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  • So this is just a fun horny smut heavy idea that came to mind and I want to explore it. So here’s the idea!

    My character wakes up to being abducted by strange aliens. Stripped nude and examined under a sedated but still lucid state. The Alien(s) get curious as they go to probe them, their genitals react with a fluid discharging from them. The Alien(s) try to replicate the results and experiment to see what others they can make this happen. 

    Alien Abduction! Kind of self explanatory but willing to take any ideas on how to develop it a bit more. My character would be the one that gets abducted and has their body explored by some horny aliens. I would really like it if the aliens or aliens were not all that humanoid, more monstrous or strange, like just being a mass tentacle or a blob/slime. Some fun stuff like using strange devices for probing, reading brainwaves and hormones. They discover that their bodies can be compatible. I’m open to playing this idea into stuff a rape scenario as well. 

    Thank you for reading, hope to hear from you soon!

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