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The cynical old man in me has this to say, "Best to stop talking about it before it becomes an argument about the old argument." Recursion isn't always amusing.9 points
I am equal parts relieved and frustrated that my thoughts about the increasing community divisions in EcchiDreams have been validated by official statements. Relieved, because for some time I was worried that my sense of perspective had been distorted by recent events, and frustrated because, well... I used to like logging in, dammit. Now I find myself thinking, "Oh, gee, I wonder who will have gotten into a stupid, pointless argument over nothing of import today?" It's disheartening. This is supposed to be a place for fun. it's literally a site about sex! What's more fun than sex? (Aside from cookies, of course :3) Personally, I do8 points
I only want to say two things. I like turtles. That is a really big read for ‘Don’t be a dick.’ It is pretty simple to me, it is like ‘Do you want somebody verbally harassing you?’ No? Then why you doing it to another? Don't be a dick and get your head out of your own ass. I am not a word poet like most of you as I am very much a blunt person. When I get ignored I take the hint and stop bugging the person, I don’t want a person bugging me and I don't want to bug them. It's a site to share and build fun and amusing stories together, try to keep the drama out of it right?8 points
To say that I am disappointed that it has come to this is an understatement. We are supposedly all adults here, yet with how things have turned out it seems that people love drama too much. I shall not dwell on that, however. To Tema, Neptune, and the other staff on ED, I wish nothing but luck and easement through the trying time that you are going through. The storm is harsh but it will break and normalcy shall return. In what time? I cannot say, but I have a feeling that things will turn out okay and everyone can learn from this experience and become stronger because of it. That is the hope, anyway.7 points
I completely disagree with this. I was the one who set up the Discord Server, and I was extremely purposeful in not having too many channels. In fact it was quite common that people said that we didn't have enough channels and I told them that "Moderating the Channels that we do have is already a full time job" so we were always hesitant about adding more. The unofficial EcchiDreams Discord (That ours opened because of) had over 30 channels. Ours had: And a single voice channel. No one can post in the first three channels on that list. There are only 6-7 channels that people could post in and 5 of those are for specific things7 points
I've been trying to make an effort to be more positive towards people as of late..............I think the situation between @XenoSera and I was eye opening, cuz I've been trying to do better since. I'm not perfect of course........nor am I an angel, but there has been some good that's come out of all of this. Xenosera and I were able to achieve this by talking to each other privately. we requested @Temaelrin to be a third party arbitrator as he wouldn't be taking one side over the other. he mainly stayed quiet becoz he was going to jump and stop us from rippin' each others e-faces off, which he didn't need to do in the end cuz it was constru7 points
i my self have not liked what is going on i was gone for like 2 weeeks and a lot of drama came around i still love this site in all of my crusaders little heart bu seeing so much negative going on almost made my want o keep my break going but i have to many awesome friends to walk away anylonger i my self beed dealing with family problems and it has messed up on what time i go to sleep cause im that worried i want to spread the awesomness of this site not bring pain to tohers7 points
Thank you staff members! Wish nothing but the best for you all, EcchiDreams has been an amazing place to be in6 points
I honestly want to hop aboard the train, I guess, and say that it is disappointing. It sucks when such a fun little community of sex and debauchery and whatnot...is turning into people against one another. There was a user that said that real world stuff shouldn't be brought into here. And while you can't control what people can or cannot say... I somewhat agree to that. This site is my escape, just like Im sure it is for anyone else. I deal with a lot of drama and bullshit at work. He said, she said... a bunch of adults older than I back stabbing, spreading rumors, creating lies. granted, I havent seen ALL of that on ED, but to see arguing a6 points
While I get along with others pretty well usually, I am one of the primary offenders of status update Roleplay and the conveyor of barf worthy public filth. In addition derailing threads with sexy RPing seems to also be primarily me as far as I can tell. I sincerely apologize. Ok Dokey, I shall stick to appropriate role play channels now and continue trying to remember not to go off topic.6 points
As someone who has been wronged by this behaviour twice now, I can honestly say that I very much am happy this is getting adressed, but I am saddened by the fact that it needed to be said. I know I am not always the most politically correct (check title here) and I personally have shifted in my political views quite a bit (we all change throughout life after all), but when I act and talk in a calm and polite fashion, that gives no one the right to start freaking out on me for no reason. Are we going to get along 100% of the time? Absolutely not and it is utterly naive to even think that is possible. Do people piss me off at times? Yes,6 points
I have been on Leave of Absence for the last month, as I've had a very rough month that has been very hard on me and my family. I was not expecting to come back to see the kind of shit flying around on this site. I'm not angry. I'm just very disappointed, and pretty upset that the fun and friendly community that I've helped to create has become so hostile. It's honestly heartbreaking. I've seen a lot of shit on this site, and seen a lot of trouble makers. But this is the first time I've ever truly felt disappointed. It really leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.6 points
I am back. Kind of. Lots of kind of's, huh? I am still mainly doing EcchiDev related tasks, but Neppy felt that I needed to be covered by the SPA and I also felt like I needed to help out my fellow staff. So whilst I will do a little bit of moderating here and there, my main goal will be keeping the site and service online.5 points
Just a few things: I've updated the miscellaneous section as I had forgotten to add something, "Just because other sites and platforms allow you to do X, doesn't mean we should, could, or do..." It's a bit of a rough read and a wall of text but I appreciate the time that people have taken and engaged with this post and I also appreciate the feedback. Thank you, everyone. I will add in a more positive news at least, is the amount of section 18 violations of posting drawn depictions of minors on the site has had a sharp decrease, and I thank you all for that. I will respond to people below: This is partly why5 points
"Ding-dong, this is Pixel Stix Incorporated, please remember to stay hydrated and be true to yourself." Everything is gonna be alright4 points
I can only echo my statement from another topic about how tough, thankless, and lonely it can be to work as a moderator, having had that role in the past. I saw people complain in a similar way about harassment that had not been reported—as if it were my responsibility as a volunteer to read every message in a forum with hundreds of posts per day. Though not even those people were so stupid as to expect us to be reading people's PMs without their permission in order to catch harassers in the act. So I would like to thank the staff for running this site, paying the costs, and working hard to keep members safe from harassment. A h4 points
I know I may be late, but being someone who missed most of what was happening as it was happening and doing what digging I could I would like to offer my two cents if that's okay. I've been off and on the site the past week or so because...well life, and managed to miss most of the drama that was going on. But upon me trying to get back into my usual routine on the site, I found some disturbing stuff in one of the forum games I liked to lurk in a then after looking through statuses found that an argument had spiraled out of control and spread to other areas of the site. From what I could tell the disagreement started over a status updat4 points
Hey man, as long as people don't say patently wrong and hurtful stuff and plug their ears, I enjoy a good natured debate as much as anyone.4 points
As the guy who got quoted - I'm going to say I think @Temaelrin has a point. The bulk of that was pretty deeply buried, if, however, you somehow stumbled on it and were grossed out, I do apologize. Especially since it was not the first time.4 points
I very much appreciate you taking the time to post all of this @Temaelrin Imo, this sort of topic needs to be discussed more because there isn't enough attention on the issue. Being an American, this sort of thing doesn't immediately affect us, but the U.S. is very close with U.K.. So when these sort of things happen I cannot help but worry about how this met eventually effect us over here. I agree with a lot of what you're saying, from the smoke screen and blatant hypocrisy of these closeted perverts to the painfully obvious logical fallacies used by politicians. The issue of the government subverting and taking over the role as Paren4 points
Fast speed indeed; regarding the loading times for Emojis to display, things load about three times faster than they did before (I counted 6 seconds when I loaded them just now). Very glad to see EcchiCredits making a comeback too! I'll have to check that out shortly. Many thanks for your hard work and commitment, @Temaelrin and @Neptune. :)4 points
Keep this feeling in mind the next time you judge someone just because you're told to when you know next to nothing, yet feel confident enough to speak on it publicly but not privately after throwing wild accusations. We're imperfect creatures, everyone fucks up, ESPECIALLY when they're on high emotion (case in point), sometimes people act out unhealthily, sometimes they can't control it in the moment. Understand and make peace, not war.3 points
Again, some very interesting changes to the ToS. Basically keeping in spirit of it without like drastically adding shitloads of new rules. Fair enough. However I would seriously recommend adding a clause to Section 18 that covers images intentionally designed to invoke an epileptic response. @Tema I know it might be implied but I really think it should be explicitly stated.3 points
I'm new here, so I wasn't here for any of this supposed drama that went down and I'm not sure exactly how deeply I want to read about it, but I will tell you that reading what I did gave me a bit of comfort being here. I am what you might call an "Anti SJW". It is not because I disagree with any or all SJW goals and politics but almost purely because my identity as a Gamer (and a moderate centrist ((see: disgusting fencesitter)) in general) tends to get me lumped into the "enemy" camp by default. Extremism is rampant in the western world today and me... I just want to hunt monsters and fuck giant titties. I don't want to discuss how unfa3 points
I think your concerns are completely valid. I have no idea why the UK is doing this specially now. All I will say is I am glad I left and it's in no small part due to things like this.3 points
I don't think you're over-reacting. I think you have a valid concern, a concern that I agree with. I do not like this Wank Pass. It's authoritarian. Hide yo butter knives, British guys. Don't forget to ask your local government for permission to wank /s3 points
Thank you @Temaelrin for working hard and returning us back a lot quicker since It was utter hell without this place. T-T3 points
3 points
The actual policy has been voted on, and passed unanimously. It's now in the Terms of Service (Section 18, Sub-Section 1) but as per the article, it's implementation doesn't start until June 24th 2023, so you have time to still start moving things around. You can see a copy of it here, or here. On and after June 24th 2023, the category will be set to read only, a new category will be made, and we will transfer all albums that are in compliance over, leaving only those that aren't in the read only area. We will of course still help those move images and such around if requested as well as delete old albums - just give any of the staff an2 points
Wouldn't it be better if about three additional images in the character album were allowed, as long as they are closely related to the character? Stuff like a weapon they always carry, or the environment where they are most often found (like a nightclub for a bartender character). Alternatively, you could at least permit one image of accessories, if not entire environments. I might not have any characters with separate accessories like that, but they are common for combat-focused roleplay characters with weapons, or for feudal society characters, like flags and emblems, or even ID badges for characters in modern and futuristic times. I k2 points
Just an update to add onto this. The Terms of Service modification that I spoke of in the article has actually been implemented now. For more information; click/tap here: https://ecchidreams.com/dreamer/1-tema/?status=40084&type=status (Will only work if you're logged in).2 points
I don’t think that I could say this enough times, but it’s truly because of the staff members that this site exists, even until today. I’ve met some amazing people here who’ve helped me make amazing stories. I’ve also made some great friends who will always be there for me, as I have also made sure to be there for them. Over the years, I’ve been able to break through my shell little by little, and it’s thanks to not only the friendly people on here, but also the staff members that have been very helpful and selfless. I truly regret that I could not properly show my thanks in recent events and that I failed to be considerate of others.2 points
ED Discord had the smallest amount of channels that I have ever seen tbh. The only one that was "gathering dust" was the one that you unlock when you get gold or platinum. The rest were very active. =/2 points
Wow. I knew I reacted to quite a bit of content on ED (since I've made it my personal goal to "rate" almost all pictures uploaded for some reason), but I did not believe that I would be the one who used it the most.2 points
Not at all, Lollipop, I wanted the feedback, and I wanted people to put up how they feel about things, like you did. You're absolutely right to post what you posted up, there's nothing wrong with it at all. Thank you for sharing it. I think it's big of you to apologise for your part in the month of antics and so forth and I'm glad to hear that you're working on it. I would love to see a more positive you on this forum because I know you're capable of being nice, Whoreo. You're also capable of being extremely smart and helpful when you want to be. I am glad to hear that your conflict with Xeno is still over, and that you've not sparke2 points
Article Update Added: There has been some more news that has come out in the last week or so that suggests that the law has been delayed (For a third time), and thus will no longer be implemented on July 15th 2019. Multiple sources have suggested that it's been delayed for 6 months, others say indefinitely and a few of them are saying it's been withdrawn. I will be leaving this article up however for prosperity, and in case it does come back. As usual, I will keep you all updated.2 points
Clarification: I have had a number of people approaching me asking if they can present their ID to me via Discord/EcchiText ahead of this change. All of them have been American's. The answer is no, you're not even affected by this (Unless your Government decides to do this too). The AgePass thing should only bother UK Citizens Subjects within the United Kingdom. Clarification #2: There is some confusion as to who will be handling the data, and if it's secure or not. We won't be handling the data - we won't even have access to it. DO NOT send me pictures of your Passport, or ID. For goodness sakes! If we go with AVSecure, that2 points
Trying to quell the internet anarchy is like trying to help people from North Korea from New York. It's not probable with the internet as it is now. It's a bumbling badlands that everyone sees, and is by now an entity unto itself. The ignorance these governments display in dealing with such an entity is equivalent to a mortal's ignorance of the gods. It's a willful blasphemy, and the further these snakes in human skin realize that their very presence is a blight on the world, i truly hope they set themselves ablaze for the world to see. These creatures are undeserving of any semblence of pity, and i truly wish they would step2 points
Thanks to @Temaelrin and @Neptune for working so hard on this site for us!2 points
I completely understand the enforcements of the underage rule. It really sucks, especially considering the stupidity of a law written years ago by a bunch of old people who don't know a thing about the world of fiction. I mean, the way the laws are written now, a 17-year-old having her first time in high school, a perfectly normal occurance in many people's lives, is labeled as child porn, but the depiction of Nowi, a character from Fire Emblem who is very clearly designed in every way to be a child, getting her ass torn apart is perfectly legal just because she's cannotically thousands of years old. Sigh. I suppose there's only so much you c2 points
I think I'm in agreement with you, @Wolfie and @Sunstone. I'd can the idea of having reactions that give negative points, and just have it so they give no points (at worst). With that said, however, if you're gonna have reactions that give no points... Why? Honestly, if people don't wanna react and give you points, they can just not react, right? @Sunstone: I think part of the point is being able to make your own clubs. So you could easily make your own music club. xD2 points
Wow! Love these new updates very much~! Just finished reading the entire announcement, I guess I only have one enquiry regarding the Reactions: Personally, I...wouldn't bother with implementing negative reactions.. sadly, I see the risk of that feature being abused/misused as too great. Definitely wouldn't want a repeat of that story mentioned about someone creating bots and manipulating this feature just to be a jerk. Maybe at the "most negative", there could be a Reaction for "Shocked"? Probably nothing more negative than that, if that makes sense? But yes, asides from that, I was thrilled to read this news tonight! ~Love~2 points
An Announcement that was to be posted on the 6th... is posted one minute to midnight to the next day... Wow, that's cutting it close there, Wolfie xD2 points
2 points
The images on this article? Yes I see this too, this is probably because Discord's changed their policy on their CDN. I will have to see if I can update these images or find a new host for these images. Interesting. Thanks for reporting it to me though.1 point
If it is helpful, for me all of the images are not loading for me. I can view other gallery images.1 point
Okay; if I'm understanding your questions correctly... The rules will remain the same as they have been regarding content. "Sexy poses" are fine, provided the images are not NSFW (nude, anything exposed through clothing, fully clothed but surrounded by nude characters, etc.). Swimsuits are fine if, once again, nothing explicit is exposed. Also, regarding 'lolibaba'; NSFW images depicting or appearing to depict underage characters are not allowed on EcchiDreams. If I recall correctly, 'lolibaba' is someone who, legally, is old enough, but looks-wise, has the appearance of a child (example: Etna from Disgaea), which means NSFW of those1 point
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions regarding the new policy, it's certainly appreciated! I understand your desire to have additional images closely related to a character in the album. However, our aim with the policy is to maintain a balance between providing a streamlined experience for our users and managing the resources and limitations of our platform. While I understand the convenience of having everything in one place, we encourage users to utilise external image hosting platforms for such additional images. By using an image hosting site of your choice and embedding the image's direct link (.jpg, .png, etc)1 point
I'm afraid I am not understanding this issue. If it is the same character, it would belong in the same album. As I stated it would come under "forms/personas". If this isn't clear, I'll see if someone else can answer your question better than I can. I'm utterly lost, and it's probably not your fault. It is nearly 5AM here in the UK.1 point
1 point