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  • Newbie incoming. Time to throw my hat in the ring and see if it finds some footing!

    Hey all, this bulletin is created for one idea I've practically poached from this specific hentai manga: https://e-hentai.org/g/701971/0ab9eb8aef/

    Please note that you can contact me for any reason outside of this idea. If the themes highlighted appeal to you and you have a scenario that doesn't fit this particular RP, don't pull back! I'm more than happy to hear you out or modify as needed. 

    A chance meeting outside of school ignites into a year-long affair of lust between the Student Council President and a lowlife schoolboy.

    My character is the subject of constant hounding and humiliation in school by the President who appears at first glance to rather enjoy making his life hell. He's some variety of loser, whether it's that he's a hopeless otaku, he's got horrible grades, or he's some lowlife thug. Whatever the case may be, he swears revenge... On one particular weekend, he spies her walking in the street and decides to shadow her. Watching as she enters a PC Café, he follows her into a private room and manages to sneak a peek. Inside, he discovers that the Class President is rather shockingly watching some hardcore porno depicting a woman being raped and humiliated. One snap of a picture, sets the stage for many lewd acts to come. 

    Pretty normal up 'till this point. However I want her fetish to play a huge part in the role as she's blackmailed into committing lewd acts. She secretly enjoys what's happening to her and it's obvious at least, between the lowlife and the president. From there, it becomes a perverted slice of life, with the president facing new humiliations by the day and loving every second of it (all the while feigning resistance). 

    Some modifiers I'm comfortable with: 
    NTR - Class President has a boyfriend
    Handsome Devil - The lowlife is attractive instead of average/ugly
    Oh I hate this... - Class President doesn't have the fetish and is instead caught doing something embarrassing. ("Vanilla" blackmail) 

    (Feel free to suggest others)

    I'll be creating a character after brainstorming, to take into consideration any modifiers. So no specific named character yet. 

    If you have an interest, leave a comment or send me an Ecchitext! Figured this might be a fun little romp that doesn't take itself too seriously. 

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