Hello there! I know I pretty much just joined the site, but this is far from my first time using an rp site, much less rping! A quick note about myself before we get to the actual rp stuff, I've rped in several different capacities for around 6 years now, perhaps even more, anywhere from one on one smut sessions in WoW, to running a ridiculous year long campaign at a local game store as DM. Additionally, I've used several different rp forum sites, so I have at least a gist of how they work, though I'll admit ecchidreams takes the cake for interface, design, etc.
If you don't see a plot that interests you, or one that's taken, feel free to suggest a new one. I won't turn a good concept or story down! Worst comes to worst, I'm always up for discussing an rp, even if it doesn't happen.
Also, I'd appreciate if my partner(s) can give me at least some details to work with. I know some of you prefer short responses, but I rarely can get satisfaction if I give you a vivid description of what I'm doing and the situation, and you respond with a very terse action and that's it. Honestly, it ruins my flow and eventually, I just can't enjoy the rp anymore. So please, if you are interested in rping with me, I ask that you at least give me something to work with and contribute a little bit to the flow of the story.
I'm pretty much primarily looking to play furry/anthro characters, so take it as a given in all scenarios I offer. Though I prefer if the world were all anthros, I'm fine if you'd rather shy away from them and play a human instead.
Just to note, I like darker themes most of the time, and typically any lighter themed rps will go to a darker place.
For the sake of brevity, I have a pre-made album of images I like to use as references for my characters, which you can find here. Make sure to check back every once in awhile, I tend to add more pics every so often.
Roommates (taken)
MC can't afford to pay her rent all by herself. So she puts out an ad/asks people she knows/etc. to get a roommate or two. Though she specifically wants a female roommate, some shenanigans happens and she gets stuck with YC (or multiple) as roommates instead. Of course, sharing a small apartment with one or more guys can get to be quite the hassle... especially if one or more of them turns out to have more vile tendencies towards her.
The Office (taken)
MC and YC are coworkers in the same office building. It's a crummy job for both of them, and they have to deal with lots of work, unhappy bosses, and drama from other coworkers. But at least they have each other, right?
The Power to Take
YC has obtained some rather potent powers through some convoluted or mysterious means. Ultimately, he can pretty much change shape, alter the material of his body, meld with objects, fur, etc, and most importantly, act as a sort of rape monster. Refer to this comic and this set of images for a more concrete idea of what I mean. We can also discuss additional powers you might want to have!
Opening a Business is Hard
MC has finally managed to open up her own store after years of planning. Yet opening day has proven to be the only successful day, and since then, the business has been losing money. With funds running ever lower, MC seeks desperately for someone to be able to bail her out and help her turn the failing business into a successful one. Of course, she can't quite afford to pay up if he demands a large salary, so hopefully, they can come to an agreement.
-Alternatively: The business is going great, at least until money starts to disappear. YC is one of the employees of the shop, and is the one responsible for the theft, but so far, you've gotten away with it. When MC comes asking questions, though, it's starting to get a bit hairy. You'll have to come up with some way of getting away with it while keeping your job, as losing it cause of theft will mean you won't be working in this town again. Of course, there might be other methods to get out of it...
-Alternatively: MC is the manager of a new business, though only because she accepts a lower pay than she might've gotten otherwise. Obviously, she isn't too great at her job to start out, and the boss sends in his nephew to find out how to fix it, as he has some experience in business. Course... he might just turn around and make the business a personal pleasure garden for himself...
My Sister and Me (taken)
Our characters are brother and sister (preferably younger brother/older sister) and live a relatively normal life. As siblings, they don't always get a long, in the irritated older sister/dopey little brother kind of way. Though what would happen if he found out she was into bondage as much as he was? Heavily inspired by this comic.
The Rapeman
By day, YC is just a typical guy. Well... more like a loser really, with a crappy job and just a couple friends. But by night and under the training of his mentor, he is... THE RAPEMAN! (I just find the plot so intriguing, I couldn't bring myself to change it much... feel free to discuss this with me though! Here is a link to the comic that inspired me!). Whether it be to teach a terrible girl a lesson, make a shy girl open up to a brighter life, or punish a criminal woman for her actions, The Rapeman will be there to deliver sexual justice and freedom!
My Own DM
This one is actually quite different as it doesn't operate as a normal story, with a few characters exchanging actions and reactions and the like. For this set-up, I would like if you could literally act as a personal DM for my character, create and run a world for her full of life and characters, and most importantly, offer scenarios and potential decisions for her to make, with exciting consequences! I know this is a tall order, believe me, I've done this several times for my own partners. I wanted to give it a try on the other end! I honestly don't expect anyone to want to do this, but I figured I'd put this here just in case.
I did as comprehensive a list as the Preference sheet offered, so I'll go into some detail about a few of them here.
This is by far my favorite kink and something I look for when playing smut. Romance is nice and all but I played it all out over the years and frankly, I've gotten into the more kinky stuff. So if you're not into forcing my characters into sexual situations... it's not that I'll refuse to rp with you, but you need to have a VERY compelling set-up for me. Sorry but that's just how it is for me, and I've compromised with far too many of my previous rps that eventually led to me to quit them.
A very close favorite of mine as well! Most of the time, I use this term in reference to basic binding and gagging, though that doesn't mean I'm opposed to harder styles of it. That said, heavy bondage might not be my thing... if you want to explore deeper aspects of this kink, I'd definitely like to discuss it first. But just know that gags of any type (well... except cocks, I'm not the biggest sucker of them. See what I did there?) are a huge turn on for me, and I very much enjoy scenes that restrict my character in some way, shape, or form.
Literally why I came to a site by this name was to do ecchi things! I love the usual kinds of ecchi things that happen in anime and manga, and I have a soft spot for more perverted characters. I've played with plenty of partners who are the bashful type through and through, and honestly, it's getting a bit old. Even if you're shy or whatever, are you really going to look away when a sudden anime breeze lifts a girl's skirt!? I like to add details about uniforms, undies, clothes and the like, and I much appreciate when I at least get acknowledged or reactions to them. I've had plenty of partners that go right for nudity... and that's just boring to me.
I should note that this is actually a rather light topic most of the time, and I'm actually okay with that. If you want to do a lighter rp and throw in PLENTY of ecchi, I'd love to do it! But know that ecchi can also be darker, like forced groping, forced clothes wearing etc.
So not my absolute favorite kink, but I'm not opposed to it. In fact, I enjoy it from time to time, but specifically Older sister/younger brother, and specifically as a form of non-con/rape. Having the younger brother rummaging through his sister's room, stealing her underwear, using it for... reasons... spying on her, and of course, raping her when their parents are sleeping right in the next room over, things like that. I'm not totally opposed to other incest pairings, but know that brother/sister is my fave, mother/son is doable, father/daughter isn't really my thing and it's awfully played out. Though uncle/niece works for me oddly enough. Things like that.
Breath Control
Love it but not necessary in every rp. Basically, I'm into different ways of choking, except choking. I know, it's weird, but I'm not a fan of the physical action of wrapping hands around throat and strangling. Moreso, blocking off the air supply, whether it be with a gag that's too tight, a mask with no holes, etc. A few caveats here, the most I'll go to is unconsciousness, as long as we agree that it's just for the sake of knocking her out. I'm not into death play, sorry. And yes I know, there are complications in real life, but that's why I like to do it in rp and not in real life...
Small Dom/Big Sub
This is not a necessity by any stretch of the imagination, nor am I always needing this. But I tend to like playing larger women in some case as opposed to the males that they partner up with. Particularly, I have a soft spot for a smaller guy managing to overpower a big, tough girl through some resourceful means and claim his prize as he uses her. Several species I play, like equines, bovines, dragons, etc, will tend to be large.
These are kinks that come up a lot, and I'm not 100% opposed to them, but I probably won't be on board or will need something in return.
Vanilla is all fine and dandy but again, I've done so much romance I've nearly gotten sick of it... I understand that everyone's fantasies are different, but I've gotten too attached to harder, darker stuff, and I struggle to go back. I can do romance lightly here and there, but if you want to include this, I'm gonna need a some of my major kinks in return.
Again, another weird thing with me, I like to either delay any smut for long periods of time... or get right to it. I'm really not a fan of foreplay (and let's face it, there's not much foreplay to rape typically. Unless you're watching hentai, then it just never seems to stop), nor oral for that matter. I don't mind forced blowjobs as much, but I really don't need my characters to be 'prepared' by their assailants. I prefer to assume their bodies can prepare in time, or that any actions thereof aren't as gory as real life rape can turn out to be. Again, these are fantasies in a roleplay, and I'd appreciate that a bunch of nasty things that are reasons not to do these things be kept out of it.
Slutty/Dominant Female and Pet or Master/Slave Play
So here's the thing. The characters I typically play won't give in to their assailants, but they will be dominated. Physically, anyway. This is the part I enjoy the most about these kinds of dark rps, I get to have the rough smut without compromising my character's integrity. There are plenty of other rpers out there willing to give you the slut you want, I'd rather be the more modest, undominated one you want so much. Dominant females are less common out there, and in this case, my characters aren't usually among them either, sorry. Due to these factors, I'm not a fan of being your willing pet nor slave.
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I won't play these characters at all. If I play multiple characters, I don't have as much of a problem including these kinds of girls/women, as they vividly contrast with my main character. I'm also not opposed to being a pet or slave, but I'd prefer if it weren't by choice, and even then, expect to have to force my character to do your bidding most of the time.
Large Proportions
So here's the thing. I'm a total hypocrite when it comes to this cause I keep blabbing on about how we should leave lots of real things behind, and yet I turn around and prefer more realistic proportions for characters. But yeah, I'm in the boat of things that are 'too big' and includes both dicks and tits. Less so with butts, idk why. Anyway, under normal circumstances, I'd prefer if sizes were about average. I'm talking like 7" maybe 8", C or possibly D cups, that sort of thing. Sometimes, it just happens to be bigger because the character is bigger, and that's fine. But you can't tell me that a 5' girl can have DDD boobs and call it normal. And that's not something I'm into, though if she's like 8' tall and a bit wider, sure, we can talk. Even so, I'm often willing to negotiate.
This also tends to apply to fluids and stuff. I enjoy the typical hentai thing of cumming enough for it to comfortably overflow, but let's not get into gallons upon gallons please!
These are kinks that I just can't or won't do, sorry.
Regardless of the kind of character I play, I won't have my characters have this. Earings, fine, but nothing else gets pierced. No tattoos, either. I don't like body modification for the most part, and this is under that umbrella. Of course, if you want to include that on your characters, feel free to do so, but I won't have any on mine. With the exception of penises, please don't...
Chicks with Dicks and other Combinations
I'm not opposed to playing with other female characters, though I won't play with females that sport male genitals. Nor would I like to play with... erm... mixtures. I would like all characters to be strictly male, with dicks, or strictly female, with breasts/vaginal tract, nothing else in between please. This is just a personal thing, and I apologize if this comes off as ignorant, but I don't feel comfortable with these kinds of characters. What I will accept, however, is strap-ons and temporary magical cocks (they can do and be everything a dick would do, as long as it doesn't overtly look like one. for example, maybe it's made of energy and not flesh, that sort of thing).
Enemas, Pregnant, and Inflation
I'm not opposed to more overweight characters (maybe not so much for mine, I'd prefer thick boned, but if you want to play a larger, more rotund character, I'm not going to stop you. To a certain extent). But things that inflate the belly gross me out (and pregnant sex I'm opposed to for other, personal reasons, not so much because it's gross). though I haven't experienced much want for these, I know they're more common in hentai than I'd like to think... so no to these.
I'm open to bulging and slight cum inflation, but this is in more extreme circumstances (like if I play a smaller kitty anthro and you play a large bull anthro, then yeah, it makes sense for your larger cock to bloat the little kitty up. Just... not TOO much!).
I've had this argument before. Anthros are NOT beasts. They're not animals, they're humanoids with animal characteristics. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem on this site, but it has been on other sites. I'm not into fucking feral creatures (except tentacle monster things that aren't octopi).
One thing I'll say is that I very strongly prefer human dicks as opposed to animal dicks on anthros. Though if you make your case, I'm willing to negotiate.
Toilet Stuff
Sex on the toilet is fine. As long as urine, feces, etc isn't involved. When my characters go to the bathroom, it's merely mentioned, I don't go into much detail. I hope you can do the same for yours!
I'm fine with characters dying in stories. But I'm not fine with characters dying during sex. Or sexual actions that lead to death. Let's keep the two separate, I'm already devious enough alright? That said, I'm not opposed to undead sex, but we'll have to discuss this real hard before I accept it.
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