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  • (F4GM/F4Any) (Sub4Dom) Looking for a Taboo/Bestiality-focused Roleplay!

    Hey there! Long time no see!

    I've returned to this wretched hive of sin to look for someone who'd be keen on helping me fulfill some of my more taboo kinks. I've had a couple of similar ones in the past, but for one reason or another they all ended up having to end early, so I've been feeling somewhat edged in regards to engaging in those sort of themes. 😅

    What am I talking about? Well, if the title wasn't clear, I'm looking for someone who would be eager to run a game with (or for) me with strong themes of bestiality and potentially monster-fucking, with my character being the (un)fortunate victim to the creatures' excessive closeness and affection. I'm actually quite flexible when it comes to specifics, so pretty much anything that I'll mention is up for negotiation. Essentially I see it, as one of the two scenarios (though I'm open for alternatives):

    1. F4GM - Essentially something akin to more traditional RPGs, albeit with a lewd spin. You'd be playing the world and the monsters/beasts/characters that inhabit it, I'd be playing the intrepid adventuress that tries to get through the dangers of her adventure (and presumably fall rather spectacularly). Format-wise we could do a dungeon crawler, an actual adventure, or just fuck-around-and-improvise-in-the-setting kind of game. Most likely a fantasy setting, but I could see this being something akin to an MMO/Simulation, Sword Art Online-style. This mode of play (with a game master) is my preferred approach, partly because it's easier to create a variation of creatures, encounters, and plots in this sort of a scenario, partly because it has the potential to let me engage in more of my kinks, and partly because it gives more power over to you, which turns me on. It would, however, require significantly more effort from you, so I understand if you'd rather not take up that much responsibility.
    2. F4Any - This one is far simpler and closer to what one would imagine as a traditional 1on1 roleplay. It would most likely involve a closed setting and some sort of a main character for you to play aside from the creature(s). The bestiality aspect here would likely be an extension of your character's control and dominance over mine, and be a little more grounded. I'm seeing this working out well in a modern setting. I don't have as strong a grasp on this idea as I have the first one, so there's a lot to be discussed for that, but I'm also definitely willing to explore something in these regions.

    Feel free to mix and match any of the ideas from above, as well as suggest your own. I'm absolutely open for discussion, as long as the core kink being explored remains the same.

    There's also a bunch of kinks that I think could fit well in these sorts of scenarios (some better in 1), some better in 2). These are by no means hard requirements, and should be considered more as a list of potential stuff I'm open to for you to pick and choose from, or serve as inspiration. So let me know if any of the following interest you: Swarms/groups, humiliation, insects, infestation, interspecies pregnancy, oviposition, noncon/dubcon. pet-play, filth, ugly bastard, public play/exhibitionism, prostitution, free-use, corruption, cum-play, and many more!

    What do I bring to the table?

    • 4+ years of ERP experience and even more in traditional RP/RPGs.
    • High standard of writing & formatting in my posts.
    • Two-to-four-paragraph-long replies.
    • Focus on more than just sex in the RPs I'm in.
    • Eagerness to communicate, set, and respect limits.

    What do I want from you?

    • Interest in engaging with the major kinks I've specified in this post.
    • To have read my preference sheet and to acknowledge and respect its contents.
    • To have a preference sheet of your own and/or be willing to discuss your kinks and limits.
    • Ability to write at least two-paragraph-long replies in coherent English.

    I hope I didn't sound too stuck-up in the post. 😛 Feel free to reach out either under the post or in private if you're interested, or if you have any questions regarding the ideas or the post. That's it from me, and I'm looking forward to hearing from all you lovely people ^^

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    This sounds really interesting- not what I came for but happy now I’ve found it! I’m a forever GM and a taboo dungeon crawl sounds FUN! I’ll be in touch :B 

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