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  • Okay so since last oone isn't getting many bites, decided top remake it, with labels this Time!


    BFFF:Best Fucking Friends Forever


    BFFF: A tale of two childhood friends, one not that strong and kind of wimpy, but is one of those people who can calm and act as a pretty good anchor emotionally speaking. The other is more physically capable(Sportsy type, Tom Boy, Delinquent or Disciplinary Head), and they are even new lovers. However, a Bully and blackmailer has harassing the former, with the latter getting in the way. Though he has plans that may come to fruition, or rot on the vine is up to the anchor.

    (Urban Fantasy, Scifi version available)

    Teacher-Student Relations


    Teacher-Student Relations: In a countryside private school, and rather rigerous and prestigious too. In the school a rumor has spread of a "naked ghost" that wanders around campus. In truth it is a girl who has been on the mend from a stress induced meltdown, having found a way to relax. When her favorite finds out and an affair starts up, can they keep up the secret?

    The Military Love


    The Military Love: A soldier once was reluctantly dragged to a brothel, and was set up to pop their cherry with a hooker, though through a crack in the veneer, They are able to connect, fall in love, get married. However, Her past is far from done with her. When they move back thanks her husband being restationed, her old pimp comes hunting. With help from a guy in the husband's unit. Will she be pulled back into a repeat of her past or break free?

    (Can make scifi, fantasy, and for halloween a dark fantasy ver.)

    Cleaning Up An Act


    Cleaning Up an Act: A bit of a change from the usual mind breaking/corruption of a school girl story. There are two girls, outcasts. One having luck that loved to put her in sexually embarrassing situations, another who rejected Populars, and end up together. Alas, the (un)lucky girl wanted to try and protect her lover and herself, and figured getting into the in-crowd would do it. While she got in, she was isolated from her friend and to try and keep it, goes into a downward spiral, ending up a drug-addled, nymphomaniac prostitute on the street. The two soon meet up with one who rejected the social ladder saving her from being beat on from some asses looking for kicks. She saved her old flame from them, and there is love still there. Still, can she save our now thoroughly ran through muck lover from herself, or is the lewd girl doomed to sink uncontrollably into depravity, and lose the last shreds of who she once was?

    Love and War


    Love and War: In the world of Scalia, a prophecy for a great war is destined to place. The light is to be guided by a champion, A great heroine shall guide the forces of light into battle. Of course, the forces of darkness are commanded by an overlord. The two however, turn out to be lovers, both from the same village. The pair having a secret relationship. However, the overlord would be created by a failed witch trial and execution, setting the prophecy into motion. Will the war play out in full, or can the old flame they had counter the fated course?

    Forbidden Courtship


    Forbidden Courtship: A tale of love between a Knight and Elven girl(Unicorn, Tavern Wench, Witch ,Princess or Priestess are also available.) who love each other deeply despite the taboos in place to keep them a part. When a local lord begins making moves on the girl, threatening all sorts of hell if she doesn't obey. Will the knight be able to defend their lady's honor, or will the Lord's power be too much to make a scratch on the cage?

    Special Needs Girls


    Special Needs Girls-

    Sexual Genetic Disorders are a recently discovered phenomena and to many, something that has leapt straight out of a porno. Conditions that require sex with a certain kink involved to viably treat any of the potentially lethal symptoms of the disease. This tale follows group of girls as-

    -Hospital: they undergo treatment. Learning more about their disorder, hoping to get to a cure or at least a point that they can go into the outside world with the disorder in a normal condition. In the meantime, the girls have found themselves in intimate relations with doctors and nurses that go beyond accepted Doctor-Patient Relationships. Though, there are those who tried to take advantage of the condition of the patients and were tossed out, now looking for revenge...

    -School: As one of the first time expirements to see if the victims can engage in the outside world on a functional basis. At a rather prestigious and large private academy. The girls were nearly sent back to the hospital when the teachers assigned to help them with their conditions were found to be abusing their power, but the girls were ultimately able to stay, under the care of their boyfriends. However, those teachers aren't done yet...

    So this is how it ends...


    So this is how it ends...-

    Its 2065 and The world saved from one end has started falling to another. The overpopulation problem was solved by the Grand Cities(Mega Cities but nicer) which in the united states made up of Capital, Central, West Coast and Gulf Coast. As for Energy and the resulting from a new and surprisingly clean to break down biological substance: Caphronium. Things were looking up humanity for once. Then the Calamity hit. First, many Caphronium plants went into critical meltdown and released the second blow-

    -(kinda) Zombie Apocolypse: The plague known as Nymphomanic Transformation Disease,or "Super Slut Plague" as nicknamed by the non-medically inclined survivors. Initial Stage of the disease seemed no more than a mild fever, uptick in libido and tendency towards revealing clothing and little of it. Then through either frequent sex or those in a full contagious stage, the body starts to turn. Skin becomes heavily sun tanned, iris' turn purple, sexual features, and musculature for male victims, swell to near absurd degrees and causes apparent nuerological degeneration, with rumors of a hivemind, though either way are seeking sex like no tomorrow. This tale follows a group of survivors trying to survive in the Grand City's lust filled, hallway running ruins. Though, a cure might be in the works.

    -Post Apocolypse Superhero: Maiden Syndrome. A strange disease that for females, after an initial period of weakness and a fever, marked also by increased libido, something that flies in face of known science happens. They gain powers, like superpowers, out of any media you could imagine. Larger Civilization has collapsed but thanks to these girls, smaller, town like settlements in Th Grand City. However, larger civilization fell for a reason. Males can degenerate into monsters out of porn, and The "heroines" can easily be corrupted into villainesses, something not known to a group of protectors putting themselves on the line for their Town.

    Hero's Lover


    Hero's Lover-Port Regal, RI is the Hero Capital of the United States. The Place also is Home to The Guard, the premiere team in the United States. They have their fair share of friends and enemies. They have an archnemisis if they have been in the job long enough. Of course, there are lovers. Those that have fallen for the heroes, reardless of the mask, and the heroes for them. Though, while precautions are in place, villains can find out. And they can inflict all kinds of horrors on both.

    Amazon Rangers


    Amazon Rangers- When the Janic organism was found, the future looked to be at hand. The key to unlimited energy, elimination genetic and incurable ails, pretty much any human problem, arriving on a meteor crashing down in the Southwestern US. Then a mysterious organization showed and overthrew much of the world order, their soldiers humanoid and they are more monstrous the higher the rank they are. In bastion city, the last refuge, They found a new way to fight. Using JOs in combination with nano-assembly tech and new alloys, they created an all female super-soldier squad that seemed out of the Saturday morning cartoon show. The Amazon Rangers, supported by their lovers are the last line of defense. And unknowingly, the lovers are the only thing standing between the girls and a permanent fall to the darkside.

    Monster Rescue


    Monster Rescue-

    The world has changed When biology as we knew it was thrown right out the window. The revelation monsters exist. They are far more humanoid than one would expect. There were issues at the start of course, riots and some small wars, among other things that sprung up over the years. But things have smoothed over, and the races of monsters and men have come together in harmony. And more than one inter-species couple has formed. But the black market is always looking for the next good to sell to the unsavory and wealthy. And female monsters are looking like the latest prize.

    (Fantasy version also available, taking place in a sort medieval fantasy metroplis)

    Tales of a Pair


    Tales of a Pair: On the continent of Scalia, there are two countries locked in a semi-hot war. One is the Empire of Absol, A totalitarian Empire that crushes any opponent they can, And the resilient Freelands, A collection of kingdoms and Merc. Bands. In this, a pair of adventurers live. One, a legendary warrioress who was once an Absolian slave Warrior. Another is a rookie adventurer that, though very green, has great potential. And the two may change the stalemate.

    Trouble in Trenton City


    Trouble in Trenton City-

    (based on New World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness fanline Princess: The Hopeful, with a bit of mix and match between the versions, plus some stuff might be pulled from other parts of the world. the free pdfs can be found here:Princess: The Hopeful)

    Trenton City was at first  a simple trade post along the Black Rush river, one of the many tributaries into the might old Miss that divides the country. Thanks to the positioning, the once trade outpost that gradually expanded into a frontier town, one with a quarry to help fuel their economy though nothing quite matched the boost the industrial revolution gave them. As Pittsburg dealt in metal and Detroit in cars, Trenton found its own niche: construction material, vechiles and tools.  They took pride that when America was building up, something from Trenton had a hand in it. Like many factory areas, NAFTA was the first blow, the real estate crisis became the second. The city entered a downward spiral that poured gas on already growing tensions between the poor, middle and upper class and corruption in the city government. This made Trenton a fertile breeding ground for The Taint, with Three Cults (BlackRush Country Club, Trenton City Restoration Foundation, The Worker's Reps) work to keep and drive the taint further from the shadows, keeping anyone from figuring anything out about them as the drew the darkness closer, until the unthinkable happened. A collection of local outsiders managed to breach their hold on city hall. Not by much, but enoughto destroy their plans. And then Princesses started showing up, spurred by a rumor that somewhere in the city laid an artifact, one that could strike and at least deal a major blow to the very heart of the darkness. Of course, a big reason the darkness bothered turning the three organizations into cults was to recover something it itself lost in the Fall to deal the finishing blow to the Light.

    Pandora Heights


    Pandora Heights-The Pandora Heights building, on the outside it looks like your typical slightly run down, very cheap rent sketchy high rise apartment building on the edge of the slums area. Another victim of urban decay. However, something is off about the building. Stairs that can miss a single stair to entire flight or have extra, hallways and floors than should be there. Not to mention that some of the residents aren't exactly human. There is a reason  the security fence is geared for keeping things inside after all. There are plenty of dangers, but there are wonders here as well in the shifting halls and apartments. And if no one else, the Superintendent is one who tries to broker peace between the human and not so human residents, and is fully capable of keeping the peace in the building. The Landlord and his creations, not so much. And now with love starting to rise between the not-so-human residents and some new residents who have no idea what they signed up for.

    Akumiko Shrine: Shrine of the Devil Slayers


    Akumiko Shrine: Shrine of the Devil Slayers-Since the very foundation of The Empire of Japan, there have been demons plaguing The Archipelago. And since the founding, the Emperor and later, The Diet, the goverment has seen the clear threat that is posed by by said Demons. However, there are shrines in the country that trained their Priests and Shrine Maidens in special forms of talisman crafting, martial arts and Holy Cleansing arts and rites. They are rather conservative in that, while a life is allowed to be maintained outside the Shrine, helps develop cover for investigations, They are expected to adhere to the rather conservative set of standards, except for perhaps dress and thanks to the powers that are drawn upon which left the young women the ones to head unto the breach while guys made sure nothing got out , Including doing arranged marriages. However a promising batch have made connections of the romantic kind, especially after finding ancient texts. Now, will they fall into the corruption of the otherworldly demons, as is taught happens when they break custom? Or do they have the best shot against the beasts that are far more dangerous than even yokai?

    Kina Clan: The Final Shinobi Clan


    Kina Clan: The Final Shinobi Clan-In the modern age, Many of the old warrior ways have died out. The Knight, The Hopilite, The Roman Soldier, Samurai and finally shinobi. These stealth based warriors were invaluable to the Shogun and daimiyo. They were useful in dealing with many an enemy, both mortal and...yokai. The Shinobi were often the ones charged with handling the malevolent entities, Yokai. Over time, modernization whittled away the number of clans and some of the old ways. eventually, the only Clan left that still practiced, if in secret was the Kina Clan. The last Shinobi clan, charged with being the ones who face off against [those who would prey upon humanity and their enablers. And a group of young Shinobi, the heir to the clan and those she directly works with, are about to be right in a crucial moment.

    Misfortune for the Mystic Knights


    Misfortune for the Mystic Knights- The world is under threat by Monsters from the abyssal beyond. However all is not lost. There are the Mystic Knights, girls who have harnessed the arcane energies to shift their forms into something that can even the playing field. However, a pair are in trouble. One gets cursed into a futanari that can leak out her mana, needed to maintain her Knight form and protect her from the corruption. And the frailer has been found as a potential nexus of the dark magic the monsters need. Will their love for eachother see them through this darkness? Or will they fall?

    A weed in the secret flower garden of love


    A weed in the secret flower garden of love- 

    The seeds were sown by the confession of a popular guy to a girl a grade under him. The girl ended up turning him down, especially after she started to get bullied for it by upperclassmen girls. It only got worse after, and she ended up becoming a shut-in and going into a major downward spiral. The fertilizer and growth happened when the school nurse came and slowly helped her out of  the darkness, and love and passion soon bloomed. The two going on dates, spending the night at the nurse's apartment and even enjoying eachother at the school or other places, primarily a bed in the infirmary. Of course, a weed that is the gym teacher soon comes to threaten their little haven.

    Taboo Marriage


    Taboo Marriage- 

    The two are your standard married, if poor couple. They only have done the legal part, and live together in a cheap  apartment saving up money and waiting for the right moment to get all the bell and whistles for a nice ceremony and ring and the like. There is hiccup they have to deal with thoigh: The fact that the husband and wife are also very much student and teacher respectively. They carry on secretly but happily, waiting for the day he graduates so they can finally come out of hiding about it. Of course, such a secret could be very big trouble for the couple if it comes out ahead of the appropriate time. And the teacher in particular will do whatever she can to keep it secret.

    Intimate Coaching


    Intimate Coaching- A star Swimmer(Track/Field Runner, Tennis Player, Martial Artist or Gymnast are also options) in school has been showing promise. She has led her high schoo/Uni(Whatever is your pref.)l to regional, state(or whatever the equivalent is in your country) and even national. In the sports world the girl is a rising star who has made forays into the professional sports world. Even rumor has it she has a pretty good shot at the Olympics. There is one secret however. She and the coach have gotten into a rather passionate relationship. There are some rotten eggs in the team though, and who knows what they'll do to the annoying ace of the school if they catch wind.

    Tentacled love


    Tentacled love-

    The girls are your normal school girls in in love with eachother. Some Love Letters, Hand holding, kissing eating lunch together and dates. However their sex life is a little more frequent and more intense, for good reason. One of them is host to a rather perverted, persistent parasitic predator. One that feeds on sexual fluids of females. While their relationship remains solid, there are other dangers: The Government, Vigilantes, and possibly spawn of the parasite...

    Lilith Syndrome


    Lilith Syndrome-The pair were in average, new, cute couple in school. The girl had always been a little sickly, but she always managed to recover and avoid the terminal conditions, or at least permanent [variety, until she developed this rare, as in the number of sufferers are in the singel digits, condition. Now forced to endure Lilith Syndrome, the girl can only feed on being creampied and even then has to be sufficiently aroused by intercourse to do so. On top of that, She can't wear any normal clothes, forced to be nude or in fetishistic, and even then only few hours at a time before becoming unbearably hot and nauseous. Her boyfriend has been supportive and protective of her, but he can only do so much before those who would take advantage find a way in to take advantage of something from wet dreams. 

    St. Lilith's Academy


    St. Lilith's Academy: Trouble in the Lustful Prep.- In a mid-sized town, their lies a nationally renowned College Prep. High school. St. Lilith's is a school known for turning out young women, and occasionally men, that go onto prestigious universities and colleges, then onto stellar careers. Though there is a secret to the academy. Under the premise that pent up sexual energy, that therefore must be released for academic success. Thus, so long as a lesson can continue, and grades stay up, sex is allowed on the campus, even in the middle of class. The entrance test is even set up to screen for latent perverts, same for female staff if its a new teacher out of college that could be improved in skill. Though the males brought in to help release can either form bonds with the girls, or start hunting without much care for bonds made or the academic side...

    Purity Falls: Future Simulated Sex/Romance Fantasy Zone


    Purity Falls: Future Simulated Sex/Romance Fantasy Zone- In the far future, humanity has mastered a number of technologies, allowing the perfected way to create a simulated enviroment and create human-like life. Of course, buisnesses were primed to jump on the possibility for...baser pleasures. Sexual dens were set up, simulated cities where one could enact their fetishes, with each having a particular set that they specialized in. Purity Falls was a place that specialized in corruption, mind break, so and so forth, though that chnged when they noticed a trend. Patrons were forming relationships with the dolls, loving ones. And enough so that a viable customer base was there: So, like any self respecting buisiness they captalized on that. Nerfing the drug-like properties cum for those in a relationship, giving "Bonding Points" suggestions, and promising an "eternal honeymoon phase". Still they service darker desires, including corrupting partners of others. At least when marked, a warning text is sent to the other customer and let them deal with it.

    Disappearance of the Valkyries


    Disappearance of the Valkyries-Asmodoeus City was a peculiar one. While a thriving metropolis, It was up there as one of the worst hives in crime in the country, often with some twist straight out of a porno. The place had seen attempts to be tame it, by the heroes and police department, but nothing seemed to stick. Any prorgess would rapidly degenerate quickly, until they came A team of heroes(either exclusivly heroines or some heroes thrown in) Managed to do a great deal to clean the city and keep it clean. This, naturally led them to developing enemies. Ones that wish to take the (prominent) members from their lofty positions and beaus. Time will tell if they are taken and made into the worst the city has seen, or if they may yet be saved.

    Life with a Nymphomaniac Girlfriend


    Life with a Nymphomaniac Girlfriend- They met by chance and were quick friends and only a while later there was a romance. However, the girl has a bit of a problem. She has a hell of a libido, one that basically requires nightly masturbation just to remain functional. While the boyfriend is at wishing to see if he's up to the task on helping her with her issues, little do either know how exploitable her nymphomania is.

    Bad Girl Gone Good...Gone Bad again?


    Bad Girl Gone Good...Gone Bad again?-

    The school girl certainly didn't start out as the model student, possibly even student council president, at their first meeting. She was gyaru delinquent, Playing hooky in Arcades, Malls, streets and party houses, dabbling in party drugs, booze, cigs and weed, though avoiding addiction and some small, light sexual favors. Then the school sent someone after her, again. This guy, be it her official homeroom teacher or a trustworthy honor student, tracked her down. The first meeting went about as well as to be e4xpected, but they kept trying, and empathetic when she started to crack about her past. They got the girl to clean themselves up and pretty much reinvented at school, thanks to a hard work ethic and brilliant mind when motivated. And nothing motivates like love. Though, will the relationship hold against ghosts of the girl's past?

    Lovers' Club: Making Love when Only Reproduction is Legal


    Lovers' Club: Making Love when Only Reproduction is Legal -In the year 2070, Japan's Demographics problem hit true crisis point. To up the birth rates, a truly harebrained and draconian scheme was born: The Reproduction Rate Improvement Laws, a set of laws that in addition to loosening incest and age of consent laws so as to have more copulations, within reason so as to still protect the youngest that can't reproduce and maintain enough genetic diversity, And reduced the power of public indecency laws but came with the catch: Romantic relationships, Romantic Love, was outlawed in all but name. And with low level aphrodisiacs laced into the food supply, sex is plenty as come births. Of course despite the Laws standing a few decades with minimal tweaking, mostly when it comes how to parent and some tax credits, There are those who would not tolerate the removal of something so fundamental to being human. Underground support groups popped up to help romance bloom in secret "Love Clubs" as they are called, providing everything from match-making, to relationship advice, to covers for dates and help to throw suspicion off it looks like someone is on them. Depending on membership of the local club, even can provide contraception smuggled in, and direct case files and briefs on the police's plans and investigation. Of course, there are those that obviously oppose the Clubs. The Reproduction Law Taskforces, nicknamed the 'NTR Patrol' set on breaking clubs and relationships up.

    Order of The Silver Rose


    Order of The Silver Rose- Long ago, when The Chief Goddess created the world and its people to populate it. But of course some form of population control was needed. Thus, Monsters were born with a demon lord was made to lead them. Once the population lowered back down to acceptable levels, a hero was chosen to defeat the demon lord. So it went for eons. Until something unexpected occured: A succubus, ordinarily  about a mid-ranked monster managed to win the title after the last hero felled her predecessor. And unlike every demon lord before it, saught a different path: one of union with human by monsterizing them. The Goddess tried the usual method of removal, but the hero joined forces. Even the Goddess attempted to personally intervene left her fleeing back to the heavens, critically wounded. Now finding themselves in in a war with monster girls numerous orders have sprung up, filled with heroes out to slay the Lord and monsters happily flipping them to their side.Only a recent order, founded by political machinations of mortals, has the chance to turn the tide or take the world down a third path.

    Hentai High/Apartments


    Hentai High/Apartments-The game was promised  to be one of the best dating Sims around. A whole host of girls, pretty well written and plenty of events and plot lines to explore. All on the grounds of a long forgotten  fertility Goddess's shrine so eroge was included. One problem: No one was informed it was a giant NTR game, with the player getting the girl stolen. Forums were quickly set alight by angry players with the seeming normal dev. Trolling. Until a user(or group of them) expressed genuine concern for the characters in their anger over fates. The "Dev." Challenged them to do better and isekaied them into the game world.

    Troubles of The Human Succubi


    Allow me to introduce you to...the human Succubi! These women, like their namesake do have a biological need for sex, though despite urban legend and myth they are definitely still human with all the usual bodily needs, just one extra and a few biological and psychological quirks. Depending on the setting they are either te result an experiment to solve declining population problem that certain countries face that got loose from a lab early a generation or two ago(slice of life), women cursed by the demonlord (fantasy, and called mortal succubi here) or an adaption on a lst human colony re-discovered(scifi). Now differences between Normal humans and the succubi-

    Absolute Size Queens- They are drawn to whoever they know has the biggest dick, despite any character flaws they may possess and their own will. Also makes their easier to warp/corrupt. Though enough skill and knowledge in sex can of course counterbalance this.

    Lusty needs- As previously stated, they need sex, or at least to masturbate, fairly regularly. Neglecting this need leads todegenerating increasingly to a manic state that they act varying degrees of a feral version of a succubus, hence the name.

    creation of see through clothing- a body oil they produce plus a liquid like sweat or plain old water on fabric that is relatively thin causes their clothes to becomes varying degrees of see through, depending on fabric and amount of the a formentioned liquid absorbed.

    Sex instinct- Each succubi knows how to have sex with the skill of a practiced street worker on the basic level and one kinky form that they are naturally drawn to. e.g. a student council president who can get herself nice and tied up BDSM/shibari style without looking anything up, a quiet girl exhibitionist who has a talent for telling where a good and bad place is to bear it all, etc. but only one select thing, so that quiet girl would have to look up proper knot work or that prez. would either have to take some amount of semi-calculated risk or more thorough research.

    The call from hell(name subject to change to something more fitting)- like the brain of a normal person having intrusive thoughts involving things that are very bad for one's health, they suffer a lust varient of these. Like a masochistic type wanting to broken into a sex slave or another's desire to bimboified/turned into a slut/bitch. The succubus is very aware this is a bad idea and to an extent does their best to keepit down maybe explore a more healthy version with a chosen partner. Someone looking to exploit them can use this to break them.

    Talent- beyond the sexual side there is a curious tendency for the Succubi to have a sort of savant syndrome, replacing the autism aspect with the whole succubus thing. Extreme charisma, top of the class in studies, talent enough athlete for college and even professional athletic organizations to come sniffing around early, major creativity, that sort of thing.

    Relationships- In romantic relationships they are the sort dream partner, at least for most. Devouted to their partner and extremely supportive and/or protective depending on the need. A romance with them is almost fairy tale-esque. Of course they are pretty sexually needy which can drive people away, and given how strong they feel in relationships can be particularly devastating. enough to possibly drive them really and fall completely if being actively corrupted, though in that case, not making an effort to save them when getting fucked right in front of them can do it. Also, are fine being in a harem situation as long as the love is there.

    Heart eyes and steamy breath- Get pink hearts in their eyes with sex, more satisfying the bigger they get. Also when particularly horny. Similar for steamy breath regardless of ambient tempature.

    Major Personality Compartmentalization- This more depends on culture of the country the Succubus is raised in. While a fairly liberal country that has some special accommodation there is little divide between their normal and sexual side, but conservative side inversely there is a starker divide, as at best there is no special accommodations and protections beyond whatever laws against sexual crimes are there. And at worst either prison or the illegal human trafficking the girls are popular in, once broken it takes moving heaven and earth to get them to cooperate with authorities on anything related to who gives them their fix.

    Lesbianism- Ostensibly they can be lesbians, but there is just enough attraction to males to take a cock and ejoyit and get "corrected" possibly.

    Sexually Exciteable- Something more than a quick peck, side cuddle and hand holding can arouse them.

    Three sizes- tends to be around hentai levels.

    So onto the plot itself: Follows either a/some loving couple(s) or a harem of girls that are in a loving relationship. though due to living in Japan they hide their status as a succubi, particularly as they go to a school that forbids relationships(yes, schools in japan can say that students aren't allowed SOs) though whether they start the RP as friends, perhaps since they were kids, they've hidden their succubi status even from them. well until they accidentally stumble upon them masturbating. A passionate and fully open romance blooms until well, a bully, unethical teacher, manipulative type or other Scumbag happens to get evidence of their love. Cue, the plot of a sort fight/race to save the girl(s) from being fully corrupted. Adjustments for fantasy adventuring party or explorer ship crew also there.

    What Makes A Mechanical Heart Beat?-


    What Makes A Mechanical Heart Beat?-  In the far future humanity has created a race that resembles their own, Androids. They serve in a variety of roles, in a servitor role. With the two races walking together, a love story blooms, where a human finds and rescues their love, a companion android deemed "faulty" and abandoned. Getting the android help, it was not long before love bloomed and developed a good bit. Too bad with so little protections legally and using a good deal of second hand parts, a fault that would leave her vulnerable was bound to come up. And unsavory characters all too willing to "help"...

    Knight Core


    Knight Core- In the year 30XX Humanity is far from the dominat race on the surface of Earth. Alien Monsters, called Dragons, returned in the event that got named "Dragon Fall" from when the beasts decended. Now in Enclaves called Keeps after the medieval fortresses which the settlments resembled the medieval fortresses of old cling on to keep the fires of civilization alive. The ones who go out to gather the fuel for that fire of civilization, who protects them Against the Dragons. The Steel Knights, Pilots of Mecha with an android co-pilot, a Core. Some of said Cores are from the fallen last bastion of Civilization, Camelot, borderline magical abilities. And when one, potentially a prototype is found with who what info in there, possibly even pre-camelot stuff. And there are parties all to happy to do whatever they need to acquire it.

    NTR...For Good!?


    NTR...For Good!?- A tale as old as hentai...Childhood Friends become lovers only to ripped apart by a lustful monster who tore their relationship apart. ho hum. And oh an Isekai, wonder what'll happen here. Wait, the Isekai went into the Bad guy's life? And they're a decent human? Well just stay away from the girl and childhood friend I guess. Wait what do you mean a kind act got her attention? And the childhood friend is a creep?! And there's more!? What is going on here!?

    Break Me Girls


    Break Me Girls- Acute Arousal Acceleration Syndrome(AAAS) is a recently discovered medical issue where sufferers while able to live a relatively normal lives except for one key factor, especially in areas with a lot of sex crimes: The Disgust reaction to unwanted sexual advances is disabled on a physiological level. While able to be distressed, they are always "primed" to be aroused by sexual contact. This combined with a so far correlated tendencies for...more generous curves and masochist/submissive tendencies make them popular targets for all sorts of ill-intentioned predators. And so a little unofficial support group made of girls with the condition and their lovers is soon to come under fire.

    Darkness in an Elven Maiden's Heart


    Darkness in an Elven Maiden's Heart- In a world that has humans live alongside the fantastical, whether in worlds like a storybook, the modern day or even a not so distant future elves are always among their number. Hearts brimming with extremely strong emotions, they keep it in check with culture ingraining their (in)famous disposition of cold aloufness and to a degree, arrogance. Doubly so due to A naturally high libido and a phenomena known as "Darkening" where an Elf, through repeated sex with someone other than their soulmate, a lover they've bonded to for life, only reinforces the perceived need. Not every Elf follows the tradition though. Whether an Adventurer outcast from her home but with a long time partner, A successful if distant business woman, a determined officer in a near cyberpunk city, a school girl or even a simple village maiden, with a lover who is human, one who the elf bonded with as either partner, an employee she is fond of or even a childhood friend. All become lovers, despite the hidden strain their vastly different life spans, fueling the call that "Darkening" has on the bit of a pervert elf. And a cruel monster., either literal as an orc or metaphorical as a human resembling them all too happy to open pandora's box and push the pervy elf over the edge.

    (Fandom: MHA)  You're not alone Izu


    We all know How Izuku's story to be the greatest hero started. Alone, Quirkless, and stuck with a Bakugo who was at the time an unrepentent bully. What if that wasn't the case? What if early on, as a kid being kind to a girl(or pair) earned him a friend, and one all too willingto help him try with his dream, act as his protector against bullies and developed a crush on him. all because he told a girl(or pair) they could be a hero with villainous or embaressing(aka lewd) Quirk. Will the young love grow to lead to them becoming a hero power couple, nor could All for One gain potential new pawns once broken in?

    Ravashing Love: Consensual Noncon...Until Bully tries to NTR


     In a private Academy, once all girls but recently made co-ed, while the rules about relationships stay in place, love has found a way to bloom for two young women. Well a young woman and a futa. At least one is  the heiress to an major and old zaibatsu, with an arranged marriage she has been planning to evade by eloping with her lover, and plans to save for that marriage of love. Until the incident where she finds out her lover is a futa with a badly controlled libido. The plus side is the Non-con-esque sexual side of the relationship, much as she won't ever willing admit, further compliments the pair. Though it also leave the girl vulnerable to breaking from a bully the pair of wallflowers suffer under when he finds out after the secret futa starts being more assertive elsewhere.

    (Femboy instead of Futa avail.)

    Pure girl I'm nicknaming "Blue":

    Image option 1


    Option 2


    Option 3


    Ideas involving her:

    -Heiress to a big, old zaibatsu family and has an arranged marriage waiting for her that she dreads, especially having fallen in love with Girlfriend "Red" thoughplans on trying to elope with her.

    -Seriously Girly girly

    - Into the arts(Music, Art, writing), girlfriend drawing her into nerdy stuff.

    -Spoiled sweet, I.E. Means well  and is nice but can get very falunty about wealth without realizing it.

    -Sheltered so not much social interaction particularly with Rougher, intimidating types

    -Has a VERY Fuckable body. Basically right out of hentai. Also makes it tricky to find clothes not from a tailor.

    -Physically Very weak, Not able to fight off an attacker despite any attempts.

    -Minor Jekyll and Hyde(for lack of a better term for the stark divide), As while School and generally how she was raised causes her to think of Romance in Pure Romance Novel terms while getting very embarrassed about sex, surface side. The Hyde is the sexually wants to be a victim of stuff like , in a non-exaustive list, groping/chikan, humiliation, drugging, non-con, blackmail and so on. The darkest part of these repressed desires wants to flat out be broken into a sex slave/breeding sow. Does have wet day dreams that are "rough" to start and get darker and more twisted the more she is "educated".

    -said issue causes her not to be honest about sexual desires, Such as desire for large cocks though body is more honest (ex. "Its too big, pull out!" as her pussy clung tightly). Just if you play her please don't be too vague in the narration, Red in predatory can pick up subtle cues but I'm kinda oblivious.

    -While shy, is pretty good in formal high society situations.

    -Not good with Men, but popular to hit on because of her curves.

    -Doesn't know about her girlfriend's futa status before RP start.

    -Ahego faces, and generally the type to be a heroine of a NTR/corruption/mind-break hentai


    The Futa Girl, Nicknamed "Red"

    Image option 1


    (Has Glasses)

    Option 2


    (More red hair like above)

    Option 3


    (Again Glasses)

    -Either smaller, newer zaibatsu family's kid and due to her "condition" kept out of the public eye. Or scholarship kid from a conservative household

    -While definitely feminine, beyond one organ, is more nerdy.

    -Into Anime, videogame, manga and genre books, Light Novels and so on, girlfriend opened up her interests

    -Through either the new money or mostly decent parenting has a pretty good head on her shoulders and can help alert her girlfriend if she's having a disconnected moment.

    -Can be a bit more socially apt. but is both shy and has a massive actively repressed libido holding her back. so while not great initially can be surprisingly firey and clever if the latter ever clears.

    -More scrawny but attractive body. Hermaphrodite Futa where when flaccid the dick can easily be hidden but fully erect becomes much, much harder. Said fully erect dick, due to size, has been the end of many pair of panties she didn't remove in timer and has caused her to go commando before.

    -While pretty weak, When motivated can be surprisingly strong

    -Much more a case of Jekyll and Hyde, with bad enough that there is near separate personalities. The young woman is a very shy geeky type who appears to have a bit more of a dirty mind on the surface, is as much a romantic as her girlfriend with the exception of sex, the two holding off until marriage. In truth, and reason for her frequent disappearing acts is her libido causing her dick to stand up and lust to boil over, temporarily frying her inhibitions and inflaming her dominant tendencies mixed with a few other bits into a persona that isn't really good with long term planning but great short term and improv. Key difference is if the eyes are dull or not.

    -Predatory side has good intuition and general force, but not too up front on her normal end either.

    -Not much better with guys even clear headed.

    -Kind of the villain(ess) of said stories but spliced with the protag. especially morality chain.

    -Sucessfully keeps futa status secret until around start of RP.

    -When away from home and sex toys used to cool her down, finds odd things to use as masturbatory aids, like the hollow of a tree.

    Lilith Dungeon: Corrupting Adventure


    In the world of Avent, a relative peace has finally come over the land. Once merely just a land of man, dungeons sprang from the ground, 14 in total based on the 7 heavenly virtues and 7 deadly sins, and unleashed monsters upon the world, putting humanity at risk of extinction or driving them back to survival mode. Yet heroes rose up, and drove the monsters back. And in those dungeons, they discovered wonderous things: resources like mithril, Magic stones, various wonderous artifacts and the secrets to actually use said magic. These discoveries and the blurry introduction of some non-human races to the scene led to a kickstart to the recovery of humanity. Fast forward millennia upon millennia, new nations, kingdoms and empires from what has been found in various levels of the different dungeons. The conquered dungeons would fall only to rise again elsewhere and need containment. There is one Dungeon though that has never been conquered erect and proud was the Dungeon of Lust, nicknamed Lilith Dungeon after the City that surrounds it. The dungeon and monsters proving apt corrupting and nuetralizing many who wander into the fields surrounding it or the dungeon itself. And in come a group of adventurers who have the potential to reach the depths and claim the Dungeon's motherload from its Master's hands. Or cause the City to fall. Again. But that is thje risk one takes living in a dungeon delving city.

    Player Races:

    Human: Only race fully native to Avent, or at least non-dungeon or fieldified surface. Ad a whole average and flexible. While no innate corrupted form, they can easily be made into a monster.

    Dungeonborne: Catch all term for monsters that for reason or another had a more humanoid mindset. Abilities vary depending on what they were supposed to be. Skills also vary, with a werewolf Dungeonborne tracking. All though have a sense for the dungeon and it trying to push them to be more like their kind that are ferally lost to their urges. After all by the will of the dungeon, or its master, The Love they embrace is a lie, Lust is the only Truth. No united culture, besides perhaps trying to be seen as equals to the others. Corruption or "true maturation" results them becoming monsters, and they are perhaps the hardest to bring back from the dark.

    Lightwood Elves/ Smoothstone Dark Elves: Elves generally are native to the original zones for the Pride, Wrath and of course, Lust Dungeons with High, Wood and of course, Lightwood Elves. A blend of the High Elf culture and Wood Elf bond with nature, Women voluptuous and tempting in body with the men rather effeminate. Tracking experts with sharp senses, they are romantics enough that they "soul mate" or have a true meta-physical bond with one and only one individual. If the elf has sex with anyone else causes "Darkening" Or the slow change into a Dark Elf of The Smooth Stone House. With keen eyes and sensitive Ears, plus a build that favors speed and dexterity, Elves often follow the paths for Rangers or Rogues, with the occasional magically inclined becoming druids, and the rare finesse focused warrior or Paladin.  Secretly a dungeonborne race with only the absolute eldest and the occasional elf actually formed in the dungeons making it all the way out to the surface and out the fields who know that the Dark Elves are pretty much the exact same species with said Dark Elves too busy in hedonistic pursuits to explain 9 out of 10 times, the Elves have a very healthy libido with kinks often hidden but the Lighwood tend to like exhibitionism in the sense of sex outdoors, animalistic fucking and some BDSM using more natural elements(rope, leather, cloth,etc.) while Dark Elves are more into humuliation and total BDSM nuts with "artificial" materials(Latex, Metal, etc.).

    Trueborn Witches/ Hags: A Dungeonborne Race unable to hide their origins but their rather human appearance and the fact they are a font of magical and Dungeon knowledge they have intrinsically. They even often take on apprentices, if for no other reason then a member of this race can disguise themselves as one member of said apprentices, often making a cove or joining one with said apprentices and other Trueborn. In this coven or those close to it, they find a "favorite student", their term for lover, and do their best to make their time together as wonderful as they can though more often than not outliving them and needing to find a new partner after mourning. However if the relationship is broken before that and virginity has been given, and the bond by relationship and ritual, usually by Non-con sex or similar that they find pleasure in, their magical ability and connection to ambient arcane energy leaving them in a state similar to Starvation, dehydration, sleep deprevation, or withdrawal to be uncharitable. Understandably desperate to restore their reserves and connection, will lead to one of two results: either the ritual of a first time is recreated successfully, or a ritual half-baked and unqiue to each one but ends the same: Hagification or in lust dungeon born witch case, "going wicked". Gaining an inhuman skin color, commonly bright green but blues, red purples and whites have occurred, and some inhuman trait from animals and/or plants. Class and traits wise the Trueborn are a race geared to magic with high mana reserves, intelligence to use them and special sense attuned to the arcane, often sorceresses or wizards, sometimes more scholarly styled druids or Priestesses of Manata the Goddess of Magic and Knowledge and interestingly they can serve as the "patron" of a warlock either as a Trueborn or Hag, though the former is far more beneficial in deal making, and finally a rare few dare to take their talents down the martial path. Sexually they like ritualistically do it, and will use potions for lewd end, though with Trueborn keeping it sane and relatively safe while the Hag less so, but open for kinky stuff in general and try to be the dom, the result and true amount of doms among Trueborn being much fewer than the near 100% they claim, with the last curious bit because of a persistent rumor that it doesn't "count" against their need for virginity with their magic, a fascination with anal.

    Wicht: Felbloods, Hellspawn, Demons(which to be fair they can become), Hellion and more can be lobbed as insults and slurs to these people made from the dungeon and marginally more welcome than the random Dungeonborne and more organized. Native exclusively to the sin Dungeon, they appear mostly human, save for demonic looking horns of some sort and a birthmark on their face, neck and/or shoulder(s) that looked like a demonic runes, these people and their obvious demonic connection, especially to those who lurk on the lower floors of the dungeon. Forced into a nomadic life, akin to Romani,  and are generally an insular group. though if a true bond is struck make some of the most loyal comrades and lovers. Hardier than most, they serve excellently as warriors and their forced position racially does lend nicely to Roguish trades, with an unfortunate subcurrent of those seeking a demon contract to become a warlock if they don't have Fel magic that comes naturally to some of their kind. Sexually they more into BDSM-style generally, and perhaps some wax play. When corrupted by pleasure into a humanity they cling desperately too, they often corrupt into some manner of demon. Area around horns is an extra erogenous zone compared to others.

    Heavensent/ The Fallen: Believed to be descended the Heavens to aid the worthy on a mission from the Grand Pantheon to aid mortal-kind against Monsters, the first and eldest knowing that isn't exactly the truth but happy to take advantage of it to escape the dungeonborne species stigma, while the younger ones actually believe it. Native to all the virtue dungeons plus pride and lust, with both regarded with suspicion by their peers from the virtue dungeon regions. The winged humanoids that have at least feathers mixed in their hair in addition to the flight capable ones on their back, with a white, gold and blue color scheme, the fallen have a black, gray and red. Their intergral link to their faith often leads them to become Paladins or Priests/Priestesses, with a small selection of other classes, though Warlocks are only counted among the fallen. Sexually they try to present as vanilla as possible, and even any romances struck up more so by the will of the gods "even if [They've] grown quite fond of [their partner]", but in truth they get quite kinky with religous themes, sex on altars and BDSM-laced "Cleansing" and so on. An extra erogenous tone is the base and "spine" of the wings"

    Damsels: Almost a living treasure out of the dungeons, known to bring fortune and peril. Resembling Humans generally though other dungeonborne races are known to pop up, with the only way to differentiate between them and actual members of the respective species and Damsels are the three shackles they initially wear, one for each wrist and one around their neck, each with broken chains. A unique ability that makes it difficult to even tell if they were a maiden in the first place: when they find the hero of their fairytale romance, the shackles disentergrate and instinctively release a one time spell that alters reality, inserting them into the world as if they were always there, whether they be a daughter of a noble family, An Elven villager, A fair maiden, and far more. They also use this one time ability to try and establish a close connection to their lover, their "Hero" due to rescue nature is how it starts, Whether it be a simple damsel in distress to lover to A childhood friend with a crush or a incestuous sibling, or whatever they have the opportunity and best chance linking up to their hero, wiping their own memory to fit the new role in the process. Class wise, given how their nature, support types are the most common though notable frontline types like warriors do pop up time to time. Common culture for Damels really only amounts to an over-sized support nertwork helping eachother find heroes and avoid those who would have ill use for those that can seemingly attract rare artifacts and strong monster, not to mention provide powerful boons or martial skill. Sexually the only common thing is they try to match up to their "Hero's" tastes and have a love for intensity, no matter how much they deny it before going ahego. Beware as basically being potent monster bait is not the only danger they possess to humanity, for if they are sexually taken by another with no hope of rescue and give into the pleasure a Boss level monster, wether mini-boss all the way to floor and possibly dungeon master if rumors of a change of the guard down there are true, will be born.

    (Can bring in more details if needed)

    Asmodeus City:  The Urban Knights


    In the year 3040, humanity has made most of the earth...unwelcome to their kind. From the classic charred and polluted wastes to even deceptively verdant zxones. Instead, Humanity has packed itself into a few mega-cities, one of them is Asmodeous City, A city covered in lust and corruption, The city being in a constant tug of war between Mega-Corps, Criminal Organizations of various types, and The parts of the city government that still has something of its act together. This is not getting into the various smaller crime lords, gangs, solo actors and Mutant monstrosities making life hell in the city with constant raping and pillaging. So, a woman higher up in the social ladder, Has decided she has had enough. Using her resources and pull, created a vigilante Group that has become semi-sanctioned vigilante Group, The Urban Knights. The all female, or least very feminine, group is made up of various teas, one elite team is Squad 17, nicknamed the Thebian Band as each member was dating another one of their number, if not engaged/married. While discouraged officially is allowed to keep morale up and as many skilled hands to deal with the unending tide as possible. Time will tell if this call will ead to victory or the knights becoming a cautionary tale.


    Baseline Human- Simple, normal Humans trying to just get by. Fills most roles found in the Knights without too much issue.

    Aug. Humans- Humans who to survive  and thrive in this new era choose to replace portions of their body, whether just few pieces and parts to nearly the whole body, with cybernetics that enhance combat abilities, Intelligence, plain old durability and/or other factors that are very limited with default human design. Typically they either go frontline or digital offense. 

    Slave-Dolls -


    (can provide more details on request.)




    In the semi-distant future, after a steep population decline, Humanity started creating artificial humans to help deal with the issue. One of the result were Biological Dolls, or Bio-Dolls in polite company, or Slave-Girls as the more commonly used term. All women with hentai like body proportions, A crotch tattoo that looks like the heart and strings type. They also have hard wired need to sexually please their master or mistress, with the personality of "Yes Master~<3"so no laws need to be put in play to protect them, They are free to be sold, rented out, used however one pleases. Except, that isn't entirely true. They are indeed biologically wired to need someone to devote themselves to, Vulnerability to a special aphrodisal Drugs, and Sex playing a heavy-duty role in how they form and process romantic relationship, but they are not a living sex to in totality. Like any human they can develop their own sense of self, personality and identity that isn't just devoted to being a toy for their master. This is why the corps involved in their creation often employ heavy conditioning from the point they can even kind of think to make them like the pitch proposed. Like all things though, that conditioning can fail, either in the test tube or out in life. And before the sex can re-warp them, they logically want to escape to be free. This is the case for one where one young doll aged up to a young adult managed to break from the test tube and cable she was trapped in, and finding another in their teen years, grabbed her and ran, soon finding the Partner Path, an underground Railroad organization that tries to get these Dolls to territory either Corp or Govt owned that had some level of protection for them, that tried to get them to safety. Raid by corpo security on the transport cut them off mid-route, and blind panicked fleeing took them Right to YCs' place. Whether father and Son, older and younger brother, Mother Daughter, Older and younger sister, they gave the two dolls sanctuary, and from there, with some forged documentation, Love would bloom either in one family or two close ones.


    (can add more pairs)

    Saint of Lust


    Saint of Lust- In the world of Soulsta, Man walks among creatures both mundane and fantastic, some with neutral relations, some are outright hostile. All are ruled by Gods that hold domain over various races and aspects of life. One such Goddess, Luxuna whose domains are lust and passion, has been one of the more malignant gods, seeking to expand the power of her domain and happily uses her most ardent followers, mortal and monster, to do it, the devastation of the raping pillaging to civilization be damned. Of course heroes rise to the occasion to defeat the monsters and demon lords that were unleashed. Still, that didn't mean Luxuna was out of options, and created a sort of new race. Or a curse. The Lustborn, ritualistically created with the aid of monsters and/or cults these women often, with their natural affinity to sexual acts and lewd thoughts and the like, they shed their humanity and become powerful and feared warlords and solo-monsters. Yet, as Luxuna's sister, the goddess of Chasitity and Love Romanca, found love could help act as a counter-weight. And so, when a seeming  bastard daughter was left on the doorstep of a temple to The Chaste Goddess, One more of the Lustborn would be made into a potential time bomb. Always feeling out of place among her peers, She was at least respected for her strong divine magics, and with such potency and drive into healing and helping others, it was a matter of time before the, to those who knew her habit of sneaking off to "pray" or caught her with contraband literature's resistance, rumored saint candidate. would meet an adventurer, an aspiring hero well on their way. Thus the girl who's relationships were heavily intertwined with sex and the crotch tattoo-like birthmark out of another world's hentai and the adventurer she fell hard for would end in a passionate romance, at times adventurering together or meeting up at the village. And the rising Saint becoming the focus of rather unsavory forces...those who simply sexually want her to those who know and wants to awaken the darkness within she fears so much.


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