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  • "Have you been unlucky in the bedroom? Not a lover to be seen? Less action between your sheets then an Ayn Rand novel? Well what you need is Love Potion #9! That's right folks, the bonified, certified, one and only Love Potion #9! Guaranteed to get your love life a jumpin'! One tiny bottle will make you completely and totally irresistible; woo the ladies, make men swoon, put the lead in your pencil or get your motor running like never before! Some folks'll say, "But didn't Love Potion #8 cause violent mood swings in women and erectile malfunction leading to premature ejaculation in men?" And to those folks I say, duh stupid that's why we made a new one! Fuck learn numbers! 9 is one better then 8! So don't listen to the nay-sayers, buy your bottle today from your nearest wandering shop! Don't know where a wandering shop is? If you're hearing this ad, you've already stumbled into one!"

    So this is a bit more of a light hearted one, basically YC tries this potion to improve her (yes I'm looking for female partners only) love life, hoping to get the guy of her dreams. What she doesn't realize is the potion doesn't work that way, it attracts the first guy she see's and puts them both into a maddening lust fueled frenzy, forcing them to have sex until the potion wears off. This is where the fun bit happens, the guy could be anyone. Some rando off the street, her rival, a family member, the possibilities are endless.

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