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  •      Hey all! I would like to do something involving my kitsune Amai! He's incredibly versatile in terms of setting but I definitely prefer him being put in the fantasy or modern fantasy setting! (I have gotten him to work in fantasy/sci-fi as well!) Currently, I am craving all manner of things (Yes it's one of those posts ugh sorry for being boring you guys!) so really, as long as you're up for playing female roles, feel free to message me! Oh, and make sure to peep my preference sheet on my profile too, that'll give you a better idea of what I'm interested in!!

    Things I am looking for!~

    • multiple females (Does not have to be all at once! Can be one at a time through out the RP!)
    • female monsters (hot monster girls or gross, horrific creatures, as long as it's female, Amai's game!~) 
    • gross/fucked up monsters (This one is on here twice be cause I really love it honestly hehe~) 
    • unrealistic sizes (check his reference image by clicking his name, but I also love enormous breasts and what not)
    • sex driven but with story! (Yes I am here for smut, but also I like some build up or interaction! I actually like making worlds!)
    • size difference (him being shorter/smaller)
    • lactation (not needed but I enjoy it~) 
    • furries (Furries usually tickle my fancy because they like to make things biiiiig like I like!~) 
    • humanoids (Some say it's bland but, I like people too!~) 
    • long term RP partners (I LOVE long term RP! I looooooove story telling ❤️ )

         Thanks for reading! Hope to hear from someone soon! Also, these are things I am LOOKING for! I am relatively okay with other ideas, but we'll have to discuss! Have a splendid day ❤️ 

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    Why not a shirine full of priestress free for you to use 

    • Love 1


    Sounds fun

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    Hmm, how's about one more bump? Always up to play Amai hehe <3 

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