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  • hi! ive really been wanting to do a long term action romance rp but I noticed that when ever we get to fighting said fighting just kinda flops (I stab the first immortal killing him instantly then I insult the second immortals shoes he's so embarrassed he explodes! etc) and I thought that a table top role-playing system might add some structure and challenge to the fighting if you are interested in what's disturbed above (apart from the exaggeration) or have any questions leave a comment please

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    Hi! this sounds really neat actually.

    and to be honest the tabletop battle rules are not required (I have experience with not using it), but if you would like to then we can use it still.


    Hey, this seems like a cool idea, and I've DMd before so if you want to run hard and fast dice rolling, turn based combat for the RP we can do that too. Let me know 🙂


    It sounds interesting.

    I'm not sure what "hard and fast" dice rolling is though


    35 minutes ago, AsmoDeus said:

    It sounds interesting.

    I'm not sure what "hard and fast" dice rolling is though

    I meant like proper TTRPG style dice rolls for combat so it plays out more RNG based which can allow for some fun twists. Of course it's optional.


    i dont mind that. what ever you think will make it interesting for you~ 



    I'm game for whatever OP wants on that front, I'm pretty flexible tbh


    same. coin toss to see which we do?


    Sure, roll a d2 for it 😜


    heads is dice, tails is no dice


    Ok flip, I have no coins at hand atm


    8 minutes ago, AsmoDeus said:

    its a tails

    No dice it is I guess. Fair enough 


    want to switch over to pms?


    Can do, I am due to go out in a bit so responding may be spotty


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    I know exactly what you’re talking about and have a remedy for that frustration. Hit me up in pm and I’ll tell you about the rpg style rp 


    I'd be totally down for this but something like this would probably be done better in a public forum for multiple people or a ecchi text chat group. Sfw probably in the group and take any NSFW to private so the story progress isn't halted to complete sex scenes, just my 2 cents though


    Hi, I'd certainly love to try, I've tried similar stuff before!


    Hi I'm interested, can discuss in future? 

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