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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/17/2024 in Preferences

  1. preferences private roleplay only Safeword: marzipan or traffic light system I really only write happy endings of all sorts but I also like drama! M/F only for now with me being the F- though I’ll do scenes with a F/F/M threesome. looking for: dominant male partners or dom-leaning switches who want to let off some steam and write a cool story together - cruel sadists who like romance and cuddle time too. I will roleplay: highly erotic; porn with a decent plot, story driven, eventual relationship, enemies to lovers, character driven, romantic, comedy, fantasy, drama, falling in love, Lovecraftian tentacle goodness
    1 point
  2. Hello. I know... lately, it appears as I'm the incest/rape/drugs guy. But I'm down for about anything as long as it's interesting. What really gets my peepee hard is character development. If it's characters that are set in stone with their personalities who have the exact same drive to do the same things over and over... I'll get bored real fast. The reason I tend to go to the darker aspects of sexuality, is I'd like to inspire my partners to figure out how they're going to have their characters recover from, deal with, cope with such things. I don't get off on hurting chars in RP's, but rather the psychological effects it has on them afterw
    1 point
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