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  • The Basics

    I write in third person, past tense, novel style. Most people call that ‘literate’ I think, but the terminology doesn't seem universal. Primarily I am looking for long term stories, but I am open to short story and single scene ideas as well for a bit of fun or just as an icebreaker.

    For a long term story, the gender pairings for the main characters I am willing to do are Male and female, Male and Futa, futa and futa, or possibly female and female. I don't do female and female very often and I wouldn't say I'm very good at it.

    I am not a grammar nazi. Typos, spelling mistakes, and minor grammatical mistakes I mostly don't care about if you're otherwise a compelling writer.

    Some people like to use smut to plot ratios. I don't know that I care specifically about a ratio or anything like that. I've done stories that were two posts in before the smut started and others where it was over 50 posts in. If I really like the story or characters, I can work with a story that exists to drive lots of smut or a story where it happens on occasion.

    The actual writing I will do just about anywhere. My favored methods tend to be a PM thread or on a private discord server. I do prefer partners who are at least willing to chat and discuss on discord, but it isn't a requirement and I'm not going to pressure you. As long as you communicate effectively, I'm willing to work with most mediums.

    Depending on the average size of the post, I can respond everyday to every few days. I am not an instant response or ‘session’ type of roleplayer. As far as how often I would like you to post, I can be very patient as long as there is clear communication.

    Most stories I am interested in are sci-fi, fantasy, supernatural in nature, or have some of all the above elements. This isn't really a factor for single scenes or short stories. However, for a long term plot, I rarely go for purely realistic settings. However, I'm always open to hear ideas and I promise I will never be rude to you about them.

    While I have plot ideas below, my ideal partner is someone who is willing to also shape the story. I will probably tire quickly of someone who can't meaningfully contribute to the story or who only ever reacts. I actively encourage and am hoping for partners who bring their own ideas to mine and we can make something we both are excited about.

    While I try not to be too judgemental, any roleplay is some commitment of time and creative energy on both our parts. If you can't be bothered to write a meaningful, communicative first message, why would I think any more effort would go into your writing?


    Story Ideas


    Somewhere in the void, only accessible by invite, a city exists as the last place safe for witches to practice, elves to not have to cover their ears, demons to offer deals, and for Dragons to fly. The City of Eternal Night, Leereholm exists at a right angle to the real world, hidden from the earth now overrun with humans. As the humans grew in number, knowledge, and especially technology they slowly eliminated all non-humans, all the things they considered ‘monsters’. Fewer and fewer places on earth could be considered safe from them. Another option Was presented by an enigmatic and unusual Dragon, the master of Leereholm, Lord Arkhon.

    The city isn't just a place to escape the continued expansion of humans. Within the city, and with the blessing of one of the Mistresses of the Night Order, it is possible for any two species to breed while still creating a pure born of the preferred species. This magic alone has saved a dozen ‘monstrous’ species from certain extinction. With the world less friendly to monsters and fewer of them, Leereholm is also the last place many creatures can hope to find Doctors who can help them with their sicknesses and with the knowledge to prepare the right medicine. 

    Leereholm is no utopia though. To be allowed to live there requires contributing something to the city. The money of men means nothing in their bubble adjacent to the real world. One's place is earned by providing something. Food is difficult to grow in a city always cast in darkness, the monstrous population are still wild and unpredictable, and the business of running a city must be performed. Lord Arkhon has provided a home and the means for many to make a living, but he is not completely benevolent. Many seeking salvation or a new start who have nothing else to give are indentured as slaves. A capable body can always be put to work, whether it be cleaning the streets, repairing the infrastructure, carrying the spawn of monsters in need of a breeding womb, or even just being used as an object of pleasure for the elite and to keep the urges of the more Dangerous creatures in check.

    None seem to know how Arkhon came by his power and no other Dragon has ever had such magic. Exactly when the city appeared and how long Arkhon has ruled it are mysteries. Even the elite who have lived in the city for generations don't know how far it's history stretches. In all of the history anyone still remembers, Arkhon's control has been absolute. The Dragon himself is charismatic, charming, decadent, and shameless in his sexual Proclivity. Seeing the Lord in the nude requires only to walk into his Grand Hall at the right time of day where Mistresses of the Night Order, and often others, will be openly engaging in all manner of lustful acts. Which Acts are rewards and which are punishments isn't always so easy to say. 

    Leereholm is a last hope for many. Those who are willing can make a life there. The price of failure to be placed at the whims of the various monsters in charge, even possibly Lord Arkhon himself. 

    The Banished Prince


    The Draconian Kingdom has long been expelling any it considers of ‘inferior’ races. Only the ‘pure’ races such as Dragons and Elves are allowed to live within the safety of the walls and close to polite society. Every few years new purity rules are added and a fresh wave of banishment occurs. 

    A few years ago, all the males of your species were slain. You're the last leader of your people left. Your kind can breed so rapidly it was a threat, but without any males and your kind Considered the lowest of all species, your people's fate looks grim.

    Then one of the Princes of the Kingdom Approaches you. He's been banished and disowned by the royal family, apparently having been found breaking the newest purity laws. He's looking to take back what he feels was stolen From him. He offered to be the male to help your people survive and to change the laws if you agree to birth him an army to take back the Kingdom with.

    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments


    Still looking for a good partner


    Are you okay with male x male futa (intersex male)?

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