were reprehensible and against the law in civilian life were allowed here. 
    When Berenger died under suspicious conditions, Anjira had to leave her respected position in the Crimson Fang and return home to prepare to become the head of the family when her father would step down. The fresh mafia princess didn’t get to spend much time with the family and take part in their business before she was charged for two murders. The trial dragged on for two years, as witnesses, prosecutor’s lawyers and assistants and jury members were threatened and some of them went missing. In the end Anjira was found guilty, despite her claiming to the bitter end that she was not guilty and she had been framed.     
    Reluctantly, but surprisingly easily Anjira adjusted to the prison life. It sure helped there were some members of the Vanlith family there. Anjira took her position as their leader and soon the Vanlith gang was one of ruling gangs on the women’s side of Avonmore Prison Island.
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  14. Ao Fushin

    Name: Ao Fushin
    Gender: Male
    Race: Half-Human/Half-Koyan (A rare feline, humanoid race)
    Age: 25
    Identification number: 27A-E1024
    Conviction(s) and criminal penalty: Murder, Life Imprisonment
    Date of arrival: 17th April 2027
    Association: N/A
    Occupation and education: Chef
    Special skills and abilities: 
    Knife Handling: Ao can use a knife as though it was an extension of his own body. He is proficient in using knives/short blades and can use them for a multitude of different things effortlessly. Fast Runner: [Racial] Ao is faster than your average person, his long strides letting him cover a longer distance in less time. High Stamina: [Racial] In addition to his high running speed, Ao has learned to control his breathing in order to reduce stamina consumption, allowing him to keep moving for a longer time even under highly physically taxing situations. Quick Reflexes: [Racial] A bit of a 6th Sense in a way. Even if his mind doesn't have enough time to process something, Ao's body can quickly move and react to anything that is thrown at him. Of course this doesn't mean he can avoid everything, but it would make it more difficult to land a surprise hit on him. Sense of Smell: [Racial] Ao has always had a keen nose. He has been able to recognize a person by their natural smell, and more importantly, he can discern what foods are edible or not, and which ones would go well together in a dish. Magical abilities: None
    [Hidden] Night terrors: Due to past traumatic experiences, Ao will often wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, running off to throw up. This makes for a lot of restless nights, and he needs to keep himself well-fed in order to combat the fatigue. [Hidden] [Hidden] Street Smarts: Ao isn't exactly stupid, but he has never had proper schooling. He's learned the basics from his deceased mother, so as an example, he's smart enough to do simple addition and multiplication in math, but more than that would be beyond him. He doesn't know about the power house of the cell, things like that.  
    Personality: Mistrustful, cautious, but if you succeed in gaining his trust, loyal (Think stray cat that's been hurt)
    History: Not a lot is known about Ao's life. From an outside perspective, it may even seem as though he appeared out of nowhere, being a man without a home or family records, not a single document to be found containing any information about his past. Just 3 months ago, he was found hiding under a bridge, covered in a large amount of blood. The blood was traced back and discovered to belong to a rich noble who had been found dead the same day. Of course, Ao was put on trial for this murder, yet this wasn't the only life he had taken. The family of the noble accused him of the deaths of several other people, and Ao was found guilty for each and every one of them. During his trial, the man simply refused to speak a word no matter how much he was questioned, and was sentenced to live out the rest of his life in Avonmore Prison.
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