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    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    A Will of Fire——

    d5f1fjb-dcfb5558-74c3-42ee-9123-a31e7df7 Story idea—

    In the Age of Ancients the world was unformed, shrouded by fog. A land of grey crags, scorched earth, and everlasting dragons. Then there was Fire, and with Fire came Disparity. Heat and cold, life and death, and of course... Light and Dark.

    We see the struggles of others unfold around you as they fight for the things important to them. There's was a man who fought on behalf of his broken homeland, another who fought to prevent his kingdom from damnation. One man believed in research for the sake of knowledge... and maybe this knowledge would give the power to fix a mistake. With this power, one may have to do terrible things to man, to save many more lives.

    How can the gods be so cruel? To stand idly by while the powerless have everything taken from them. Perhaps if given something, then they'll give something in return?Indeed there's a reward for faithfully serving the gods of this land. Or maybe one will be cast aside to fade from memory - A fool, who dared to believe in something more significant without ever knowing those final acts, could've changed fate. Man is born from the dark, a soul that is kindled, flickers, dwindles,s and dies in the shadow of his Gods. The human form is fragile, and death comes quickly, but the Spirit is strong, and it clings to life like only a mortal can. So in a way, a man was not designed to become higher than those of the sky everlasting.

    My character has heard that story many times as a child from the old man who raised him. It was one of the many tales passed down from his generation to this one, yet they believed it was a load of horse manure. The village of Gypsies, Traders, and Hired Mercenaries used it as an excuse to throw lavish festivals in tribute to the winged beast. They sacrifice something of significance to them only to say otherwise; however, once every twenty years ago, willing would volunteer themselves to seek out this winged beast. It was out of practice, though. It was mainly lowering the amount of residence so overpopulation wouldn't set them into rui or banish those who'd been a burden to the town overall.

    Sadly this pertained to my character as he was the black sheep of his people. A problem child due to his lack of drive and aspirations. He'd been more interested in wooing the ladies and living his life than toil the dirt like a peasant. It has been three weeks since he'd set up a campsite. It was a shack at first, but he managed to improve it. The camp got a lot more comfortable once he'd gained a knack for fighting. Carpets cover much of the barren ground, simple awnings tied to the rocks provide shade, and hand-made wooden furniture offers comfortable places to sit and sleep. My character even carves some artwork into the rocks around the camp’s perimeter. He crafted some traps surrounding the makeshift home, but they are pretty simple and may not do much to deter any monsters that roamed about.

    What I'm looking for—

    My character is meant to be the servant his village sent as the representative while the mating Season of Dragons comes along. There will be various suitors for your character to reject or accept though they will leave after the deed is done. 'Do not get attached to them.' I already have the story laid out, and there will be twists, various turns, and a grand reveal for the end.

    •I'm not looking to play against an actual dragon. Humanoid form is preferred. (No referring to anthros)


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