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  • Hii everyone!  Here are just a few brief ideas that we can build off of if any spark an interest!

    Two Princesses

    After year of peace, and a few international incidents, the peace between our kingdoms is starting to crumble.  As a hopeful, fix one of our fathers offers one of our hands in marriage to the prince.  But as the wending day gets closer and closer we find each other and quickly need to find a way out of this marriage, while not sending our two kingdoms into way (or not)


    After months of being away at college you finally come back for the holidays.  Since we're both off for the next few weeks we find ourselves spending almost everyday together.  You tell me wild stories about what college is like, and I ask far to many innocent questions, but finally you just decide to "Show me" what all kinds of crazy things you've been getting up too (Our roles can we switched and I'm happy to play the older sister as well!)

    The world's gone to Hell

    No one expected the world to end so fast, but in less then a week almost every industry collapsed as people fled from their homes, forcing everyone to fight for themselves.  After a few weeks pass I find myself doing just fine on my own, being an ex0soldier and all.  But that's when I stumble across you, who's clearly not doing as well as me.  Against my better judgement I take you in, feed you and warm you up as I teach you to survive in the waistland we now live in.  (Again our roles can be switched as well!)

    I'm also into more basic ideas, teacher/student, mom/daughter, etc If you're looking for a wlw RP partner send me a message!

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