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  • [M4F/Gm] The Demon queen won before the hero was even born and now she has caputure this 19 year old hero days before his power bloomed to corrupt him

    • EcchiText Me! Looking

    There have been two rules to this world a demon king or queen is always born the moment the former dies and a hero is always the force born to stop them. This era's hero was a rather...lacking boy in all regards from stature to strength while the demon queen was a tall powerful woman with endowments only given to gods. She capture this lackluster opposite of her's and was disappointed having been without a challenge in her time alive so she is gonna train him in all regards as to give her both a lover and a rival. She shall first bring out all the masculinity and power he was for some odd reason lacking while brewing his hate and disgust for her and move on from there before shipping him across the world to find her again.

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