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  • Hello! I'm looking for a fantasy roleplay, ideally. But I can definitely be persuaded by a compelling idea for a different setting~! 

    My "premade" ideas, go as follows:

    1. Cart/Carriage Caravan~! My character, a bard, is trying to save up money to start up a freight/carriage service. By some circumstance we could work out, (one night stand turns to more in the morning, perhaps your character approaches mine as an investor, or if you'd like a more slow burn relationship, maybe your character just started working at the tavern, and gets to know mine from/between his songs~) one way or the other, we'd become partners. 

    2. Your character is royalty on the run, trying to escape either an arranged marriage, or just the boring life of opulence. You wind up in the back of my character's carriage, and instead of turning yours in when he discovers you, he keeps you with him. Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't know who you are, but regardless, as he teaches you the ropes of his trade, it would develop to one steamy night of passion~ If you're looking for a more smutty version, of course, he could be a bit more demanding of... "Payment" for the lessons~ But the basic intention is slower burn~

    3. My character is a slave trader. He never wanted this profession, and honestly hates it. Perhaps your character is freshly brought to him after being stolen from their lands, or perhaps they've already endured trauma before they'd meet. Regardless, his conscious finally getting the better of him through his feelings toward your character, he'd either free, or buy you himself. Consider this a form of "therapy rp," if you'd like, with any sexual content strictly consensual.

    4. My character, a noble or royalty, falls for a servant. Depending, they may get caught fairly quickly, or they may go unnoticed for a long time. But when they would finally wind up caught, he would sacrifice his station, saving face for his family, and them from punishment. Exiled, he'd begin working to support them, and their potential family.

    (Smut Options, for Those Impatient)

    5. My character frequents a brothel, but only ever partakes in the drinks... Until he meets your character~ Guaranteed quick fun, with the added bonus of potential for longterm~

    6. My character is a retired adventurer, who is said to have been given a blessing by the Gods, during his hayday. Could be whatever you want, but to share the effects of it, he'd need to fuck~ I figured something almost ironic, like fertility, or finding true love~ But that's just me~

    7. The hero... Has fallen. This would lean towards dub/noncon, where my character plays the fallen hero, corrupted by the temptations of the demon queen. Could be femdom, if you want to play the demon queen~ But otherwise, he's corrupting others accross the land, a living icon of sexual corruption.

    8. Your character works at a hotspring, so they see a LOT everyday~ But my character is the first one bold enough to actually ask for "services" in a private hotspring~ Or, perhaps, you simply catch him mid stroke as you were bringing over towels, and decide you're tired of just watching people's fun~ Could also be in the public baths, if you're into that~

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