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  • [F/FB4GM] Six Legged And Four Winged Freaks

    It started with a faint buzzing, maybe a scratching around corners or in dark halls. It only got louder and louder until they made themselves known. Wasps, oversized and mutated they fly around looking for a place to start a new hive since outgrowing their old one. With the need for a hive comes the need for workers, and thusly the need for more young. Whether alien or altered in some way they bare new fleshy ovipositors ready to stuff the bellies and or wombs of their new human prey full of eggs. Either on the spot or better yet brought back to the hive these humans will make perfect broodmares...

    Wasps! Rp could be either modern or sci fi though I slightly prefer modern. Locations could possibly be a small town or space colony or ship. The size of the wasps can vary depending on preference but standard is around house cat sized (use picture for reference). Of course the idea is that the wasps wish to use humans both male and or female to put their eggs in. Can be either womb or ass/mouth or all 3 at once. Wasps would eventually try to start a hive as they do were they could bring their new incubators and either simply keep them there or attach them to the walls to be bred many, many, many times over. Other than the basic premise of the wasps it's a pretty open rp, especially in terms of plot. 

    I am open to playing either female, femboy, and or multiple characters for the rp. We can even have a system where once a character is captured and turned into a incubator we can move onto a new character who can experiences different things. Please check out my Preference Information for kinks and fetishes and feel free to ask about for clarification or to add or subtract any element from the rp if so desired, I'm very open to kinks! And thank you for reading all of this if you did.

    One reference photo from the game "Breed Laboratory". Good game, free on Itch.io.




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